From Fr. Jim

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15

The Preface for today’s solemnity proclaims in part: “For today the Virgin Mother of God was assumed into heaven as the beginning and image of your Church’s coming to perfection and a sign of sure hope and comfort to your pilgrim people.” (emphasis mine) Declared a dogma by Pope Pius XII only in 1950, the celebration of the Assumption has been observed on August 15 since the middle of the fifth century. Marian feasts parallel the feasts of the Son of God, whom she bored. Our belief that Mary was taken up into heaven whole and entire, without decay, is an expression of our belief that her resurrection has already taken place. Thus, the celebration of Mary’s Assumption is a kind of “Easter Feast.” We hope to follow where she has gone, and thus our Preface calls her Assumption that sign of sure hope and comfort to us, God’s pilgrim people. The Eastern Church refers to this feast as the Nataleor Domitio, that is, falling-asleep of Mary. Because the Assumption falls on a Monday this year, it is not a Holy Day of Obligation in the United States. However, it is still what I like to call a Holy Day of Observation. If you can join us at the 8:30 am Mass, please do. If not, find another way to honor this Solemnity: read and discuss the readings for the day, pray the Rosary, sing your favorite Marian hymn, and pray for all of our departed sisters and brothers.

Pope Francis Year of Mercy Quote of the Week
God’s prophet, Jeremiah, faces opposition. Jesus tells us he has come to set the earth on fire and then speaks about the division that can come from following him. The words of Pope Francis remind us: “Jesus predicts that his disciples will have to suffer painful trials and persecution for his sake. He reassures them, however, saying: “Not a hair of your head will perish” (Lk 21:18). This reminds us that we are completely in God’s hands! The trials we encounter for our faith and our commitment to the Gospel are occasions to give witness; we must not distance ourselves from the Lord, but instead abandon ourselves even more to him, to the power of his Spirit and his grace.” (Angelus, November 17, 2013) There is a cost to following Jesus, but the cost can lead to deep peace. So, as today’s second reading encourages: “Persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith."

We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:

Geraldine Doyle

Mary Jane Knight

Walter Charles Mack

Mary Smith

John Joe Wohner

We extend a warm welcome to our new parishioners:

Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Rosa Guertin and Family

Mr. John Guertin

Plans are underway to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Catholic education on Bow Street! If you are interested in helping to plan, please contact us at 410-398-1100! So far, the committee has worked on the following activities:

Friday, September 9

  • Wine & Cheese Social at State Line Liquors 7:00pm

Saturday, September 10

  • ICS Open House (time T.B.D.)
  • Mass celebrated by Bishop Malooly 5:00 pm
  • Reception to follow Mass in the gym

Sunday, September 11

  • Coffee & Donuts following 10:15 Mass at ICC

A letter from Very Reverend James Greenfield, OSFS: THANK YOU for your generosity in supporting the ministries of the Oblates through the Annual Appeal which you completed in April. While we are still receiving donations, we are encouraged by your response. To date, we have received over $3,260,00! Our gratitude is vast!! Your generous gift enables us to continue our work and advance the mission that has brought peace, consolation, and joy to countless women, men, and young people through the years. From our support of inner-city Catholic education and social services to the poor in urban areas to caring for our retired and infirm Oblates with a respectful dignity and providing for the education and formation of seminarians, we are proud that you are partners in the ministry with us. I enjoyed visiting your parish for the Lenten mission. What’s more, I admire your appreciation for the Oblates who have served you at Immaculate Conception, especially Fr. Jim Yeakel, Fr. Paul Colloton, and Fr. Frank Blood. I pray that their leadership will continue to help your community grow committed to living Jesus in the example of St. Francis de Sales.

August 15, 2016The Assumption of the Virgin Mary

8:30 AMJohn Reddish (Living Intention)

August16, 2016 St. Stephen of Hungary

8:30 AMJohn & Laura McCarthy

August17, 2016

8:30 AMRobert Donnigan

August18, 2016

8:30 AMHelen Onrubia

August19, 2016 St. John Eudes, Priest

8:30 AMJoseph Ho Duc Lich

August20, 2016 St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church

8:30 AMAlicia Schweizer

5:00 PMTony Sniadowski

August21, 201621stSunday in Ordinary Time

7:00 AMBarbara Criscuolo

8:30 AMCatherine Lobermann

9:00 AM SJMargaret Drew

10:15 AMAna Gerena

12:00 PMPeople of the Parish


Readings for next week:21stSunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 66:18-21

Isaiah portrays a time when people from many nations will gather in Jerusalem and proclaim God's glory. God's messengers will teach many nations about God. Just as the Israelites bring offerings, these messengers will bring people from all nations to worship.

Second Reading: Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13

The Hebrews are told that God disciplines those he loves. When a parent disciplines a child, the child usually learns what is expected of him. The Hebrews are encouraged to face life's trials as a form of discipline, and attempt to learn something from them.

