Assessment Plan Template
Program Workforce Education and Development – Undergraduate Program
Assessment Coordinator for the program Sterling Saddler
Department(s) or Interdisciplinary Council Responsible for the Program Ed Leadership______
Five-Year Implementation Dates (2004-2005 to 2009-2010) _
Is this program accredited by an external organization? No __ X__Yes and the organization is NCATE.
NOTE: The program may submit the most recent self study assessment documents/information in substitution for this plan.
1. Student Learning Outcomes for the program. List the Student Learning Outcomes for the program.
To help us meet the needs of a “Changing Educational Context” the Workforce Education and Development program adheres to the College of Education’s (COE) 10 principles that have been adapted from INTASC. These principles are consistent with the nationally recognized Vocational Education Standards for National Board Certification (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 1997). These principles present a common core of knowledge, dispositions, and skill performance that will provide graduates the opportunity to carry out the entry-level teachers’ roles that are necessary to create high performing educational environments that focus on the core of teaching and learning. The principles are highly correlated with the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Curriculum Guidelines for school instruction and administration.
1. Principle 1 (Content Knowledge): The COE graduate understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of content meaningful.
2. Principle 2 (Individual Development): The COE graduate understands how individuals learn and develop and provides opportunities that support intellectual, career, social, and personal development.
3. Principle 3 (Diverse Learners): The COE graduate understands how individuals differ in their approaches to
Learning and creates opportunities that are equitable and adaptable to diverse learners.
4. Principle 4 (Planning Processes): The COE graduate understands planning processes based upon knowledge of content, learner characteristics, the community, and curriculum goals and standards.
5. Principle 5 (Strategies and Methods): The COE graduate understands and promotes a variety of strategies and methods and encourages the development of critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and performance skills.
6. Principle 6 (Learning Environments): The COE graduate understands individual and group motivation and behavior and creates a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
7. Principle 7 (Communication): The COE graduate understands effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques and other forms of symbolic representation and fosters active inquiry, collaboration, and supporting interactions.
8. Principle 8 (Assessments): The COE graduate understands and promotes formal and informal assessment strategies and evaluates the learner’s continuous intellectual, social, and physical development.
9. Principle 9 (Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships): The COE graduate understands and fosters ethical relationships with parents, school colleagues, and organizations in the larger community to support the individual’s learning development.
10. Principle 10 (Reflection and Professional Development): The COE graduate is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of choices and actions on students, adults, parents, and other professionals in the learning community, and who actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally.
2. Curriculum Alignment of Student Learning Outcomes. Where is the information introduced, enriched, and/or reinforced in the courses required in the program?
Department of Educational Leadership, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
AREA: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: The COE graduate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of content meaningful.
/ DEPARTMENT STANDARDS / EVIDENCE: Performance Data, Experiences, & Courses1. CONTENT KNOWLEDGE
The COE graduate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of content meaningful. / COURSES / PERFORMANCE DATA/EXPERIENCE / PAGE NUMBER
1.1 The Workforce Education & Development graduates demonstrate knowledge of workplace skills found in their industry. / Knowledge
1.1.K.1. Have an understanding of technology in their field.
1.1. K.2. Display an understanding of the skills, knowledge and attitudes required for their specific industry/occupation.
1.1. D.1. Realize the importance of mirroring industry processes within the occupational education program.
1.1. P.1. Can use the terminology, machinery, tools, and materials that mirror industry processes within their occupational education program. / Transfer
EDW 135
EDW 290
EDW 430
EDW 440
EDW 475
EDW 477
EDW 497 / Experimental Learning Portfolios & class discussions.
Program/Course of Study Projects, individual interviews, site visits, weekly quizzes and portfolios.
Cooperative work experience projects, project-based learning, work experience externships &
Training program development
1.2 The Workforce Education & Development graduates demonstrate knowledge of the general skills and processes found in all industries and career clusters. / Knowledge
1.2. K.1. Know the history, development and major achievements of their industry,
1.2. K.2. Are aware of the trends of business, industry, crafts, and trades, including the types of equipment in use, as well as the career paths available to students and the training needed at various levels.
