March 19-20, 2011
Pastor: The Rev. Robert A. Rogers….……………………..Cell: 630-439-6176
Home: 630-268-0048
Asst. to Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Roger Pittelko Home: 847-437-3008
Youth Director: Judy Bruschuk………………………………………...630-279-4984
Kantor: Mary Stahlke …………………………………………………….…708-771-7842
Preschool Director: Heather Grant...... ……………………..630-832-8670
Parish Nurse: Deb Johnson-Long………………………………………630-690-6071
Parish Secretary: Margaret Cotterill………………………………….630-834-3440
Attendance on Saturday 29, communed 27; Sunday 198, communed 154
Offerings: Capital Improvement: $140.00; Adopt-A-Student: $135.00
Needed per Sunday: $7434.00, Received last Sunday: $7860.19
There is a cry nursery available every Sunday during the late service and during the Christian Education Hour for pre-school age children and younger.
ALTAR FLOWERS In thankfulness for all God’s blessings from John & Connie Graham
GUEST PREACHER - Trinity Lutheran Church is pleased to announce that Eric Erkkinen, Ministry to the Armed Forces Assistant Director will be the guest preacher today, Sunday, March 20th at the 8:00 and 10:30 services. He will lead a joint Bible Study between services starting at 9:15 a.m. In his honor, there will also be a special coffee hour sponsored by Lay Ministry and LWML. After each service, a free-will offering to help continue his ministry will be taken.
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING 2013: Informational meeting today,
Sunday, March 20th @ noon in Founders Hall. Youth (currently 7th - 12th grade) and their parents are all welcome.
BOHEMAIN CRYSTAL RESTAURANT - Seniors will be going to the Bohemain Crystal Restaurant on Wednesday, April 6. We will be leaving the church at 11:10. The all-inclusive price for a 3-meat family style meal is $14.50 per person.
Please contact Karen Baker at 630-530-2161 for reservations.
THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS - Have you given your 2010 Thrivent Choice Dollars to an eligible non profit? Thrivent members have until March 31 to direct Choice Dollars to a Lutheran organization like their church, school, Lutheran Child & Family Services, Lutheran Church Charities, Lutheran World Relief, a Lutheran University (Concordia, Valpo etc.), a seminary or one of many other organizations available. You can use a computer to log onto the Thrivent website or just call 1-800-Thrivent (847-4836). Please see Debra Banks or Donna Heuser if you have questions. It is very easy to support the organization of your choice. Don’t miss the deadline.
VOTERS MEETING ELECTIONS - The following Director and board positions will be elected at the June Voters meeting, Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30 p.m.;
Executive Director, Treasurer, Board of Evangelism, Board of Parish Fellowship, Board of Human Care, and Board of Youth. Please submit the names of members who should be considered for one of these board positions to a member of the nominating committee; Warren Sheridan, Carol Boettger, Mike Ticaric,
Diana Bruschuk, or Dave Heuser.
STEWARDSHIP CORNER - The Gospel writer Matthew records Jesus’ words to His disciples relating to humility. He told them that He Himself “came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:128). As God’s children, we are called to take on that same attitude of servanthood that begins by thinking about God’s will for our lives. We should live each day with actions, attitudes, and priorities as a child of Gold. Are we reflecting our faith in the way that we live?
