Family Support and Safeguarding Service in the south:
Family Support.
Manager Caroline Ward
Duty line: 0121 675 7664
Manager Simon Field
Duty line: 0121 675 4150
Manager Lucy Collinge-Hill
Duty line: 0121 303 8057
Manager Martin Ogbourn
Duty line: 0121 675 0511
Family Support Work:
Our work is in line with the Early Help Strategy which follows the principles of:
- Prevention
- Integration
- Aspiration
- Safeguarding
- Participation
- Excellence through partnership working
Our work fits in with the Right Service Right Time model (see Birmingham Safeguarding Board website
We can provide support where a child has additional needs, and also alongside specialists services where a child has complex/ significant needs.
We always need parental consent for us to work with a family.
Service Priorities
- Working with families who meet the Think Family criteria and in particular those families where there is evidence of poor school attendance, worklessness and parenting issues.
- Working with families to minimise the impact to well being of children due to parental domestic abuse, mental health, drugs and alcohol use
- Working with children where there are early indications of neglect
- Prevention of family breakdown
- Joint work with Children Social Care teams where the Family Support team can offer a specific input which will improve outcomes for the child.
How to make a referral
Referrals can be made to us by carrying out a CAF assessment with the family. If you need guidance you can ring the CAF team on 0121 303 1888.
Please then post the CAF, ringing the relevant duty line for advice of the postal address.
We will then take this to the next TAF meeting and invite you to attend with a 20 min timeslot. Partners and ourselves around the table will then identify the best support to meet the child’s needs.
You can also refer a Think Family to us by filling out the Think family referral sheet and sending it to the TF data team and letting us know once you have been given a TF reference number. All you then need to do is arrange a meeting with the parents, yourselves and our worker and we will carry out the CAF assessment and lead the work.
South TAF meetings
To attend please call the relevant duty line to discuss if you need to book a time.
- Doddington TAF
Normally fortnightly on Mondays 1:30-3:30pm. Held at Doddington Children's Centre
22 (Tuesday) April
6(Tuesday) and 19 May
2,16 and 30 June
14 and 28 July
11 and 25 August
- Reameadow TAF
Fortnightly on a Thursday at 2pm. Held at Reameadow Children's Centre
17 April
1, 15 & 29 May,
12 & 26 June
10 & 24 July
7 & 21 August
- Chinnbrook TAF
On a Tuesday 1:30 - held at Maypole Children's Centre
15 and 29 April
13 and 27 May
10 and 24 June
8 and 22 July
5 and 19 August
- Merrishaw TAF
Fortnightly on a Wednesday 10-11.30 held at Merrishaw Children`s Centre
April 9, 23
May 7, 21
June 4, 18