Teacher: E. Vásquez Subject: Life Science Date: April 7-11, 2014

Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014

/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade
Monday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn about the functions of the skin
#4,#7 / S. work and complete foldable on the 3 types of muscle tissue and skin injuries and repair
#2,#4,#5 / Exit Slip
How is a third-degree burn different from a first degree burn?
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn more on the function of the skeletal and muscular system
Learn about the functions of the skin
#4,#7 / S. work in pairs to complete ws packet
HW: Ch 14 Review pg. 516-517
#4,#6 / Exit Slip
How are the functions of muscle and skin similar?
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn more on the function of the skeletal and muscular system
Learn about the functions of the skin
#4,#7 / Ch 14 Review for test
#4 / Exit Slip
Draw how a pivot , hinge, and ball and socket joint work.
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Thursday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn more on the function of the skeletal and muscular system
Learn about the functions of the skin
#4,#7 / Ch 14 Test
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
Friday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn about the function of the immune system
#4,#7 / Q/ How many of you havea cell phone?
Does your cell phone list all the numbers you’ve spoken with?
How is this feature of your cell phone similar to your immune system?
#1,#2,#3,#4 / PPT and class discussion on the immune system pg. 610-618
#1,#2,#4 / S. ISN note taking
S. draw a diagram explaining the 2 types of immunity
HW: LR 1 and vocab pg. 618
#2,#3,#4,#5 / Exit Slip
List the steps of the inflammatory response
Supporting Standards:
S3A, 3Aa,S3Ab, S3Ac,S3Ad, S3Ag
