High School European School specialising in scientific studies

(Europäische Schule), Karlsruhe (Germany), 1996.

Medical School University of Turin (Italy), 2004.

Residency Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery specialty training, University of Turin (Italy), Department of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Prof. S. Bruschi, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Turin, Jun 06- Jul 11.

Ph.D. Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences and Oncology,

School of Doctorate in Life and Health Sciences, Prof. G. Tarone, University of Turin, starting on Jan 12 (4 years),

Fellowships Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,

Dr S. Spear, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC,

(USA), Jul-Sep 10.

Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Breast Surgery,

St. Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery and Burns,

Mr V. Ramakrishnan, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford (UK), May-

Jul 10.

Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Craniofacial Surgery,

Cleft Unit, Mr L. Kangesu, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London

(UK), Feb-May 10.

Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery,

Miss E. Katsarma, Westminster and Chelsea Hospital, London, (UK)

Sep 09-Gen 10.

Department Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burns,

University of South California, Prof. R. Sherman, LAC+USC Medical

Center (and affiliates), Los Angeles, California, (USA), Jul-Sep


Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,

Prof. G. Bocchiotti, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Turin, (Italy), Jan-Dec 05

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Trauma and Burns, Prof. G. Magliacani, C.T.O-Maria Adelaide Hospital, Turin (Italy), Jan 03-Dic 04.

Department of General Surgery,

Prof. M. Delle Piane, Koelliker - Pro Infantia Hospital, Torino (Italy), Jan 01-Dic 02.

Honors and Awards Licensure, Torino (Italy), 2005

General Medical Council registration, London (UK), 2009

Certificate of Completion of Training in Plastic,

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Specialist in Plastic

Reconstrucitve and Aesthetic Surgery, Torino (Italy), July 15th 2011


·  March 16th 2012: MDM for Breast Cancer: diagnosis, treatment and daily life. Eataly convention center, Turin, Italy.

·  March 1st-3rd 2012: Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast. NH Hotel Santo Stefano, Turin. Italy.

·  February 8th-10th 2012: Immediate breast reconstruction with implants. LifecellTM sales meeting. Lanzarote, Spain (speaker and faculty).

·  January 28th 2012: Nanopeel, biorivitalisation and fillers: new techniques.

Agorà Medical Center, Milan, Italy.

·  November 21st-22nd 2011: LifecellTM Bioskill Lab for breast reconstruction. Marriot Hotel/Bristol University. Bristol, UK. (speaker and dissection table instructor).

·  October 6th-8th 2011: S.I.C.M .National Congress and upper limb microsurgical reconstruction course. C.T.O.- Maria Adelaide Hospital, Turin, Italy.

·  September/October 30th-1st 2011: E.A.S.A.P.S. (S.I.C.P.R.E.) International Congress and live surgery workshop. Marriott Hotel, Milan, Italy.

·  September 20th-21st 2011: LifecellTM Bioskill Lab for breast and abdominal wall reconstruction. Inntel Hotel/Erasmus University. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

·  June 7th: Surgeon Forum with live surgery on Breast Reconstruction with (performing Dr M. Nava). Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori. Milano. Italy.

·  May 21st: Gestione dei disturbi clinici in menopausa. Casa di cura Santa Caterina da Siena. Torino, Italy.

·  April 29th 2011: La chirurgia plastica oncologica della mammella. Centro Congressi Unione Industriale. Torino, Italy.

·  April 6-7th 2011: Surgeon Forum on Breast Reconstruction LifecellTM. Hilton Hotel London Heathrow. Heathrow, UK.

·  April 1st 2011: Blefaroplasty: the plastic surgeon and ophtalmologist point of view.

IRCCS Humanitas, Rozzano (MI), Italy.

·  March 8th 2011: Il tumore della mammella: conoscere per decidere. San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Torino, (Italy)

·  November 11th 2010: La diagnostica per immagini delle sindromi da intrappolamento canalicolare dei nervi periferici di interesse ortopedico. Koelliker - Pro Infantia Hospital, Torino (Italy),

·  May 8th 2010: Breast Reducation, Mastopexy and Management of Breast Asymmetry. The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, UK.

·  April 9th 2010: Autologous breast augmentation, are we beyond the implant?

IRCCS Humanitas, Rozzano (MI), Italy.

·  March 25th 2010: Shaping the future of the breast. Step 1: an augmentation masterclass. ICC, Birmingham, UK.

·  March 18th 2010: Pan Thames Study Day on Cleftlip/palate and Craniofacial Surgery, Goodenough College, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.

·  March 12th 2010: Cleft Sudy Day, Weston House, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.

