Heath Mount Primary School Curriculum Map – YEAR 6

Year 6 2017-2018 / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic Theme / A Child’s War / Revolution / Frozen Kingdom / Darwin’s Delights / Gallery Rebels / Hola Mexico
Wow Experience / RAF Cosford / WightwickManor / BBC Frozen Planet / Erasmus Darwin House / Barber Institute / Mexican Kitchen
Book/Author Focus
Love to Read Novel / Michelle Magorian
Goodnight Mr Tom / Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist / Phillip Pullman
The Golden Compass / Michael Morpurgo
Kensuke’s Kingdom / Frank Coterall Boyce
Framed / Louis Sacher
Film/Visual Literacy / Goodnight Mr Tom / Oliver Twist/Christmas Carol / The Golden Compass / Cast Away / National Geographic – The Mayans
Poetry / War Poems / Limericks / Classic Poetry / Haikus / Expressionist Poetry / Poems from around the world
Narrative / Warning tale – The Caravan
Character / Kidnapped
Build Up / Ice Forest
Setting / Journey tale – A Wretched Paradise
Dialogue / Elf Road
Character / Creation Stories: Thor
Opening and Ending
Non Fiction / Persuasion / Diaries / Non Chronological Report / Newspaper reports / Explanation / Discussion
Maths / Place value
Long division
Long multiplication
Fractions / Decimals and percentages
Properties of 2D shape
Properties of 3D shape / Ratio and proportion
Units of measurement
Area of quadrilaterals / Translation and rotation
Plotting in all 4 quadrants
Data handling
Mean, median and mode
Algebra / Revision / Mathematical investigation and Theme Park project
Science / Electricity / Animals, Including Humans / Living Things and Their Habitats / Evolution and Inheritance / Light / Light and Shadows
Computing / Topic –We're app planners-
CC: ideas
Design posters about the Myths and legends using PPT / Topic –We're interface designers
CC: ideas
Label a map of the Vikings eg where they came from using PPT/Book creator app / Topic –We're Architects-Creating a virtual space
CC : ideas
Presentation about artists or create a story video using the trip photos / Topic –We're market researchers
CC : Design posters for an event e.g Olympics / Topic –We're app developers
CC: Design posters, tickets and brochures for the music concert / We're marketers-
CC: Design posters, tickets and brochures for the music concert
PE / Hockey/ Netball / Gymnastics/ Football / Break Dance/ Circuit Training / Handball/ Tag Rugby / Athletics/ Cricket / Basketball/ Rounders
RE /
  • Living Rules
  • Being Fair and just
  • Creating Unity and harmony
  • Cultivating inclusion identity and belonging
  • Remembering Roots
  • Being courageous and confident
  • Being regardful of suffering
  • Being merciful and forgiving
  • Expressing Joy
  • Appreciating Beauty
  • Being Curious and Valuing Knowledge
  • Being reflective and self critical

PSHE/SMSC - Cornerstones / Empathising with people in different times / Reflecting on achievements / Care of the environment / Taking responsibility / Discrete / Discrete
PSHE - / Being Me in My World / Celebrating Difference / Dreams and Goals / Healthy Me / Relationships / Changing Me
British Values / Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Democracy, Rule of law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs / Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
History / The Second World War / The Victorians / Emigration and exploration in the early 1900s / Significant individuals - Charles Darwin, Mary Anning / Discrete / Ancient Maya civilisation
Geography / Human geography; Cities of the UK / Cities and transport in Victorian times; Using maps / Features of the polar regions / Using maps; Geographical similarities and differences; Islands of the world / Locational knowledge / Using maps; Human and physical geography of Mexico
Art / Discrete / Artists of the Victorian period; Printing / Photography; Painting; Block printing / Creating sketchbooks; Observational drawing / Great artists of the 19th and 20th centuries / Sculpture; Maya art; Carving
D&T / Following recipes; Building structures / Victorian homecraft; Model buildings / Building an igloo / Discrete / Selecting and using tools and materials / Food of Mexico; Evaluating and making instruments
Music / Music service – brass/guitar/percussion/steel pan and djembe/vocal
Listening, performing and composing / Music service – brass/guitar/percussion/steel pan and djembe/vocal
Listening, performing and composing / Music service – brass/guitar/percussion/steel pan and djembe/vocal
Soundscapes / Music service – brass/guitar/percussion/steel pan and djembe/vocal
Discrete / Music service – brass/guitar/percussion/steel pan and djembe/vocal
Listening, improvising and composing / Music service – brass/guitar/percussion/steel pan and djembe/vocal
Mexican music; Musical notation
French / Notre Ecole (Our School) / Notre Monde (The World About Us) / Le Passe et le Present (Then and Now) / Ici et la (Out and About) / Monter un Cafe (Creating a cafe) / Quoi de Neuf (What’s in the news?)
