3rd November 2014
Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council Twinning and Tourism Committee, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.
Present:- Cllr Val Wood (Chairman)
Fiona Abbott
Mrs Elizabeth Gunhouse
Mrs Julie Hemming
Cllr A Rowley
Mr Colin Shepherd
Cllr R Speight
Amy Evans was in place instead of Mrs Ann Dobbins to take the minutes.
There were no members of the public present.
414. Apologies
Apologies were accepted from Mrs Jane Daniels and Mrs Margaret Ferris, also Cllr Julian Palfrey and Mr Steve Knight - both of whom had other meetings that they were required to attend.
415. Declarations of Interest
There were none.
416. Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Rowley, seconded by Cllr Speight and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 4th August be signed as a true record of the proceedings.
417. Matters of Report from the minutes
a. Cllr Rowley commented that he felt the library wall-mounted signs are still not visible enough and Cllr Speight added that he is still being asked frequently where the library and Visitor Information Centre (VIC) are located. Cllr Wood commented that the relevant finger posts do not all clearly point the way to the library. The general consensus is that more signage is still needed throughout the town and that the suggested vertical lamppost banner would be a good idea. It was queried as to whether we are able to use the official Tourist Information logo and if so, in what colour.
Miss Evans advised that since the move of the VIC and re-opening of the library, there had been general information online and in newsletters as well as being information in all of the noticeboards around town telling people where the library and VIC was, but agreed that the maps in the noticeboards all are still yet to be updated.
b. Cllr Wood expressed disappointment that she felt that in places there was not enough written information in the new brochure and that there were too many large and non-appropriate pictures used in place of information. She also felt that many people who had contributed to the
content of the brochure had not had their in-put considered.
418. Membership
Members agreed to the proposal that Mr Steve Knight be co-opted onto the Committee in place of Mrs Angela Tidmarsh.
419. Twinning
When the visitors from Plouay come in April it was suggested that they go on a cider-making visit to Pershore College and have a visit to Croome Court, as well as a visit to the Wetlands – the Friends of Avon Meadows have been spoken to about this. Cllr Speight suggested a look round the walled garden, if open, would be ideal.
Cllr Wood mentioned that she is trying to make a link between Pershore Arts and Plouay Art Group.
The general agreement was that the Civic Reception should be held in the library.
420. Visitor Information Centre
Members noted the report of the Visitor Information Centre and Cllr Speight expressed his disappointment that considering the interest in finding accommodation, there were so few providers in the town.
421. Christmas 2014
There were no comments about the draft report for the switch on activities.
422. Reports on Events
Plum Festival
Cllr Wood advised that the festival will be different next year – it will run over the long weekend at the end of August rather than being spread over the whole month.
Jazz Festival
Cllr Wood reported that the dates for next year may be moved to avoid a clash with an event at Pershore College.
Pershore Carnival
Mr Shepherd confirmed that they will not be eligible for lottery funding in 2015 and provided a report.
Midsummer Brass
No reports given or representatives attended.
Pershore Open Gardens
Nothing to report.
Heritage Open Days
Cllr Wood reported that the college are interested in being involved with this event and are keen to show people around Avonbank House.
Avon Meadows Open Days
Nothing to report.
Tour of Britain
All agreed that this event was a great success and that the School children in particular had enjoyed it. It is hoped that the willow bicycle sculpture will soon be moved from the Civic Centre reception to the library.
423. Items for information
It was agreed the next meeting would be held on Monday 2nd February 2015.
424. Items for future agenda
Signage update.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.15
Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..