Ballot Task Force

Call Date: Wednesday March 24, 2004

3pm-4pm Eastern Standard

Participants: Gavin Tong

Joan Miller

Mike Henderson

Scott Robertson

Alexis Grassie

Kristy Thacker

Agenda for Meeting:

  Minute Review

  Review HL7 Ballot Task Force mission statement for HL7 Web site

  Review Current Ballot Comment Spreadsheet – (Outstanding item from Issues Tracking Spreadsheet, worksheet titled ‘spreadsheet’, row 3)

Reference Links:

1)  Bylaws:

2)  Pnp:

  Making sure the rest of HL7 knows what we are doing/working on

·  Our purpose

·  Past and current work items

·  Call schedule/details

·  Bring a friend

  Setting next week’s agenda

Administrative Issues

·  Gavin asked PIC to review policy and procedures addition at their next meeting

·  Joanne sent the mission statement to ARB and TSC

·  The balloting task force website is not up yet, hopefully will be up early in the week of March 29th

·  Communiqué is still outstanding- Gavin and Kristy to work on for next meeting

Review of Mission Statement:

A task force created by the Process Improvement Committee to focus on improving all aspects of HL7 Balloting. This task force identifies, tracks, and resolves issues related to the balloting process. This includes but is not limited to; proposing changes to the HL7 Policies and Procedures, and Bylaws; updating the ballot comment spreadsheets; and recommending improvements to existing web applications to facilitate balloting. This task force is open to anyone who wishes to join.

·  Gavin is submitting the mission statement to Mike Craig, but edits and amendments in the future still possible.

Review Ballot Comment Spreadsheet:

1)  Submitter Worksheet (updates)

  When select overall vote as ‘Affirmative’ or ‘Negative’ a pop-up in red text appears with guidelines for the use of line items

  Links to Ballot Comments

  Links to instructions

2)  Ballot Spreadsheet (updates)

  Column L – ‘Comment Grouping’ (rephrasing of block)

  Instructions for use of Comment Grouping (Linked)

3)  Ballot Worksheet

  Row 2 “Committee Time Requested”

  Limitation Noted: If yes is selected on main page then all comments are selected as yes for committee time, people must either select yes or no and manually change line items

  Possible Solutions: Have it on the comment page instead of the ballot page so it goes automatically to the ballot page

  Between column K and L

  Gavin will rework and post 2 options to listserv and discuss timelines with Mike Craig

4)  Issues Tracking Spreadsheet – Row 3 - Clarification of ‘Pending’ and ‘Refer’ needed

From: a) receiving committee or b) from originating committee?

·  Normally, if it is clear that the issue needs to be resolved by a different committee then ‘refer’ is used. If it is unclear then ‘pending’ used.

·  Suggestions:

a)  Pending and Referred are a status as oppose to dispositions, so take out and add a ‘status of disposition’ column and use ‘referred to’, ‘received from’, ‘considered’

b)  ‘Status’ column or ‘Referral Tracking’ column and pull out refer and pending

Outstanding Issues:

1)  As a result of macro, the email address of the person submitting the comments (non-members) is lost. Does not make sense if the co-chair has a question, it is better to go straight to the person who made the comments.

Result: Gavin to see if functionality can be added to macro to include immediately beside column Y (on behalf of) an ‘on behalf of email’ column

How to make people aware of Ballot Task Force work/Communications:

1)  Audience:

·  TSC & ORC – Communiqué

·  In-depth article to HL7 newsletter

·  Communiqué to HL7 List *Verify with Karen - not considered abuse, i.e. advertising*

Included in Communications piece:

a)  Purpose

b)  Past and Current work items

c)  Call Schedule/details

d)  Bring a friend/welcome new volunteers

Recruiting New Volunteers

Þ  HL7 mentoring program for 1st time attendees, Contact Freida

Progress of Task Force

Þ  Begin to channel efforts towards procedures

Action Items:

·  Gavin and Kristy to prepare Communiqué

·  Gavin to change Row 2 of Ballot worksheet “Committee Time Requested” instructions to a question mark after “required”

·  Gavin to speak with Mike Craig about timelines for the “Committee Time Requested” options

·  Gavin to post “Committee Time Requested” options to listserv

·  Gavin to try putting in referral column and populate with dummy data

·  Gavin to change Joan Miller’s comments to Siemens in entire spreadsheet

·  Gavin to see if functionality can be added to the macro to add an ‘on behalf of email’ column immediately beside column Y ‘on behalf of’

·  Gavin to verify with Karen that announcement to HL7 list not considered abuse

·  Gavin to ask for another WebX session next Wednesday March 31

Agenda for Next Week:

  Talk about process for how referral can be dealt with