The Word Within the Word Vocabulary List 5
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Language / Sample words5 / 1 / vita / life / Latin / vitamin, vitality, vital, revitalize, viable, vitalism, devitalize
5 / 2 / demo / people / Greek / democracy, demography, undemocratic, democratize
5 / 3 / stereo / solid / Greek / stereoscope, stereophonic, stereotype, stereopticon, stereotropism
5 / 4 / ism / doctrine / Greek / Marxism, capitalism, Imagism, Cubism, nihilism, pluralism, tribalism
5 / 5 / cogn / know / Latin / recognize, cognizant, incognito, cognoscenti, cognomen, precognition
5 / 6 / sur / over / Latin / surplus, surpass, surcharge, surface, surfeit, surmount, surname
5 / 7 / alter / other / Latin / alternator, alteration, alter ego, alternative, altruism, altercation
5 / 8 / astr / star / Greek / astronomy, astrology, asteroid, disaster, asterisk, astrophysics
5 / 9 / dyna / power / Greek / dynamic, dynamo, dynamite, dynasty, dynamometer
5 / 10 / chron / time / Greek / chronometer, chronological, synchronize, chronic, anachronism
5 / 11 / hyper / over / Greek / hyperactive, hyperventilate, hyperbole, hyperacidity, hypertension
5 / 12 / luna / moon / Latin / lunar, lunatic, lunate, luna moth, lunette, sublunar, lunular
5 / 13 / octa / eight / Greek / octameter, octogenarian, octagon, octarchy, octave, octopus
5 / 14 / gyro / turn / Greek / gyration, gyroscope, gyre, gyrate, spirogyra, gyromagnetic
5 / 15 / contra / against / Latin / contradict, contrary, contrast, contrapuntal, contraband, contravene
5 / 16 / geo / earth / Greek / geography, geothermal, geology, geophysics, geometry
5 / 17 / helio / sun / Greek / Helios, heliotropic, heliocentric, heliograph, perihelion, aphelion
5 / 18 / thermo / heat / Greek / thermostat, thermos, thermotropic, thermonuclear, thermocouple
5 / 19 / tetra / four / Greek / tetrameter, tetrahedron, tetroxide, tetragon, tetrachloride
5 / 20 / meter / measure / Greek / thermometer, millimeter, octameter, hydrometer, odometer
5 / 21 / scope / look / Greek / telescope, microscope, periscope, radarscope, horoscope
5 / 22 / son / sound / Latin / sonar, unison, sonorous, sonnet, dissonance, resonant, supersonic
5 / 23 / dec / ten / Greek / decade, deciliter, decimal, decagon, decathlon, decimate
5 / 24 / stell / star / Latin / interstellar, stelliform, stellar, constellation, stellate, stellify
5 / 25 / amat / love / Latin / amatory, amateur, amorous, amiable, amigo, amour-propre, amity
The Word Within the Word Sentences 5
Lesson # / Word # / Word / Meaning / Sentence5 / 1 / vita / life / In the spring of 2215, the rebuilt New York was a revitalized city
5 / 2 / demo / people / The theory of democracy was proven effective by the United States.
5 / 3 / stereo / solid / If there is stereophonic sound, can there be stereo smell?
5 / 4 / ism / doctrine / Is capitalism the opposite of Marxism?
5 / 5 / cogn / know / The Magnum Leader was traveling incognito to avoid recognition.
5 / 6 / sur / over / The overwhelming economic disasters could not be surmounted.
5 / 7 / alter / other / Our previously unchanged plans have suffered an alteration.
5 / 8 / astr / star / If the asteroid struck the earth, it would be a disaster.
5 / 9 / dyna / power / Her dynamic personality made her an obvious choice for the powerful role.
5 / 10 / chron / time / Please synchronize your chronometers.
5 / 11 / hyper / over / The hyperactive child began to hyperventilate.
5 / 12 / luna / moon / Are lunatics really subject to lunar influences on their sanity?
5 / 13 / octa / eight / The octarchy decided to invade Macedonia.
5 / 14 / gyro / turn / The dancers’ spinning gyrations continued into the night.
5 / 15 / contra / against / Their contradictory remarks offered a sharp contrast of views.
5 / 16 / geo / earth / Which earth study do you prefer: geology, geography, or geophysics?
5 / 17 / helio / sun / Galileo thought that the solar system was heliocentric, not earth-centered.
5 / 18 / thermo / heat / The thermotropic plants were killed by the cold front.
5 / 19 / tetra / four / Is a square a tetragon or a tetrahedron?
5 / 20 / meter / measure / The hydrometer measured the flow of the trout stream.
5 / 21 / scope / look / Alien warships appeared on the radarscope.
5 / 22 / son / sound / The senator’s sonorous voice was her best political weapon.
5 / 23 / dec / ten / The Olympic decathlon winner was famous for a decade.
5 / 24 / stell / star / The interstellar spaceship launching was a stellar occasion.
5 / 25 / amat / love / The amateur astronomer was an amiable fellow who loved his hobby.