“The worshipping parish family of St. Francis of Assisi, inspired by the gospel of Jesus and nourished by the Eucharist, celebrates, lives and proclaims our faith, serves God through the spiritual, educational and social development of all parishioners and extends God’s love to the greater community.”
Based on this Mission Statement of St. Francis Parish, we formulate the following plan to move the parish forward. This plan includes forming new ministries/committees to implement specific actions and activities over a three-year timeline based on Prophetic, Priestly and Kingly functions:
All parish ministries will develop their own goals and timelines in accord with the following recommendations. These recommendations are based upon input from our various ministries and the results of the recent St. Francis Cluster Survey. The individual ministries will come together as needed to discuss and implement yearly goals based on each of the three functions of the parish and in unison with the whole Parish Council and parish.
- Continue to promote growth in personal spirituality, theology and methodology through seminars, guest speakers and other opportunities for learning enrichment.
- Continue to find creative and concrete ways to engage parents in the religious education of their children.
- Provide ongoing catechist recruitment and encourage present and future catechists to increase their knowledge of the faith.
- Expand our outreach to families and individuals, especially those who fall outside the mainstream.
- Enhance training for members of the Liturgy and Spirituality Committee.
- Enhance the participation of our catechists and parishioners in the formation classes offered through the parish.
- Consider more programs to encourage social teachings of the Church and to promote stewardship.
- Provide further education and instructional programs, e.g. ministry, instruction, development and educational evenings.
- Seek creative ways to build membership in the Youth Group from within our parish and other parishes in the area.
- Consider additional support for youth activities from other ministries.
- Continue membership in the Pallottine Teenage Federation (PTAF) which affords the opportunity for retreats.
- Expand community service and other activities in the Youth Group that enhance a spiritual service mindset, as well as maintain interest in the Group.
- Encourage youth participation in parish ministries and special events.
- Seek ways to involve parents in Youth Group activities and increase parental support.
- Continue Bible Study by exploring the historic content of a given book, become familiar with the meaning of the translation, reference other books that speak of the same event and use other resources, such as commentaries, to aid in the understanding of the Word.
- Actively promote the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) which is designed to welcome individuals into the Catholic faith through Baptism or completing the other sacraments of Initiation.
- Form a Parish Communication Ministry, preferably headed by someone with a marketing background, to oversee and coordinate parish communication efforts. The goal would be to utilize all media to creatively and successfully communicate parish programs, ministry activities, outreach efforts, etc.
- Include a Ministry of the Week in the bulletin describing ministry and/or recent activities. Include contact information.
- Ministry Month possibly in February. Start with a Ministry Fair after all Masses on the first Sunday. Include listing of all ministries and contact information in the bulletin on each Sunday of that month. Develop a sign-up sheet with appropriate information to ensure follow up.
- Use the parish bulletin, flock notes and the pulpit to communicate a specific need of the parish or a ministry that may require special skills, extra helping hands or financial support.
- Send out special “Outreach Messages” to all parishioners at specific times of the year through parish mailings, bulletin and flock notes that would encourage inactive and unchurched parishioners to participate in Church service and programs, i.e. enhancing our Christmas and Easter mailings.
- Utilize flock notes and weekly bulletin to occasionally inform parishioners of sources for religious materials, books, websites, TV channels, music sources, etc.
- Remind parishioners of information available on the parish website and through flock notes and how to enroll.
- Have the Parish Council provide semi-annual updates to the parish regarding parish goals, needs and accomplishments.
- Increase communication from the Finance Council through semi-annual reports regarding the financial status of the parish, unusual expenditures, special financial needs, etc.
- Initiate celebration of Church Unity Octave and promote Blessing of Easter Food ceremonies.
- Expand opportunities for celebration of the Sacrament of Anointing and Reconciliation without Mass.
- Introduce the “Experience Lourdes” program.
- Create new spiritual opportunities to reach out to all parishioners whether they are participating, marginalized, homebound or institutionalized.
- Encourage involvement in the Liturgy and Spirituality Committee and welcome those who join in order to achieve a broad spectrum of parish representation.
- Insure formation and training to Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Eucharist Ministers to the Homebound prior to their ministry. Also provide opportunities for enrichment – updated catechesis, etc.
- Address the need for ongoing recruitment of Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound, Altar Servers and Ushers.
- Institute a ceremony to commission Lectors.