Gospel: Luke 13:22-30

Jesus warns that the door to God's kingdom will be locked for those who ignored his wishes. Many people will come from all nations and take their place in God's kingdom. Others will not be recognized by God, he will reject them

Daily Readings: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53


Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16, 16:1-2; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28

Day: Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56


Ez 28:1-10; Mt 19:23-30


Ez 34:1-11; Mt 20:1-16


Ez 36:23-28; Mt 22:1-14


Ez 37:1-14; Mt 22:34-40


Ez 43:1-7a; Mt 23:1-12

A new RCIA program begins in September. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiations of Adults) is the process in which unbaptized and baptized Christians become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation receive those sacraments. Do you feel God calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him? If so, please call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to learn more about this process and set up a meeting with Mrs. Pat Kosman, the RCIA Coordinator. RCIA is a wonderful way to have a greater understanding of the Catholic faith and become closer to God as well.

Direction of Intention:

You might consider taping the prayer to your mirror, placing it on your refrigerator or even on the dashboard of your car, as a reminder to pray it each day.

My God, give me the grace to perform this action

with you and through love for you.

In advance, I offer to you all the good that I may do

and accept all the difficulty I may meet therein.

Adoration for VocationsThe parish has Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of the month of 2016 in association with the Year of Mercy. Those who come to pray for vocations are encouraged to come pray for vocations during the first Friday exposition. Any questions please call Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368.

42nd Annual Christmas Bazaar

November 12-13, 2016

“An Irish Christmas”

The Christmas bazaar is just 3 ½ months away!The Committee is busy planning another fun-filled event! Please check this column in the bulletin each week to find out how you can help.

Invitation to all the creative parishioners of ICC! We are asking for any craft itemsfor the Religious Goods booth! If your creations fit the Religious Goods category, please consider donating your talents for the benefit of ICC. Some ideas are prayer shawls, pottery thankfulness jars, Christmas, friendship, or blessing cards, or rosary bracelets would be perfect! If this has you thinking of items to donate, contact Diane Cattrell at .

We need donations for theme baskets and silent auctions. If you have items to donate, please contact Gail Jusiewicz or 302-547-2777.

The next Christmas bazaar committee meeting will be Tuesday, August 23at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Please join us if you'd like to help plan the bazaar. If you have any questions, please contact Terry Gustafson , or 443-553-2324..

For more information or to volunteer please call the office at 410-398-1100. Thank you!!

Pregnant? Have a Newborn? Does your child need to be Baptized? You’re Invited! Baptism Classes are held: August 15, 2016, Sept. 19, 2016 and Jan. 9, March 20, May 15 and August 21, 2017. All classes are on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM in our Parish Center. It’s never too early to take the class and prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required to take part and Godparents are encouraged to take part in these classes. Please contact the Parish Office in advance to register for the Baptism Preparation Class and to arrange the date of Baptism during Mass or at 1:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at IC and at 10:30 am on the 3rd Sunday at SJ. Call 410-398-1100 for information or to register

Faith Formation

Immaculate Conception School News

God’s blessings on everyone through the summer!

As we make preparations for the coming school year, we have identified a need with which perhaps you can help. The school is in need of six 32” flat-screen TVs to replace existing equipment. Any donation you can make is tax deductible. Thank you for your help with this!

The school office will be open throughout the summer.The hours will be 9:00 - 1:00. We will resume full hours the week of August 15. Feel free to email, phone, or stop in over the summer. If you need to reach the school, please call 410-398-2636. You may also email the staff member you need, we will respond as quickly as possible. For the secretary: ; for the principal: . Teachers are not required to check email during the summer, so if there is a timely request, send your email to one of the above addresses.

Please look for the notice about the upcoming anniversary for the school! 60 years of Catholic education on Bow Street is quite an accomplishment! We’re hoping that all alumni and friends of ICS will join in the celebration at some point that weekend.

There is still time to enroll your child in our school for the next school year. If you have any questions about our school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636.

Faith Formation

Religious Education & Sacraments

Gr. K-8 Classes for this year are beginning on:Sunday, September 11th & Wednesday, September 14th.Letters have been sent to all registered families concerning the opening session.

Note: If you have a child who needs to register for our parish religious education programs, you must do it now before classes start!

Go to the parish website and on the side bar you will find the link for registration 2016-2017 Contact the religion office to receive a hard copy.

Financial Concerns?Contact the Religion Office. No one is to be denied religious education

REMINDER: A child must have attended 1st grade Rel. Ed and be enrolled in 2nd grade to receive First communion; A student must have completed 7th & 8th gr. Rel. Ed to enroll in the Confirmation program.

Contact the Religion Office with any questions.

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming year!An An assistant is needed for the Wednesday evening program: 6:15-7:45pm for Grade 1. Contact Sr. Grace at 410-392-3551 or for more information.


A meeting for Gr. K-6 Catechists and Assistants will be held on Thursday, Aug. 18th at 6:30pm in the Parish Center Library.


Letters are being sent to families of children in grades 2 and above who are enrolled in a parish religious education program, ICS, or Mt. Aviat who are eligible to participate in this program. The Parent Orientation Gathering will be held on Monday, September 26th at 6:30pm in Church.At that time the program will be explained and materials distributed. Contact the religion office at 410-392-3551 with any questions.

