MCB 160 Fall 2006
Midterm 2 Review Topics
- Audition
- Anatomy of the inner ear/hair cells
- Shape of basilar membrane: frequency tuning
- Function of inner hair cells vs. outer hair cells
- Hair bundle: group of cilia connected by tip links
- Signal transduction
- Movement of cilia K+ influx from endolymphdepolarization
- VGCCs and Ca++ activated K+ channels in cell body: increased tuning specificity
- Tonotopic map in cochlear nucleus
- Olfaction
- Anatomy of the olfactory epithelium/olfactory bulb
- Coding of scents
- Each cell expresses one receptor type
- One odor activates multiple receptors
- All cells expressing one receptor send their axons to a common glomeruli
- Signal transduction
- Odorant receptors = GPCRs
- Binding of odorant increased [cAMP], opening of cAMP gated ion channels, depolarization
- Vision: Signal Transduction in the Retina
- Anatomy of the eye/retina
- Rods vs. cones
- Dark current
- PRs are depolarized in the dark, hyperpolarize in response to light (graded response)
- Current flows into outer segment, out of inner segment
- Signal transduction pathway: lightclosing of cGMP gated channels, hyperpolarization
- Turning signal off: rhodopsin kinase (fast), dissociation of all-trans retinal (slow)
- Adaptation/Desensitization: 3 calcium-sensitive mechanisms
- Vision: Processing in the Retina
- Receptive fields
- Convergent and divergent processing
- Center/surround organization of on and off bipolar cells/RGCs
- Lateral inhibition by horizontal cells
- Vision: Processing in the LGN/Primary Cortex
- Separation of info from right/left visual fields at optic chiasm
- Segregation of inputs into different layers of the LGN (magno/parvocellular, ipsi/contralateral)
- Receptive fields of LGN cells: similar to RGCs
- Neurons from LGN project to layer 4 of primary cortex
- Simple/complex cell receptive fields in cortex
- Ocular dominance columns, ‘pinwheel’ of orientation selectivity
- Development: Neurulation
- Blastula/gastrula anatomy
- Formation of neural tube, neural crest
- Dorsal lip (organizer) induces neurulation
- TGFβ/BMP signaling: promotes epidermal fate
- Noggin: binds BMP, allows cells to adapt default neural state
- Threshold: smooth signal gradient distinct cell fates
- Development: Polarity
- Dorsal/ventral spinal cord polarity
- Notochord secretes sonic hedgehog: induces ventral cell fates, inhibits dorsal cell fates
- BMP induces dorsal cell fates and inhibits ventral cell fates
- Anterior/posterior polarity
- Anterior/posterior divisions:
- Prosencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon
- Telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
- Homeotic genes (Drosophila), Hox genes (vertebrates)
- Encode transcription factors
- position on chromosome correlates to expression
- combo of Hox genes expressed determines cell fate
- Development: Cortex
- 3 zones of immature cortex: cortical plate, intermediate zone, ventricular zone
- Techniques: birthdating and lineage tracing
- Layers established sequentially: inside out
- Evidence supporting instructional model of establishing layer-specific fates
- Development: Cell Specification and Neurotrophins
- Fate determination of neural crest derivative cells: fate determined by target-derived factors
- Apoptosis vs. necrotic death
- Neurotrophic factors
- Chick limb experiment
- Neurotrophin family: BDNF, NGF, NT3, NT4/5
- Neurotrophin receptors: trk A, B, C