Proposal for a new RILEM Technical Committee (TAC-N10 REV5 2007-01-08)

(formerly CC-N5)

This proposal is presented by: O a National Delegate O a Titular or Industrial Member O a RILEM Cluster

Name ______First name ______RILEM Code Member: ______

The following items are given under each heading to assist you in presenting your proposal. Kindly respond when applicable and use an additional page for relevant items. The comments in italics and the annexes should not be kept in the filled form sent back to the Secretariat General.

1. Proposed title (in English): ......

French Title: ...... ……………………………......

Proposed Chairman:

Name: ______First name: ______RILEM Code Member: ______

Proposed Secretary:

Name: ______First name: ______RILEM Code Member: ______

2. Subject matter

Where applicable, state precisely:

- material: study of characteristics, properties, etc.

- structures: performance, behaviour, etc.

- phenomena or specific aspect: durability, service life, etc.

- level of investigation: experimental, theoretical study, general survey, site observation

- is this a new subject, new approach, or updating of existing data?

Define limits of scope (excluded aspect, etc.)

3. Proposed terms of reference, defining how objectives will be achieved.

- estimation of time necessary, provisional timetable

- membership: number, how recruited, possibility of contribution by correspondence, affiliation (academic, industry, practice)

- will the work imply bibliographical research?

computer processing?

special equipment, reference materials, round robin tests?

4. Detailed working programme

Set out main headings and items of work, defining intermediate and final goals. Evaluate existing and accessible data and literature

5. Technical environment (e.g. links with previous and existing RILEM TCs, and with other national or international associations)

Where will this TC fit into RILEM's present programme of work?

6. Expected achievements (deliverables) from the TC

·  Define direct benefits

·  Will the TC produce - terminology, bibliography?

- computerised data for information networks?

- harmonised test methods, recommendations?

- State-of-the-Art report?

- information package?

·  Will the TC organise - symposia, training courses, exhibitions?

7. (*) What group of users will be targeted by these products ?

- academics, testing laboratories, industrialists, practitioners, general public, etc.

8. (*) Define precisely any specific use of the results, and evaluate the economic impact where applicable.

(*) Items 7 and 8 are not optional and should be filled in for each new TC proposal

9. Suggested members of committee (See also 3, membership, and join a first list with postal addresses, tel., fax and E-mail)

I, as RILEM Senior Member and as the Chairman of the proposed TC, will support the general policy of RILEM, as defined by the General Council for implementation by the Bureau, Standing Committees and Secretariat General. I officially accept to implement, with the direct assistance of the Secretariat General, statutory and operational rules of RILEM Technical Committees detailed in the attached annexes, in order to ensure a top quality level of the work and appropriate dissemination of the results of RILEM TCs. I have noted that the TC duration is limited to 5 years (see Annex 3).

Name: ______First name: ______Date: ______

Signature (hand-written by the proposed Chairman, who should be a RILEM Senior Member - only one chairman, no co-chairman allowed)

ANNEX 1: Formation of a new RILEM TC - Rules and guidelines (formerly SG-N3)


The technical programme can be sorted into the following headings:

A.  Mechanical Performance and Fracture

B.  Materials Characterisation, Properties Evaluation and Processing

C.  Design and Service Life

D.  Performance and Deterioration Mechanisms

E.  Special Construction Materials and Components

A new TC will be allocated preferably to one of the five clusters A to E.


a) The present form for new RILEM TC proposal (TAC-N10 document) is supplied by the National Delegate, or by the Secretariat General (SG).

National Delegates, Titular and Industrial members, and RILEM Clusters are entitled to present a new TC proposal.

This form is filled and signed by the proposed TC Chairman, who has to be a RILEM Senior Member. This form is sent to RILEM SG, either by the proposed Chairman (in case he is working in a RILEM Titular or Industrial Member), or through the National Delegate for his country (in case the Institute or company of the proposed Chairman is not a RILEM Titular or Industrial Member).

