Date:2017 February 2—DRAFT

To:Logan CAC Representatives

From:Darryl Pomicter

RE:Logan Community Advisory Committee MeetingJanuary 12, 2017Minutes

Attached:LCAC Meeting Agenda, January 5, 2017

20170108, FW Logan CAC Meeting January 12--Massport Declines.msg

20170108, FW Logan CAC Meeting January 12--FAA Decline.msg

Time:January 12, 2017, Thursday, 6:00-8:30 PM

Place:Logan Office Center, 1 Harborside Drive, Human Resources Training Room

Call-in:USA Toll- Free: 877-848-7030, Participant Code: 4101625

(Massportprovided speakerphone with extension mics & PC with video projector.)


Officers: Darryl Pomicter, Beacon Hill, President; Jerry Falbo, Vice President; andWig Zamore, Somerville, Vice President

Representative:Myron Kassaraba, Belmont; Bruce Shatswell, Dorchester (6:30); Alan Wright, Roslindale (6:15); Joanne Keith, Roxbury;David Carlon, Hull; Paul Sacksman, Ipswich; Charles Gessner, Marblehead; Luke Preisner, Medford; Cindy Christiansen, Milton;and Dennis Duff, Watertown

Alternate:Dwayne Desaulniers, Jamaica Pond; Allison Stieber, Somerville;and Harvey Steiner, Watertown

Proxy:Frank Ciano, Arlington to Kassaraba;Irene Walczak, Hyde Park to Pomicter;Larry Costello, West Roxbury to Pomicter; Bill Deignan, Cambridge to Kassaraba;Roseann Bongiovanni, Chelsea to Zamore; Gretel Clark, Hamilton to Sacksman; Joan Falvey, Quincy to Christiansen; Gary Banks, Scituate to Pomicter; and Jill Romano, Wenham to Sacksman

Call-InIrene Walczak, Hyde Park; and Bill Deignan

Massport:Frank Iacovino, Noise Abatement; Mark Wimmer, Noise Abatement; AnthonyGallagher, Community Relations and Government Affairs; and Declan Boland, Consultant (and ex-Logan CAC) (Massportleft after Declan comments; before Logan CAC discussion ~7:00)

Darryl called the meeting to order at 6:15, noting that the Logan CAC currently includes representatives appointed by 40 Communities. With present, representing 1/3, 13 Communities, a quorum. (With a late arrival increasing to 14 present.)

Called-In each identified themselves. Attendees introduced themselves around the table and room. And, Proxies were stated.

Frank updatedon Massport:

•Mark Wimmer has joined the Noise Abatement Office.

•2015 MEPA Environmental Data Report was issued December 15, with Public session January 11 and receiving written comments by January 20 to Mass EOEEA.

•Terminal E Modernization,with November 2015 FONSI, is proceeding with design for 2018 construction.

•RNAV Study with MIT and FAA is getting underway, with an initial Public session being determined.

Declan commented on his efforts assisting Massport with the BLANS,as consultant since March 2016, after earlier efforts as Logan CAC Treasurer and Hingham Representative. He will be continuing an additional 3 months, with deliverables yet to be determined.

Darryl commented that it does not seem Logan CAC could have less results with Massport than current premature ending of BLANS. Without the intended noise abatement results—no noise abatement agreed in Phase 2 or in Phase 3 [since Phase 1, 2003-2007], and no Runway Use Program to supersede PRAS. And, Massport refusal to implement the drafted Noise Reports—despite development in BLANS and their 2001 MEPA Section 61 Finding for Quarterly Noise Reports, expanded and additional.

Dave updated on Massport CAC:

•General Meeting with Elections, December 8.

•Aviation Operations and Environment & Health subcommittees are being reconstituted as standing subcommittees.

•Executive Committee and Subcommittees have been meeting.

•Website is nearingPublic use—to be an easier source for information.

•Next General Meetingis March 9, 4-6 at StateTransportation Building.

•Massport RNAV Study Hearing: Wednesday, February 22, 6:00-8:00 p.m. State Transportation Building.

Motion,made and seconded:

The Logan CAC accepts the Meeting Minutes as drafted, with one correction May 12:

•May 12, 2016, Draft May 15 [attached, only reversal of Motion/Second received]

•July 14, 2016, Draft July 24 [attached, no comments received]

•September 15, 2016, Draft December 9 [attached, no comments received]

•December 1, 2016, Draft December 10 [attached, no comments received]

No further discussion.

Voted, with unanimous approval and accepted.

Darryl recommended a book: Jetport: The Boston Airport Controversy, Dorothy Nelkin, 1974, which details Massport inconsideration for Neighborhoods, City, and State. Which continues.