1.2. K.3. Understand the inter-relatedness of social, organizational, and technological systems within a particular industry.
1.2. K.4. Understand applicable local, state, and federal policies and regulations as well as professional ethics of the community at large.
1.2. D.1. Are sensitive to the job-readiness needs of their students and the entry-level requirements of their particular industries.
1.2. P.1. Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the general skills and processes found in program-related industries and career clusters
. / EDW 135
EDW 290
EDW 430
EDW 452
EDW 475
EDW 477 / SCANS Report
Class discussions, presentations, interviews & exams.
Cooperative work experience projects.
Portfolios, lesson plan preparations & teaching (supervised).
1 .3 The Workforce Education & Development graduates demonstrate knowledge of occupational and academic integration. / Knowledge
1.3. K.1. Possess a core of academic knowledge (i.e., language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science) necessary to create learning experiences for students.
1.3. K.2. Know the importance of integrating academic skills with applied techniques.
1.3. D.2. Place high value on integrating academic and occupational skills.
1.3. P.1. Can integrate vocational with academic content.
1.3.P.2. Create projects or activities that naturally require students to draw on knowledge and skills from several disciplines. / University Core
EDW 290
EDW 409
EDW 430
EDW 452
EDW 475 / 2.75 GPA for Admittance to program
Lesson Plans
Class discussion, reports, curriculum development, group activities, lesson plan development, lectures & teaching (supervised).
AREA II: INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT: The COE graduate understands how individuals learn and develop and provides opportunities that support intellectual, career, social, and personal development.
The COE graduate understands how individuals learn and develop and provides opportunities that support intellectual, career, social, and personal development. / COURSES / PERFORMANCE DATA/
2.1 The Workforce Education & Development graduates are dedicated to all students and demonstrate knowledge of learners in the instructional process. / Knowledge
2.1. K.1. Are familiar with a variety of motivational techniques.
2.1. K.2. Understand strategies appropriate for various learner needs and learning styles.
2.1. K.3. Understand the influence of students’ strengths, interests, culture, prior learning experience, and background that shape classroom behavior.
2.1. K.4. Identify legal and administrative support services available for exceptional needs learners.
2.1. D.1. Are sensitive to the learners' backgrounds, environments, various skills, talents, and interests.2.1. D.2. Have empathy for all learners.
2.1. D.3. Believe all learners can be successful.
2.1. D.4. Believe that each student’s learning needs are different.
2.1. D.5. Understand the need for student recognition.
2.1. P.1. Identify learner needs and learning styles.2.1. P.2. Identify the culture and diversity of his/her students.
2.1. P.3. Design learning processes utilizing learning styles, learner interests, and aptitude assessment data.
2.1. P.4. Where possible, adapt instruction and equipment for special needs students, or work with colleagues to seek equivalent learning opportunities or more appropriate learning experiences. / ICG 280
EDW 290
EDW 409
EDW 452
EDW 475
EPY 451
ESP 200
ESP 492 / Class Discussion
Class discussions / projects, text materials, guests seminar, curriculum development & tests.
Lesson plan development & supervised teaching.
2.2 The Workforce Education & Development graduates help students with career decision-making. / Knowledge
2.2. K.1. Understand the process of acquiring a craft, the bases of different industries, and the process of exploring a career and planning for the future.
2.2. K.2. Understand the external factors that may influence students in career decision-making.
2.2. D.1. See their role, in part, as serving as a career counselor to their students.2.2. D.2. Understand their important role in helping students transition from school to work or further education.
2.2. D.3. Are sensitive to the external factors that may influence students in career decision-making.
2.2. D.4. Believe that career awareness is important at all levels.
2.2. P.1. Provide career exploration activities for their students.2.2. P.2. Collaborate with colleagues and counselors concerning educational options and career paths.
2.2. P.3. Work with individual students to find a good match between interest and ability, exposing students to a wide variety of careers and choices.