Each new TC Chairman should clearly identify the final user of the work to be done by the proposed TC.

b) This proposal is sent by the SG to each TAC member, for comments and discussion during the RILEM April or September meetings. If needed, a revised proposal will be drafted by the proposed TC Chairman to fulfil the TAC and clusters recommendations.

c) After approval by the BUREAU, which verifies that the terms of reference of the proposed TC fit into the technical programme of RILEM, the proposal is adopted (formal vote by the General Council in September, or delegation given to the Bureau in March).


· preferably limited from 10 to 20 experts

· levels of participation: the previous categories of regular and corresponding members have been cancelled in March 2006 (recommendation of the RILEM internal workshop in Madrid), as only active members have to be considered.

1. Objective: getting the right people

· chairman's personal contacts ; key factor to get the best experts

· regional balance as far as possible (seek help of SG for contacts with National Delegates).

2. Rule: TC members, like TC chairmen, should be RILEM members ; therefore the SG must have, from the TC Chairman, a list of potential members before the first meeting, for enrolment and notice of meeting on behalf of the TC Chairman.

DATE OF CREATION = date of approval by the General Council (possible delegation to the Bureau for the Spring meeting).

DATE OF FIRST MEETING = not before 3 months after the date of creation (April and September meetings every year), for allocating the needed time for proposed additional Members suggested by RILEM National Delegates, RILEM Titular and Industrial Members.


Following a resolution of the Bureau (Madrid, September 1992), a new TC will get its reference number assigned by the RILEM TAC after a preliminary period of one or two years, after confirmation (with the first meetings) that the proposed programme could be completed. During this probationary period, the new TC will have only a 3-letter reference.

ANNEX 2: RILEM TCs - Basic statements (formerly SG-N2)

The specific policy of RILEM regarding its TCs is to appoint them with a defined task that can be completed within 3-5 years. The subjects must follow RILEM Strategy for the future.


A group of international experts working together in a particular field in order to:

· assemble and evaluate research data

· harmonise testing methods

· suggest new topics for research (not to be undertaken by RILEM TCs)

and to promote their conclusions by publishing recommendations, technical reports or state-of-the-art reports for test methods or construction practice.


A RILEM TC is in direct connection with an allocated RILEM Cluster. This body is entrusted with co-ordinating and monitoring RILEM TC activities, and to advise the RILEM Technical Activities Committee. This co-ordination is convened by Clusters’Convenors.


Based in Bagneux (France), the SG is equipped to:

· ensure the flow of documentation in all directions from TCs to RILEM members at large

· clarify technical points for General Council approval

· ensure that drafts and documents are edited, printed and distributed

· provide any specific information needed by the TC chairman.

The SG therefore must be in a position, at any time, to give information on the status and progress of any TC. It also co-ordinates initial organisational aspects of TC scope, work programme and membership.

As of September 2001, any correspondence, working documents and news related to the life of a RILEM TC should be addressed to the Deputy Secretary General (Mrs. Pascale Callec), is her function of Secretary of the RILEM TAC. The monitoring of private RILEM Web directories for each active RILEM TC is defined in SG-N20 document.


Each TC proposal, received at the SG in Bagneux, is submitted to the RILEM TAC. When the initial proposal is considered satisfactory (frequently after amendments following consultations between the TAC, the allocated Cluster and the proposed Chairman), the Bureau will, upon recommendation of the TAC, propose this new TC to the General Council for official creation.


If the General Council (GC) officially creates a new RILEM TC, the TC chairman will have the responsibility of the work of his Committee:

· with the administrative help of the SG if needed (e.g. to propose a RILEM TC's event)

· with a direct link with the corresponding allocated cluster.


The main results of a RILEM TC are the following:

· scientific events (workshop, conference, symposium): see SG-N8

· documents published: SG-N6.


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SG-N4: Functioning

SG-N6: Documents issued

SG-N8: Application form for proposal for a RILEM event

SG-N9: Assignments of a RILEM TC Chairman

SG-N10: Assignments of a TC member

CC-N16: RILEM TC Annual Report: guidelines

SG-N20: RILEM TC Private Directory

SG-N21: Membership of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Materials and Structures

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Annex 3 of TAC-N10: Assignments of a RILEM TC Chairman (SG-N9 REV9 / 2006-09-25)

Mission of a RILEM TC Chairman

The objective of a RILEM Technical Committee (TC) being to prepare documents of top quality level, specific work of a RILEM TC Chairman mainly involves efficient decision-making, balanced with the requirement to achieve an international consensus that will ensure the widest possible implementation of the results.