·  January 15th 2010: Clinical Digital Photography for Surgeons, Doctors and Dentists, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, UK.

·  November 19 th to 20th, 2009: V th International workshop in Reconstructive surgery of the limbs, European Surgical Training Center Hôpital Kirchberg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

·  December 12th, 2008: Rhinoplasty course, Ospedale San Giovanni Battista, Torino, Italy.

·  April 14th to 16th, 2008: Anatomy applied to Plastic Surgery course, Ecole de Chirurgie, Paris, France.

·  May 10th, 2007: 26° Preparatory course of Hand Surgery “Aldo De Negri”, San Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.

·  March 21th, 2007: Anatomic dissection corse applied to Plastic Surgery, Ecole de Chirurgie, Paris, France

·  October 11th, 2006: International Microsurgery course, M.A.Z. at WIFI, Linz, Austria.

·  April 4th, 2006: Reconstructive Microsurgery course, C.T.O. , Torino, Italy

·  March 10th, 2006: Head and neck flaps surgical course, Ecole de Chirurgie, Paris, France.

·  February 20th, 2006: Italian National Microsurgery course, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Udine, Italy

·  October 20th, 2005: 23° International island and free flaps course, Univesité de Liege, Liege, Belgium

·  September 21st, 2005: Rhinoplasty (open, closed and endoscopic), Cheiloplasty, Blepharoplasty and mammary bicompartmental Liporestructuring courses. 54° Italian Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society (S.I.C.P.R.E.) Congress, Genova, Italy

·  February 20th, 2005: BLSD, ATLS and PHTLS courses, Assitrauma, Torino, Italy.

Academic Appointments

·  September 1st 2006 until July 15th 2011: medical students tutorial program, Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Hospital Appointments and Clinical workload during the five years residency program (June 2006 - July 2011):

·  Responsible for the daily ward and outpatient care of patients

·  Responsible under supervision of plastic surgery ER when on call

·  Approximately 617 surgical procedures performed during the five years: 134 major, 195 medium and 288 small surgical procedures, of which 6 major, 76 medium and 268 small performed as first operator under supervision and 267 as second operator).

(Detailed data on surgical procedures performed as first operator under supervision and second operator available on a separate logbook file),

Extra-Hospital Appointments

·  November 2011: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon for procurement of cadaver skin for the Italian National Transplant Center (Centro Nazionale Trapianti),

Skin Bank and Laboratory - Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Big Burns, Dott.ssa Castagnoli - Dott. Stella, C.T.O-Maria Adelaide Hospital, Turin (Italy).


Italian Society of Microsurgery (S.I.M.)

Italian Society of Hand Surgery (S.I.C.M.)

Turin’s Medical Association (O.M.C.E.O)

Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.I.C.P.R.E.)

Breast Cancer National Operative Force (F.O.N.C.aM.)


Research project: “Development and clinical use of a new human de-epithelized reticolar dermal matrix from cadaver for immediate, single or two stages, implant-based breast reconstruction after skin or nac sparing mastectomies”. Proponents Prof. P. Bogetti, Dr P.M. Ferrando. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interdisciplinary Group (G.I.C.). Breast Unit, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Torino,Italy.

Research project: “ Radiological evaluation of breast implants modifications”. Proponents Prof. P. Bogetti, Prof. G.Gandini, Dr G. Mariscotti, Dr P. M Ferrando. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interdisciplinary Group (G.I.C.). Breast Unit, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Torino,Italy.

Research project: “Lipofilling and ADSC in breast reconstruction”. Proponent Dr N. Kefalas, collaborator P.M. Ferrando. Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - San Lazzaro Hospital, Torino, Italy.

Research project: “Stapphilococcus Aureus infection control in Plastic Surgery operating rooms

in Piedmont”. Proponent: Prof. P. Bogetti, collaborators: Dr P.M. Ferrando, Dr V. Veglio.

Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - San Lazzaro Hospital, Torino,


Research project: “sepsis control in big burns”. Proponent: Dr M. Stella, collaborators: Prof. M.L. Soranzo, D. Risso, A. Clemente, P.M. Ferrando, T. Spadea, S. Carlucci, M.A. Bocchiotti.

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Trauma and Burns, C.T.O, Torino, Italy.


Peer Review

·  Fraccalvieri M, Verna G, Bocchiotti MA, Ferrando PM, Margara A, Bruschi S. Vertical trapezius myocutaneous flap for head and neck reconstruction: our clinical experience. Minerva Chirurgica, 2007, 20(6) 289-292.