- Develop a training tool to clarify the role of Ushers as “greeters.”
- Explore the possibility of adding a teen choir.
- Seek ways to encourage parishioners to sing, such as a Folk Mass or more lively updated music.
- Create a Marriage Enrichment Ministry to meet the spiritual needs of those to be married as well as married couples. Explore programs that follow up on and reinforce the teachings put forth in the Marriage Preparation Program and others that can provide support to couples as they carry on in their sacred vocation.
- Establish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with the ultimate goal to have a 24/7 full complement, perpetual adoration with adequate substitute resources for coverage. Perpetual Adoration will be phased in so as to build the necessary network of guardians required to cover 24/7.
- Increase attendance in Cornerstone Retreats through creative marketing, (attract all age groups, new church members, lifelong parishioners) a stronger presence in parish activities and more interaction with, and support of, other parish ministries.
- Develop opportunities for Cornerstone members to worship together, such as specific Mass attendance, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Stations of the Cross.
- Catholic Daughters will continue to attend to the current needs of the parish and the community by providing service and charitable donations.
- The Knights of Columbus will focus on recruiting new members and expanding their support of the parish and charitable organizations.
- Expand opportunities for Scripture Faith Sharing which takes place during the Advent, Lenten and Easter seasons of the Liturgical Year – thereby providing opportunities to pray, ponder and share the ways that God speaks to us through the Word and bring the Word to life in the circumstances of our lives.
- Continue to provide the Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) which is a gentle program of self-awareness and awakening to the spirituality of motherhood, thus bringing about a sense of belonging, hospitality, faith sharing and genuine community.
- Enhance the participation of our catechist parishioners in the formation classes offered through the parish.
Apostolic Service
- The Christian Service Ministry will continue their current charitable efforts as well as seek other charitable opportunities in the community. Continue to recruit members for the Ministry.
- The Consolation Ministry will begin meeting with all the sub-committees under the umbrella of Consolation including Breakfast, Bereavement and Prayer Shawl Ministries to insure proper communication and coordination of efforts.
- Increase communication and marketing efforts regarding the Divorced/Separated Ministry. Evaluate and respond to possible Cluster considerations.
- The Elizabeth Ministry will seek to collaborate with existing ministries who service “post-Baptism” children and their parents – I Am Special, Parenting Group and Squirt Soccer.
- The Faith and Light Ministry will work towards expanding the size of the participant group. They will also continue to provide service to the aged and hungry in Rockland County.
- Extend the Prayer Shawl Ministry and have a member of Prayer Shawl become a member of the Consolation Ministry.
- Recruit more members for the St. Francis Bread Ministry in order to continue to meet the needs of the poor in our community.
- Establish a Special Events Ministry to oversee parish special events and attract the volunteers necessary for their success.
- Review the structure, format and role of the Parish Council based upon the strategic plan of the parish. Seek out new members and/or expand the Parish Council as needed.
- Seek ways for the Parish Council to be more proactive in assessing the needs of our ministries and the means to support them.
- Make parishioners more aware of the role of the Parish Council and what the parish accomplishes through its ministries.
- Evaluate music equipment to insure it is meeting the current and future needs of the parish. Make recommendations/cost analysis of any upgrades that may be necessary.
- Assess the maintenance requirements of parish buildings and grounds and produce a prioritized list of future projects and associated costs
- Make rectory building handicapped accessible.
- Evaluate the need for increased security, lights and cameras around rectory building, chapel and Religious Education center. Consider use of key cards in chapel for use in Perpetual Eucharist Adoration.
- Complete construction of the Prayer Garden.
- Continue with the plan to build a new Parish Center.
- Make parishioners more aware of the activities of the Finance Council. Consider a means for parishioners and ministries to express their needs to the Council.
- Provide more information to parishioners regarding the financial stability and needs of the parish. Consider semi-annual reports from the Finance Council.
- Continue with the Parish Center Campaign. Explore new and varied means of raising funds.
God’s Creation and the Environment
- As “stewards of creation” the parish of St. Francis of Assisi will strive to align ourselves with the statement of the Bishops of the United States and “be a people who will change our hearts to preserve and protect the planet for our children and for generations yet unborn.” (USCCB, 20101)
Neighbors In Christ
- Form a Cluster Implementation Team to insure the success of the Neighbors In Christ strategic plan as it applies to St. Francis Parish.