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: 20-Carol Boettger, Vivian Boettger, Shelly Bychowski, Ava Lewis, 21- Laura Cooke, Molly Frobel, Steve Gehrt, Eva Kunde, David Speers, Sophia Sperry, Nancy Zeman, 22- Bonnie Grubisch, Bill Rothenburger,
24-Norm Grubisch, Rachel Head 25-Dante Apuzzo, Rosalie Buenrostro,
Anthony Fashoda, Bruce Kampert, Noah Rogers, 26- Mike Ticaric
ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: 21-Gordon & Nancy Busse, Steve & Bev Gehrt,
26-Art & Anna Jones
Sunday: Worship 8:00 & 10:30 AM 9:15-Christian Ed Hour,
12:00- NYG Meeting in Founders Hall
Monday: 1:00-Al-Anon, 6:00-Boxing, 6:30-ESL,
Tuesday: 6:00–Boxing, 8:00-AA, Darts
Wednesday: 10:00-Bible Study, 4:00-Confirmation, 5:00-Chimes, 6:00- Supper,
6:15-College Age, ESL, 7:00-Worship
Thursday: 6:30-Boxing, TOPS, 7:00-Bells 8:00-Choir
Saturday: 4:30 Worship
Bethlehem Woods: Elizabeth Stearns
Brighton Gardens, Wheaton: Nelva Peiler
Cordia, Westmont: Art & Anna Jones
DuPage Convalescent Ctr: Elizabeth Klewitz
Elizabeth Nursing Home, Elizabeth, IL: Don Anderson
Lexington Square, Lombard: Merle Barta, Doris Burmeister
Lexington Healthcare, Lombard: Sophie Glos
Lexington Elmhurst: Eileen & Shirley Reese
Lutheran Home: Betty Schlepp
Oakbrook Health Care: Erna Aldrich
Sunrise: LaVerle Hall
AT HOME: Grace & Erwin Finke, Charlotte Studtmann
Strength and patience for all the caregivers.
We pray for Danya Rogers and her family at the death of her sister Pam Russo.
We pray for Darren & Erin Taylor and their family at the death of his step mom, Phyllis Sennett.
We pray for Gods presence and comfort for the people affected by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
A free will offering will be taken the weekend of March 26th & 27th to aid relief efforts.
We pray for Gods presence for the people of Libya including the family of Nuradim, friend of the Stahlkes.
Judy Buehre, Erwin Finke, Judy French, Kay Frindt, Mary Gagliano, Sean Gaertner, Grace Graunke, Peter Hesse, Cheryl Holewinski, Wendy Jaent, Dee Jones,
Tracy Kampert, Arlene Solyom, Leonard Stahlke, & Glenn Taylor.
FOR THE CHURCH: Asian Indian Ministry,
Matthew Wait (our seminarian), Vicar Eric Carlson,
Bishops: David Stechholz and Matthew Harrison
SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES: Andrew Anderson, Adam Biladeau,
Matt Boudro, Don Cwik III, Daniel Fundukian, Johannes Lesle, Matt Macella,
Ethan Newlander, Dan Sharon, Philip Schmeiser, Bryan Soderstrom, Alex Wolski. Commander in Chief – President Barack Obama.
Keyboardist / Organ: 4:30pm – Kurt Linstead 8am & 10:30am – Mary Stahlke
Lay Assistants: 8:00 – Michael & Lisa Ticaric
10:30 – Ron Boettger & Joe Galfano
Acolytes: 8:00 – Sam Batjes & Haley Doyle
10:30 – Nicole Pennacchio & Kloe Juzwiak
Ushers: 8- Scott Golz, Dino Apuzzo, Cody Golz,
Tim Heaney, & Neal Rodenbostel
10:30- Gary Buehre, Bruce Kampert, Rich Kumnick,
Ben Pennacchio, Adam Stahlke, & Barb Wolski
Greeters: 8:00 –Gina Heaney 10:30-Marilyn Bloechle
Altar Guild: Jan Bartnoski & Shelby Kampert
THOSE WHO SERVE March 23rd 7:00 p.m.:
Acolytes: Noah Scofield & Tate Scofield
Ushers: Ashley Heaney, Jon Alvarez, Steve Boudro, Tom Saunders, Justin Heaney
Keyboardist / Organ: 4:30pm – Kurt Linstead 8am & 10:30am – Mary Stahlke
Lay Assistants: 8:00 – Rich Kumnick & Jim Bruschuk
10:30 – Matt Thompson & Steve Gehrt
Acolytes: 8:00 – Noah Rogers & Chandler Barry
10:30 – Tom Price & Eric Rundgren
Ushers: 8- Ashley Heaney, Jon Alvarez, Steve Boudro,
Justin Heaney, & Tom Saunders
10:30- Ron Boettger, Bob Behenna, Dean Elliott, John Heuser,
Bob Rundgren, Rich Van Swol, & Michael Warpool
Greeters: 8:00 - Gina Heaney 10:30 – Marilyn Bloechle
Altar Guild: Jan Bartnoski & Shelby Kampert
THOSE WHO SERVE March 30th 7:00 p.m.:
Acolytes: Rachel Stahlke & Sarah Stahlke
Ushers: Bill Bennin, Josh Bruschuk, Bert Dale, Mark Zeman, & Mike Zeman
Chaplain (LTC) Eric Erkkinen US Army (Ret) was born in 1951 in Concord, Mass. In 1973, he graduated from Concordia Senior College with a Bachelor of Arts. He attended Concordia Seminary, Springfield, IL, from 1973 to 1975.He completed his M.Div. studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., and was ordained at his home church in Acton, MA, in 1977.
