Roman Emperor Research Project

Project Learning Objective: The goal of this project is to learn about Roman emperors from the first and second centuries, important dates, and perhaps even framing their rule in the time period he ruled.

Project Format Choices:

  • Prezi
  • PowerPoint
  • Tri-Fold Poster Board
  • All About Book

Project Requirements:

1. Biographical information

  • Name of the emperor at birth.
  • Birth & death date.
  • Pictures of the emperor.
  • Name as emperor (if different).
  • Nicknames (if any).
  • Dates of birth and death (as accurate as possible).
  • Dates of reign as emperor.
  • Family name & relatives.
  • Early life & education.
  • Other interesting or unique fact(s).

2. Rise to Power

  • How he rose to power & became emperor.
  • Which emperor he replaced & when.
  • Problems that existed in the empire when he came to power.
  • Good things that this person did as emperor of Rome.

3. Setbacks as Emperor

  • Bad things that this person did as emperor of Rome.
  • Problems he caused and/or problems he was unable to solve.

4. End of his Reign

  • What led to the end of this emperor’s reign?
  • Did he die naturally? How? Why? Or…
  • Was he killed? How? Why? By whom? Or…
  • Was he removed from power? How? Why? By whom?
  • Who took over when this emperor’s reign ended?
  • How did that person take over?
  • Why did that person take over?

5. Bibliography

  • Must use at least one book
  • May use up to four websites

6.Required Images

  • A photo of a statue or bust of the emperor.
  • Map of the Roman Empire during your emperor’s reign.
  • AT LEAST TWO other visual aids, possibly including:

A timeline of your emperor’s reign.

Portraits of your emperor (coins with his face? Paintings?)

Other historical pictures of your emperor (Illustrations, sketches, mosaics, carvings, etc.)

Possible Emperors:

First Century

  • Augustus(31BCE–14CE)
  • Tiberius(14–37CE)
  • Caligula(37–41CE)
  • Claudius(41–54CE)
  • Nero(54–68CE)
  • Galba(68–69CE)
  • Otho(January–April 69CE)
  • AulusVitellius(July–December 69CE)
  • Vespasian(69–79CE)
  • Titus(79–81CE)
  • Domitian(81–96CE)
  • Nerva(96–98CE)

Second Century

  • Trajan(98–117CE)
  • Hadrian(117–138CE)
  • Antoninus Pius(138–161CE)
  • Marcus Aurelius(161–180CE)
  • Lucius Verus(161–169CE)
  • Commodus(177–192CE)
  • PubliusHelviusPertinax(January–March 193CE)
  • Marcus Didius Severus Julianus(March–June 193CE)
  • Septimius Severus(193–211CE)