2.2. P.4. Encourage students to think expansively and deeply concerning career choices. / EDW 290
EDW 430
EDW 475
EDW 497 / Community Needs Assessment
Individual & group interviews, class discussions, presentations, assigned readings & weekly quizzes.
Interview with teachers, externships, site visits & field trips.
WEBCT discussions.
2.3 The Workforce Education & Development graduates help students develop an appreciation for balanced life roles. / Knowledge
2.2. K.1. Understand the relationships of work and personal life.
2.3. K.2. Understand the impact of personal interactions.
2.3. D.1. Are sensitive to personal and workplace interactions.2.3. D.2. Believe students need to learn to manage their personal and daily lives.
2.3. P.1. Prepare learners to cope with competing demands between work and personal life.2.3. P.2. Help prepare students to manage their personal and daily lives. / EDW 135
EDW 290
EDW 430
EDW 477
EDW 497 / Portfolios, group projects, class discussions, assigned readings, externships & guest lectures.
WEBCT discussions.
AREA III. DIVERSE LEARNERS: The COE graduate understands how individuals differ in their approaches to learning and creates opportunities that are equitable and adaptable to diverse learners.
The COE graduate understands how individuals differ in their approaches to learning and creates opportunities that are equitable and adaptable to diverse learners. / COURSES / PERFORMANCE DATA/EXPERIENCE / PAGE NUMBER
3.1 The Workforce Education & Development graduates create learning environments where equity, fairness and diversity are modeled taught and practiced. / Knowledge
3.1. K.1. Are aware of issues relative to diversity in the classroom.
3.1. K.2. Understand that a diversity of backgrounds often means a diversity of skills in the classroom.
3.1. K.3. Recognize cultural diversity.
3.1. K.4. Understand and recognize diverse learning styles.
3.1. D.1. Strive to ensure that, regardless of an individual’s background, all are treated with fairness and respect.
3.1. D.2. Hold high expectations that their students will treat each other fairly and with dignity.
3.1. D.3. Realize that a variety of resources should be used to accommodate diverse learning styles.
3.1. P.1. Model and promote behavior necessary for a multicultural society.
3.1. P.2. Provide opportunities for students to share and discuss their own backgrounds.
3.1. P.3. Provide opportunities for students to work to their own strengths as well as learn from those whose strengths are different. / ICG 280
EDW 290
EDW 430
EDW 440
EDW 497 / Class discussions
Text: How Adults Learn by Knowles, scenarios, assigned readings, presentations & lesson plan development.
3.2 The Workforce Education & Development graduates prepare students for the diversity of the workplace.
/ Knowledge3.2. K.1. Understand the attitudes and behaviors concerning diversity that are likely to bring students success in the world of work.
3.2. D.1. Value the development of the whole worker who understands resource management and inter-relatedness of social, organizational, and technological systems with a particular industry.
3.2. P.1. Prepare their students with skills to work on teams, with attention to issues of diversity.
3.2. P.2. Utilize diversity within the community as speakers or in workplace experiences.
3.2. P.3. Help students understand legislation and policies relative to the workplace, like sexual harassment and affirmative action.
3.2. P.4. Are willing to respond directly to challenges, emphasizing the importance of equality, fairness and respect for others in the community and workplace. / ICG 280
EDW 290
EDW 430
EDW 497 / Curriculum projects, group discussions/readings, presentations. Externships & group exercises.
WEBCT discussions.
3.3 The Workforce Education & Development graduates ensure access to quality vocational learning. / Knowledge
3.3. K.1. Possess a historical perspective regarding barriers to quality education in the past.
3.3. D.1. Seek to ensure that quality educational programs are available
to all.
3.3. P.1. Select and or develop non-biased textbooks, learning materials, recruitment brochures, etc. / ICG 280
EDW 290
EDW 430
AREA IV. PLANNING PROCESSES: The COE graduate understands planning processes based upon knowledge of content, learner characteristics, the community, and curriculum goals and standards.