Chaplain Erkkinen served his first pastorate at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Virginia, MN, from 1977-1981.He also became a chaplain in the 1/94 Armored Battalion, MN Army National Guard from 1978-1981. In September 1981 he accepted a call to be pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, Hudson, Fla.He was pastor there for7 years.During that time, he also served as a National Guard chaplain for the2nd Battalion, 124 Infantry Regiment in Orlando, FL.
Active duty in the Army began in 1988 as the 2-1 Cavalry Squadron Chaplain,2nd Armored Division, Ft. Hood, TX. He became the Aviation Brigade Chaplain of 2AD and deployed to Desert Storm in Jan 1991.Upon returning, Chaplain Erkkinen served as the Apache Training Brigade Chaplain at Fort Hood. In Dec 1991, the Erkkinens moved to Bamberg, Germany, where Eric was chaplain for 3-1 Field Artillery, and later as the 3 ID Division Artillery Chaplain. He also served as Installation Troop Support Chaplain, Ft. Belvoir, VA., from 1995 to 96.Following Command and General Staff College, he served as the Deputy Division Chaplain and the DivArty Chaplain, First Cavalry Division from June 1997to October 1999. He served as the Task Force Chaplain for First Cavalry in Bosnia from Sept to April. From 1999 to 2003, he was the Deputy Staff Chaplain for the Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) at Fort Belvoir, VA.He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in May 2001.In Sept 2001, Eric provided critical chaplain support at the Pentagon during search and recovery operations after the terrorist attack.In 2002, Eric deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom to the Middle East.He spent 5 months in Qatar, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.He returned to INSCOM until 2003, then moved to Heidelberg, Germany as the Deputy U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR) Chaplain until 2005.In support of Iraqi Freedom, Eric deployed with V Corps Artillery to Baghdad for all of 2006.Chaplian Erkkinen returned in Dec 2006 and was reassigned to Fort Knox, KY, to finish his 20 years of active duty Army career.He retired on Oct 1, 2008. He has written numerous devotions for Loyalty and My Devotions (Lutheran publications).In 1990, he wrote and illustrated a children’s book with an Army Chief of Chaplains Grant to assist families during deployments.This was used extensively in Killeen schools in Fort Hood, TX during Operations Desert Shield and Storm and again in 1998 for a Bosnia deployment.He also authored three family deployment newsletter series that were published in Stars and Stripes- Europe.
Awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Southwest Asia Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Support Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon (third award), NATO Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait).He was also awarded the Bronze St. Martin of Tours Medal by The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod in 1998 in recognition of 20 years of military service.
Eric and his wife Linda (Jones) celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary in August. Linda is a teacher and a graduate of Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL.They have three married children: Aaron, Joel, and Leah and six grandchildren.
Eric is serving as the assistant director, Ministry to the Armed Forces.Working in the endorsing office of the LCMS, his duties include administering clerical and budgetary matters for Ministry to the Armed Forces, editing the “Ministry-by-Mail” program, overseeing our LCMS seminaries’ chaplain candidate program, maintaining chaplain rosters and records, and serving as executive officer for the Ministry to the Armed Forces. Chaplain Erkkinenbegan his duties onSeptember 1, 2008. Email: .