Darryl summarized again for discussion the premature ending of BLANS by FAA and Massport—without fulfilling their 2001 and 2002 Mitigation Commitments—summarized in his emails January 8 (attached):

FAA Declines:

The FAA intends no further involvement with the Logan CAC.

Moving back to behind Massport, Airport Proprietor, responsible for noise abatement.

Despite failure to fulfil Mitigation Measure: Noise Abatement, Runway Use Program to replace Preferential Runway Advisory System, and Monitoring Program with Massport Noise Reporting.

Massport Declines:

Massport intends no further involvement with the Logan CAC.

Despite failure to fulfil Mitigation Measures: Noise Abatement, Runway Use Program to replace Preferential Runway Advisory System, and Monitoring Program with Massport Noise Reporting. Intending no further action on the Noise Abatement Reporting developed. No improvement since before the 2001 Massport MEPA Section 61 Commitment and the 2002 FAA Record of Decision.

Moving to behind the Massport CAC. Which is organizing, with a much broader mandate, and not focused or experienced on noise. Not including the 12 Boston Neighborhoods, fighting for noise abatement since the '70s. Controlled by a few, biased in their views, and not representing the most impacted or overall.

IC ended work with Logan CAC December 16, with $90,000 remaining not expended. [Including $30,000 authorized directly by Massport for noise reporting and not spent. And following no work December 2015-June 2016, awaiting Massport authorization.] PC is revising December 23 Draft Final Report for FAA and Massport. To include Noise Analysis of sensitivity to runway use changes. Hopefully, including Logan CAC comments December 27.

Massport response to Logan CAC Measures December 1 was discussed:

The Logan CAC requests and recommends Massport improve their annual MEPA Environmental Data Report. Including expanding their noise analysis study area to match the larger BLANS study area, 20 NM. Including Public download availability at before the end of the first quarter following every calendar year.

The Logan CAC requests and recommends Massport implement the monthly Flight Tracks Report which they have developed with the Logan CAC. Including Public download availability at before the end of each month for the prior month. And, that Massport implement remaining Logan CAC requests for improvements and further refinements with use. Including a Public review session at least quarterly.

The Logan CAC requests and recommends Massport complete the BOS Noise Abatement Report being developed by the Logan CAC. Addressing the punch list to complete the draft. Including Public download availability at of Runway Use, Persistence, and Dwell by Runway End before the end of each month for the prior 12 months. Including an annual report with Aircraft Flight Operations, Community Noise Exposures, and Population Noise Impacts before the end of the first quarter following every calendar year. Including a Public review session at least quarterly.

Massport email, January 6:

Regarding your previous email on next steps (12/31 appended below), as I've articulated verbally during PMT conversations, Massport is required to work with the legislated Massport CAC of which there is a significant overlap between Logan CAC and Massport CAC membership. The Massport CAC is now well underway. Massport staff has been attending meetings and engaging the organization. Updating and improving Massport's regular reporting on our website and in the annual EDR is one discussion item with the Massport CAC. The Massport CAC may want to utilize the work done and the recommendations made in Phase 3 of the BLANS including the Logan CAC proposed data reporting to inform our discussions.

Regarding your request that Massport continue to update the reports including the flight tracks graphics, these data reports require significant resources- both internal staff and consultants time. Therefore, Massport will not be providing further updates until we have an opportunity to discuss and finalized the reporting with the Massport CAC. Once finalized, Massport will then have an opportunity to spend additional resources to re-tool our reporting related to Boston Logan activity and community overflights including the type and timing of the reports both on our website and the EDR.

Motion, made and seconded:

The Logan CAC requests and recommends Massport complete and implement the BOS Night Flights Report developed by the Logan CAC. Following the Version 2 structure and formatting to complete the draft. Including Public download availability at before the end of the first quarter following every calendar year.


Voted, with unanimous approval and adopted.

Darryl reminded that the Logan CAC is an independent organization of volunteer representatives appointed by their Community. Founded in 1978 with Massport support. The Logan CAC is the designated participant in the 2001 Massport MEPA Section 61 Findings and the 2002 FAA Record of Decision—which have not been fulfilled, and are now being further avoided. Massport is withdrawing from efforts with the Logan CAC . But, neither Massport nor any other can dissolve the Logan CAC. The Logan CAC is responsible for its future.

With discussion, needs for actions were agreed, including:

  • Meeting Place—perhaps again Boston City Hall or Transportation Building [or Massport Noddle Island Community Room].
  • Increased City of Boston support.
  • Increased Political Pressure—City and Town, State,and Federal.

Anext Meeting was agreed, tentatively Thursday, March 2, 6-9 PM (after Final Report and considering Massport CAC Meeting March 9 and Massport Board Meeting March 16).

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

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