Department of Aesthetics, Charles University in Prague, and Institute of Philosophy, University of Vienna, would like to invite you to a colloquium

New Research in Aesthetics in the Czech Republic and Austria

Place: Österreich-Bibliothek/Rakouská knihovna, Náměstí Republiky 12, Plzeň, Czech Republic

Date: 16–18 September2010

The colloquium will bring together for the first time Czech and Austrian junior researchers in aesthetics with the hope of creating a stimulating atmosphere for a fruitful exchange of ideas and opinions.

Colloquium language: English

Participating speakers: Tomáš Hlobil (keynote speaker, Prague/Olomouc), Christian Allesch (Salzburg), Ondřej Dadejík (Prague/České Budějovice), Mădălina Diaconu (Vienna), Jürgen Hofbauer (Vienna), Florian Mittl (Graz), Lenka Svobodová (Brno), Miloš Ševčík (Prague/Plzeň), Pavel Zahrádka (Olomouc) (see the programme attached)

If you wish to attend the colloquium, please write to Jakub Stejskal <>. In your email please indicate the following: your affiliation, brief statement of interest, whether you wish to take part in the organized visit to the Pilsner Urquell brewery (CZK150/80 student reduction) and the following conference dinner (at your expense) on 17 September (see the programme).

There is no conference fee and no student subsidies.

This event is supported by the AKTION Czech Republic – Austria Programme.

Selection of hotels/hostels within 5–10 minutes walk from the colloquium venue:

Hotel Trend ***


Pension Antica


Hostel River


Euro Hostel Plzeň

Website: (cheap, but several tram stops from the colloquium venue)

The programme of the colloquium (subject to change):

16 Sept

6.30 – 8pm Keynote Lecture: Tomáš Hlobil (Charles University, Prague/Palacký University, Olomouc): Aesthetics in the Lecture Lists of the Universities of Halle, Leipzig, Würzburg and Prague, 1785–1805.

17 Sept

9.15 – 10.25am Christian G. Allesch (University of Salzburg): Psychology and Aesthetics – A Difficult Question?

10.30 – 11.40am Mădălina Diaconu (University of Vienna): Art in Public Space and Social Change

11.45am – 12.55pm Ondřej Dadejík (Charles University, Prague/University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice): Narrative and Ambient Dimensions of the Aesthetic Experience of Nature

lunch break

2.30 – 3.40pm Lenka Svobodová (Masaryk University, Brno): The Rhetoric of Seduction in the Treatise De Amore

3.40 – 4.50pm Florian Mittl (Karl-Franzens-Uni, Graz): Gabriel Marcel’s Dramatic Approach as an Aesthetics of Presence

after 5pm Visit to the Pilsner Urquell Brewery followed by conference dinner

18 Sept

9.15 – 10.25am Miloš Ševčík (Charles University, Prague/University of West Bohemia, Pilsen): The Ontology of Style: Jan Patočka on the Problem of the Development of Style

10.30 – 11.40am Jürgen Hofbauer (University of Vienna): On the Aesthetics of Marcin Maciejowski: Art Is the Sublimation of Man beyond the Sublime

11.45am – 12.55pm Pavel Zahrádka (Palacký University, Olomouc): The Ideal of Human Beauty from the Perspective of Analytic Aesthetics

1pm Closing of the colloquium