·  Ferrando PM, Verga M, Bocchiotti MA, Bruschi S, Obbialero F. The first reported case of brachial plexus palsy in history. La ricerca pneumologica, June 2007,

·  Datta G, Boriani F, Degano K, Carlucci S, Ferrando PM, Verna G. “Combination of two long-pedicled myocutaneous flaps for closure of a complex contralateral dorsal defect”. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, June;87(6):1930-3.

·  Bogetti P, Boriani F, Gravante G, Ferrando P. Milanese A, Baglioni E. A retrospective study on mesh repair alone vs. mesh repair plus pedicle flap for large incisional hernias.

European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, accepted (waiting for publication).

·  Ferrando PM, Garagnani L. One year training felloship abroad: a comparising between the Italian and the United Kingom specialist training program and comparative analysis of the role of the surgeon consultant. Annali Italiani di Chirurgia, sent (waiting for acceptance).

Meeting Abstracts

·  Ferrando PM, Garagnani L, Eckersley R, Weir J, Katsarma E. Lipomatous tumors of the digits, hand and wrist: a series of 25 cases and review of the literature. British Society of Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) Autumn Meeting, October 20th 2011, London, UK. (and oral presentation by first author)

·  Ferrando PM. High Intensity Controlled Ultrasound (H.I.C.U.): specific treatments for lymphoedema and lipoedema. Aesthetics Asia 2011 congress act, September 9th 2011, Singapore, Singapore. (and oral presentation by first author)

·  Ferrando PM, Weir J, Eckersley R, Katsarma E. Digits, hand and wrist lipomas: case series and review. 48th national congress SICM congress acts, October 1st, 2010, Savona, Italy. (and oral presentation by first author)

·  Ferrando PM, Garagnani L, Bogetti P, Bruschi S. One year training fellowship abroad: a comparison between the Italian and the United Kingdom specialist training programme and a comparative analysis of the role of the Consultant in Plastic Surgery.

59th national congress SICPRE congress acts, September 23rd to 26th, 2010, Siena, Italy. (and oral presentation by first author)

·  Ferrando PM, Weir J, Eckersley R, Katsarma E. Digits, hand and wrist lipomas:case series and review. 15th congress of FESSH congress acts, June 23rd to 26th, 2010, Bucharest, Romania. (and electronic presentation)

·  Bogetti P, Grilz G, Ferrando PM, Degano K, Baglioni E. “SSM: our clinical experience” 57th national congress SICPRE congress acts, September 24th to 27th, 2010, Naples, Italy.

·  Risso D, Ferrando PM, Gangemi EN, Carlucci S, Spadea T, Bocchiotti MA, Clemente A, Stella M. Therapy for prevention of sepsis in big burns. Trauma and Burn Unit, C.T.O 40 years anniversary celebrating congress acts, June 5th to 7th, 2008, Turin, Italy.

·  Stella M, Risso D, Bocchiotti MA, Ferrando PM, Carlucci S, Soranzo ML. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy in prevention of sepsis in big burns units. 61st National congress SIAARTI congress acts, October 18th to 20th, 2007, Turin, Italy.

·  Bollero R, Capocelli R, Cassano P, Cuccuru F, Ferrando PM. Necrotising soft tissue infection treated in a burn unit: our clinical experience. 11th European burns association congress acts, September 2005, Estoril, Portugal.

In Press

·  Bogetti P, Baglioni E, Boriani F, Ferrando PM, Choc IS, Giacardi A, Salizzoni M. “Major incisional hernia reconstruction: a comparison between post epatectomy and post OLT patients.” American Journal of Surgery.

·  Ferrando PM, Garagnani L, Eckersley R, Weir J, Katsarma E. Lipomatous tumours of the hand and wrist: a series of 25 cases and review of the literature. Journal of Hand Surgery (European),


·  Stella M, Bocchiotti M., Ferrando PM. “Management of upper limbs burns” in Hand Surgery, manual and atlas of surgical techniques. 2007, Pacini Edit., Pisa, Chap. 9, pag. 95-107.

·  Bocchiotti MA., Ferrando PM. Burns in Compendio di Chirurgia Plastica (Plastic and Reconstructive surgery compendium) 2006. Pacini Edit. Pisa, chap. 12, pag.274-288.


Voluntary service

Medical and Plastic Surgery specialist voluntary support for Camillian missions:

-  Madian Orizzonti Onlus Project for Haiti


Rowing (member of the italian Royal Rowers Society: R.S.C. Cerea of Torino, Italy.),

backcountry snowboarding,

mountaneer trekking,

horse riding,

motorcycle trial.





Italian (mother language)

English (second language)

German (high level spoken, medium level written)

French (medium level spoken and written)