A RILEM TC Chairman should be a RILEM Senior Member. He has the responsibility of supporting the general policy of RILEM, as defined by the General Council for implementation by the Bureau, Standing Committees and Secretariat General.

With the direct assistance of the Secretariat General, he is in charge of implementing the statutory and operational rules of the RILEM Technical Committee.

Classification of RILEM TCs and allocation to a cluster

RILEM Technical Committees are classified in different clusters. A cluster is dedicated to gather different TCs of similar domains or fields of interest.

A RILEM TC is allocated to one cluster, but any TC Chairman is also entitled to contribute to other clusters, and to appoint a representative in those other clusters.

Participation to the RILEM Week

Any RILEM TC Chairman has to attend the RILEM week. As a full member of one allocated cluster, he has to contribute actively to the management of RILEM Technical Activities.

A RILEM TC Chairman is has a direct role in the evaluation of existing RILEM TCs, and also in the evaluation of new proposals.

During each RILEM Week, each RILEM TC Chairman actively participates:

·  to his allocated cluster;

·  to the RILEM Technical Day;

During the Technical Day, he will present a scientific lecture presenting the progress report and future projects of his TC, this paper being included in a document given to the participants of the RILEM Week, and also published for a wider visibility in the RILEM Scientific Journal Materials and Structures.

·  to the General Council meeting.

First meeting of a new RILEM TC

Only after 3 months following the date of creation, in order to let enough time to RILEM National Delegates, Titular and Industrial Members to suggest additional RILEM experts to be active in the new TC.

The Secretary General of RILEM, on behalf of the TC Chairman, sends the invitation to the first meeting hosted in Bagneux (RILEM Secretariat General), with the draft agenda, the programme approved by the General Council and a tentative TC membership list.

Following meetings of the TC

One meeting, if possible, during the RILEM annual week of the year following the creation.

Dates and venue of the coming RILEM Weeks:

-  61st RILEM Week: 3-7 September 2007 – Ghent, Belgium

-  62nd RILEM Week: 1-5 September 2008 – Varenna, Italy

-  63rd RILEM Week: 6-11 September 2009 – Haifa, Israel

In order to facilitate the subsequent work of the RILEM Technical Activities Committee (TAC), each RILEM TC Chairman (or his Secretary) is kindly requested to send every documents issued by the TC:

- to the RILEM Secretariat General (SG)

- to his allocated Cluster’s Convener

Each RILEM TC Chairman should prepare an annual report of activity, following the plan of the TAC-N29 document sent by the Secretariat General at the end of each civil year.

In this short document, the chairman is requested to present his personal evaluation of the work. This report will be included in the RILEM Annual Report. In this respect, it is very important to respect the deadline mentioned in the TAC-N29 document.

Publication of TC results, including workshops and conferences

The results are to be published by RILEM. Any workshop or conference organised by a RILEM TC is to be a RILEM Event, and proceedings published by RILEM, following the procedures established by the Association.

A RILEM TC Chairman is entitled to contact at any time his Cluster Convener or the Secretariat General in Bagneux for any specific need connected with organisational matters, and for any difficulty in the work of his TC.

Membership of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Materials and Structures (see also SG-N21)

A Chairman of a new RILEM Technical Committee is ex officio a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the RILEM Journal Materials and Structures, and as such is invited to propose articles written by specialists belonging to his committee or other papers that fall within the scope of interest of his Technical Committee. Each proposed paper is to be peer-reviewed by three experts in the field of the paper.

In addition, a Chairman of a RILEM Technical Committee is called upon to review articles submitted for publication in Materials and Structures and which are related to the field in which the TC is working.

According to the major commitment in chairing a RILEM TC, only one a RILEM TC can be assigned per chairperson. This rule has been adopted in September 1999 by the RILEM General Council, as a practical way of avoiding an unreasonable work load.