The COE graduate understands planning processes based upon knowledge of content, learner characteristics, the community, and curriculum goals and standards. / COURSES / PERFORMANCE DATA/
4.1 The Workforce Education & Development graduates manage the classroom efficiently. / Knowledge
4.1. K.1. Understand the concepts and processes of a well-managed classroom.
4.1. K.2. Understand instructional strategies and methods that develop a sense of community in the classroom and validate positive, constructive behavior.
4.1. K.3. Possess acquired skills in organization and time management.
4.1. D.1. Believe in classroom efficiency.
4.1. P.1. Organize their classrooms around the principles of high performance workplaces.
4.1. P.2. Demonstrate time management skills, organizational skills, individual instruction, stress management, and the ability to manage the classroom environment.
4.1. P.3. Create successful learning environments that include positive reinforcements for effective work and study habits.
4.1. P.4. Model and communicate clear expectations of classroom policies and behavior.
4.1. P.5. Anticipate and deal with student disruptions/misbehavior expeditiously and fairly. / EDW 135
EDW 409
EDW 430
EDW 452
EDW 477
EDW 497 / Class discussions, lesson plans; Instructional Program Project, supervised teaching & portfolios.
SCANS discussion in class & WEBCT.
4.2 The Workforce Education & Development graduates help students develop employability skills. / Knowledge
4.2. K.1. Understand the need for students to develop employability skills along with technical skills.
4.2. K.2. Understand the need for students to be able to conceptualize, problem-solve, and think creatively and make decisions.
4.2. K.3. Understand workplace skills necessary for resource management (time, money, materials, and human).
4.2. K.4. Understand basic employability skills and attitudes (interpersonal, critical thinking, communication, mathematical, science concepts, technological) necessary for successful employment and life.
4.2. K.5. Understand that students need help to develop responsibility, self-confidence, social skills, and integrity.
4.2. K.6. Know that students who work collaboratively stand a greater chance for success in the workplace.
4.2. D.1. Believe that appropriate employability skills must be developed to ensure success in the workplace.
4.4. D.2. Recognize the need for higher level thinking skills.
4.2. P.1. Design activities for students to develop employability skills along with technical skills.
4.2. P.2. Design projects, assignments, etc., that develop students’ thinking skills.
4.2. P.3. Use cooperative and collaborative activities.
4.2. P.4. Provide activities for students to develop the skills and knowledge required in the occupation.
4.2. P.5. Use instructional strategies that help students develop basic employability skills and attitudes.
4.2. P.6. Provide opportunities for
students to investigate and understand positive workplace behaviors. / EDW 290
EDW 409
EDW 430
EDW 452 or
EDW 454
EDW 497 / SCANS Report
Class discussions, WEBCT postings, training program development & externship experiences.
4.3 The Workforce Education & Development graduates can reconfigure the curriculum regularly to meet both the needs of students and be responsive to the changing demands of the labor market / Knowledge
4.3. K.1. Understand how trends and issues affect the workplace.
4.3. D.1. Appreciate the importance of reacting to current workforce needs, changes and shifts on employment markets.
4.3. D.2. Believe in continual program improvement through the development of new instructional strategies.
4.3. D.3. Believe their programs should mesh with industry standards and current issues in the field.
4.3. D.5. Are committed to students making a successful transition from schooling to the world of work.
4.3. D.6. Value the dignity of work and are committed to keeping current with education and industry needs.
4.3. P.1. Create exercises and activities for students to learn about high performance workplace standards and current industry practices.
4.3. P.2. Follow legislated guidelines to aid learners in understanding the trends and issues of the workplace.
4.3. P.3. Make decisions about content and processes based upon assessments of students' needs and labor market demands. / EDW 135
EDW 290
EDW 409
EDW 430
EDW 477 / Community Needs Assessment
Curriculum/Program Project
AREA V. STRATEGIES and METHODS: The COE graduate understands and promotes a variety of strategies and methods and encourages the development of critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and performance.