Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Dear Parents

VISIT TO INGLETON, 5th-8th June 2018

In June next year we have once again arranged an opportunity for Year 6 children to take part in a four day long residential visit to Ingleton in the Yorkshire Dales.

The visit is one that has run very successfully over a number of years and includes visits to Skipton Castle, the very impressive White Scar Caves as well as the chance to experience some spectacular countryside on the local waterfall walk. Also included is a day planned and run with the help of qualified instructors involving adventurous activities such as abseiling, caving, orienteering and problem solving. Accommodation will be at the local Youth Hostel which is situated in the centre of the village and close to the nearby open air swimming pool.

We feel the children gain a great deal from participating in the Ingleton visit and a range of work at school is planned around it. Indeed, we encourage everyone to take part. To this end we can, in some circumstances, offer support with meeting costs, for example for those children who are in receipt of free school meals (a separate letter providing further details will be sent to parents concerned to outline how we might help). For the majority of parents, however, we do have to ask for a commitment to the full costs of the visit to be met before we can begin to confirm arrangements.

We would be grateful therefore if parents could confirm whether they wish their child to participate in the visit to Ingletonby completing and returning the slip below. The provisional total cost for the visit is anticipated as £190 and if you are happy to confirm your child’s involvement it would be appreciated if an initial non-returnable deposit of £30 could be returned with the slip by Friday,24thNovember 2017 atthe latest.

Once we are in a position to know numbers, I will write again to provide further information about the visit and arrangements for payment

If sufficient interest is shown, arrangements to book for next year will go ahead and further information will be sent to you.

Yours sincerely

Mr J Berry


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Residential Visit to IngletonJune 2018

Child’s Name ………………….……………………………….……………………………….Class ………………………

I would like my child to be included in arrangements for the visit to Ingleton and enclose £30.00 deposit. I agree to pay the full £190.00 cost of the visit.

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………………...Parent/Carer