Youth Ministry & Confirmation

High School (9th-12th) and college-age young adults, are invited to join youth group, Sunday night in the Parish Center from 6-8pm.

7thIce Breakers and Fun
14thIC Youth Olympics
21stCatholic Kick Ball
28thTeam Building Activities

Parents and Parishioners:

Please feel free to donate some soda in cans or small water bottles for our teens on Sunday nights. Pizza gift cards are welcome, too! Thanks.

Adult Education

Interested in a study group?Several opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 for moreinformation.

Adult Enrichment Program to Begin in the Fall:

Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come.

Are you registered to attend???This 11 week Bible Study will be offered on:

Mondays: 6:30-8:30pm and repeated on Tuesdays: 9:15-11:15am in the Parish Center beginning Sept. 12th & 13th. Registration Form can be downloaded from Parish Website or pick one up in the Parish Center. **Participant books need to be ordered this week. Register so that we will have sufficient materials. Call Sr. Grace at 410-392-3551 with any questions.

Part Two of the Bible Timeline Great Adventure will resume on Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 9:15am in the Parish Center. Classes will again be held every other week. Topic for 1st session is: Divided Kingdom Pt 2

Don’t forget to visit our Parish Website for the Weekly Scripture Puzzles and other resources.

Social Concerns

Outreach: We are running very lowon food and we are getting extremely concerned about how to help our community through summer!We are in need ofbeef ravioli, canned vegetables, tomato products, rice, pasta, soap, toiletries, and diapers sizes 1, 5, & 6. Thank you! We are very grateful to all those who support this essential ministry, both materially and in their prayers. Please continue to help those in need by donating goods or to the poor boxes.

Community Kitchen: Our annual summer gala was another huge success thanks to each of you! Our menu of Sloppy Joes, hot dogs, pasta salad, 7-bean salad, watermelons and dessert brought big smiles to those we served (leftovers were brought to the Men's Shelter.) Due to the cash donated we celebrated National Ice Cream Month by serving ice cream sandwiches for the first time! For each of you who support us in so many ways by faithful service, donations and prayer - thank you! For those first-timers, thank you for bringing your willingness to try a new ministry with such a joyful spirit. We extend our prayers to all our parish family and friends for a safe and fun-filled summer and we look forward to our next service date on Friday, October 28.

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee:Join us for Parish CoffeeSunday,

September 4thafter the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.

Until we have a Parish & Family life chair, coffee and doughnuts at ICC are suspended. If youwould like to volunteer, please contact the office!

Parish Events / Information

Sunday, August14

8:20 AMConfessions – SJ

1:30 PMBaptisms - IC

6:00 PMHS Gathering - PC

Monday, August15

9:00 AMNovena – CH

5:30 PMVolleyball - gym

7:00 PMBaptism class - PC

8:00 PMAA Mtg - Caf

Tuesday, August16

9:00 AMHoly Hour – CH

5:30 PMVolleyball - gym

6:30 PMHandbell Rehearsal - IC

7:30 PMContemporary Rehearsal -IC

Wednesday, August17

9:00 AMRosary Crusade/St Jude Novena – CH

9:30 AMCantor Rehearsal - IC

3:45 PMChildren’s Choir - IC

5:30 PMVolleyball - gym

Thursday, August18

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

11:00 AMGenesis Nursing Home Mass

5:30 PMVolleyball - gym

6:00 PMBoy Scouts - Caf

6:30 PMCatechist Meeting - PC

6:30 PMCantor Rehearsal - IC

7:00 PMParish Choir Rehearsal - IC

Friday, August19

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

Saturday, August20

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

4:15 PMConfessions - IC

7:00 PMNA - Caf

School Supply Shelf

Thank you for the generous donations to this year’s School Supply Shelf! We were open the past two weeks, and we feel fortunate to have been able to help so many families in our community. A special thank you to all of the families from Immaculate Conception School who packed up countless supplies and helped distribute them to those in need.

CYM FALL SPORTS :Catholic Youth Ministry is holding registration for the 2016 fall sport season for students entering 4th-8th grade. Fall sports include Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Soccer and Volleyball. For more information, please visit

Calling all soccer players!!Incoming 4th- 8th grade boys and girls we want YOU for the Hawks JV and Varsity teams! Our mission is to enable players to develop mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially into athletes who excel both on and off the field. If you are interested, please email . Include name, grade, and contact information. Thank you!

Knights of Columbus will be selling BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, and cole slaw for $10 a plate after the 10:15 noon masses on August 28th. Please help the Knights of Columbus support our parish and community! Thank you!


We will be reading and sharing on Henri J. M.Nouwen’s book “Reaching Out”in the Parish Center on Tuesday mornings from 9:15am-11:15am for six weeks beginning Sept. 13. Cost is $10.00. If interested, contact Mary Ann Hopkins at 443-553-4604 or lease sign-up early so we know how many books to order.

Amazon Smile: You shop, Amazon gives! Shop today at scroll down to select Immaculate Conception, Elkton, MD and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase total to Immaculate Conception! Happy Shopping!