Conference Call Agenda

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

2pm Eastern; 1pm Central; 12pm Mountain; 11am Pacific; 8am Hawaii

1-866-485-7855 or 1-719-457-6899: participant pass code: 846500

The Practice Group is grateful to SCRA for supporting the costs of our conference calls. Thanks.

























Welcome, New Members!

Thank you, Ryan, for acting as Secretary for August

Report from our EC Representatives: Sharon, Susan

-  Practice Council Summary in the Policy and Procedure Manual

·  Now responsible for our mission, duties, leadership, and goals to be formalized in Policy and Procedure Manual (talks about SCRA as an organization).

·  In addition to formalizing the Practice Council in the P&P, we are working with the CEP to formalize the relationship between the two groups

·  Proposed language was sent out with the agenda; thank you to all who commented.

-  New Collaboration Tool: Basecamp

·  A new resource Available to SCRA and the Practice Council

·  Basecamp is an online collaboration tool, especially geared towards project management

·  If you are interested in using it for your workgroup, please see Sharon. Those who want to learn more can visit for tutorials and demonstrations.

·  Thanks to the EC for providing these tools to support our work!

-  Leadership Transition – EC Representative

·  Sharon will be stepping down from her position as Practice Council Representative on the EC, so the seat will soon be vacant. It is preferred that it be someone who has roots in the group. Represents the Practice Council in EC meetings.

·  Will be going to meetings once a year (expenses paid), and attend monthly telephone calls

·  Will be collaborating with the members on the EC on issues of shared concern

·  Feel free to nominate someone, or self-nominate by or at September meeting.

·  Voting will be held in October.

·  Please think about it, and if any questions arise, please feel free to email Sharon or Tom If you are interested.

“It is an amazing opportunity to work with different people, see impact, and it opens doors. ”.

Agenda Action Items – (If you see items in Updates that you want to discuss contact us and we will move them to Action Item section, and make sure they get due time on the call. )

1. Improve graduate education for Community Psychology Practice.

a.  Report from CEP/Practice Council Liaisons (Al, Tiffeny, Ashley)

·  There was a need to define the role of the CEP/Practice Council liaison. Tom and Sharon are working with Sylvie of the CEP, as well as our current reps, to make the role clear.

·  History: At one point, the CEP and the PC were working separately, until Tom and Greg began collaboration on tasks such as the competencies..

·  Chairs of the Practice Council and CEP have agreed to meet quarterly

·  The plan is to make sure that every year we have a few collaborative projects with the CEP so there is something to have a liaison about.. This year the Summer Institute and the Survey and List of Practitioners who are available resources to Grad. Programs may be two such programs.

b.  Next Steps with the Competencies: Plans for follow-up on Student Data & student data

·  Working on two new manuscripts for publication in the TCP. One on the student data, the other comparing the student survey and the CEP survey.

·  Summary of CEP (Program) data should be in the upcoming TCP.

·  Bigger disparities in PhD programs than Master programs, as well as differences in answers by type of program.

·  Ideas that emerged from the Miami Town Meeting:

o  The notion of a summer institute came up. It would provide education around particular competencies such as capacity building and community change.

o  Also ways to provide grad programs with consultation from practitioners and others on how to make those competencies more powerful in the program.

c. Two initiatives on Continuing Ed Training

1) Highlander training ideas (Gloria, Jen and David)

·  Gloria does not have the written proposal together yet –will get something together for next meeting. Possibly using the Highlander in southern Tennessee, which is a group that has long history of training on organizing, etc..

·  Jen Wallace Rushman has a strong connection with them. David Chavez made the point that one can learn the skills, but it would be good to translate those skills to community psychology.

·  Community Psychology Summer Institute led by the Professional Development Committee

·  Led by Susan Wolfe

·  Possibly considering modeling this institute after the AEA (

·  In need of having a central location to access.

·  Can be used as an effective recruitment tools for other disciplines.

·  Looking into CEUs.

·  Professional Development Committee needs a liaison to help keep everyone updated.

Anyone interested?

d.  Departmental Self-Reflections on Competencies in partnership with their students

At the moment, this is an idea that was thought of in the Town Hall Meeting.

Gregor Sarkisian (Curriculum Mapping) and others have modeled ways for Grad programs to do self examinations around the competencies in collaboration with their students.

·  May not be appropriate for the Practice Council to be the lead, but it is important the Practice Council does become involved with it.

·  Possibly making it a joint initiative.

·  Ashley will bring this idea up in the CEP and keep us updated.

2. Enhance the visibility of Community Psychology Practice within the field by increasing number of publications and conference presentations focused on Community Psychology Practice and related issues.

a. Practice Section of the new website

- Volunteers and Content

·  New website coming up soon. The Practice Council will have its own section. A draft will soon be ready.

·  Help is needed transferring content to the new site, as well as maintaining the Practice Section of the new site in the future. Any volunteers?

·  Currently trying to figure out what goes where, and what should be on the landing page. Could use feedback about what is important to have on the PC landing page.

·  Where practitioners work will be put in the membership directory.

·  Want people to think about volunteering for copying content over to the website, and taking charge of the Practice Council section of the website.

·  Next call will have this on the agenda. Feel free to email Sharon or Gina.

·  No technical expertise needed!

b. New ideas from Summit Visibility Committee

·  At the moment, it is three different subgroups with leaders in each.

Projects we agreed to at our Visibility Group meeting

1. Create a product, "What Community Psychology Can Do for You"

(Olya, Kate, Karen, and Darren)

2. Identify mainstream publications that would be good venues for CP

(Carlos, Gina, Danielle, and Mike)

3. Partner with the Council on Education Programs to get at least one paragraph

about community psychology in introductory textbooks

(Suzanne and Lindsey)

c. TCP Column (Susan)

·  There are joint columns now with the education connection.

·  Any thoughts about what people would like to see in the TCP Column?

·  There are interests on competencies being continued.

·  Susan mentioned guest editing (if interested please email Susan) and the possibility of doing a “commentary” piece revolving the comparison of the student vs. program competency data

3. Engage in outreach efforts to those outside of SCRA., including members of allied fields, members of other divisions of APA, and the general public.

a. New Efforts around the Blog (Olya, Carlos, Gina, Kyrah, Sharon)

·  There is now a template to contact people to encourage them to submit items to the blog.

·  If you have a column or article out there, you may write a brief summary to the blog.

·  The blog allows for article to become more accessible.

4. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners.

Gathering Practice Resources/List of Practitioners –

Dave Julian will lead a group developing a survey of practitioners who are available for consultation etc. to academic departments (Dave J.) Volunteers included Tom and Al. others needed

a.  The focus here is to try to pull together resources, which will become available to academic programs.

·  In need of practitioners that may be willing to visit programs whether in person, on the phone, or on skype

·  A list of practitioners that are in the area and their areas of expertise would be great..

  1. Jobs/Find a Community Psychologist Function of the New website
  2. Membership and Finding Lost Practitioners (Tom W)

Trying to find lost members by identifying the graduate programs that have had their students go into the workforce and have lost touch.

d.  Professional Development Committee and APA Program Committee (Susan)

·  There is a need for volunteers for this Committee. At least one, but preferably two, to be represented on the Professional Development Committee. It will involve monthly meetings.

·  It will be a one-year commitment.

·  Feel free to email Susan if interested in doing this.

Update Items

·  Mini grant program is officially closed for the year. (Mike L)

·  Theory and Action Newsletters will be resumed in September. Looking for additional people that may be interested. A once every six month writer is needed please. (Bill B) Volunteers?

·  Ask an advisor is almost full; room for one or two more people if someone is interested. (Bill B)

·  Group forming to expand on online community psychology learning. This work is about to launch. See Bill B.

·  Early Career is now an official interest group. Members focused on practice are welcome to join. Please contact Gloria for more information.

Update items:

1. Improve graduate education for Community Psychology Practice.

a.  New Program Interest Group (Shep, Tiffeny)

2. Enhance the visibility of Community Psychology Practice within the field by increasing number of publications and conference presentations focused on Community Psychology Practice and related issues.

a.  Community Psychology Practice Book (Susan, Victoria)

b.  The Community Practitioner (TCP) (Susan)

c.  New Community Ideas (TCP) (Gina)

d.  Global Journal of CPP (Vince)

e.  Careers Book (Judah, Olya)

3. Engage in outreach efforts to those outside of SCRA., including members of allied fields, members of other divisions of APA, and the general public.

  1. Summit Visibility Group (Carlos, Bill B.)
  2. Theory into Action Outreach Group (Bill B, others)
  3. Facebook page (Mike)
  4. AEA – TIG (Susan)

4. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners.

a.  Support for early career practitioners (Gloria)

b.  Professional Development Committee (Susan, volunteers)

c.  Profiles Project (Kyrah)

5. Positively impact the communities we live and work in through the use of Community Psychology principles.

a.  SCRA Community Mini Grant (Mike)

b.  Community Toolbox – Ask and Advisor (Bill B)

c.  New projects from the Summit Return to our Radical Roots group

6. Advocate for organizational level actions within Division 27.

  1. Awards Process

Will keep you informed.

  1. MOOCs (Online Courses) (Roger)

August Peer Consultation Call: Cancelled! Enjoy your summer. J

September Meeting: Sept. 20th

September Peer Consultation Call: Sept. 13thth