Volleybuff Player Contract


  • Sign Up Days: February 11 and 12
  • One coach from each team must bring all the forms, money, and team sign up for on sign up days. All players need not attend.
  • Practice Days: March 11-14 (Times TBA)
  • Tournament Days: March 18-19

In order to complete a team your must have:

  • 6 players (12 maximum)
  • 1 coach (4 maximum)

Tournament Will Run Like So:

  • March 18: Pool Play
  • Each team will play the other 3 teams in their pool
  • From these rankings each team will be seeded
  • One of the two teams not playing will be designated as the “reffing team”
  • This team will be responsible for an up-ref down ref and lines judges (if none certified they will be provided)
  • March 19: Bracket Play
  • Form the finishes in the Pool Play round, a Gold, Silver and Bronze bracket will be seeded. This will result in single elimination play until a winner is produced.

Cost will be $15 and include gym time and a t-shirt for each participant. Checks should be made out to Wando High School with Volleybuff included in the subject line.

My son, ______, has permission to participate in Volleybuff 2013.

I understand that Volleybuff involves physical activity and do hereby release Wando High School and its coaches, administrations, and staff from any claim of negligence by ourselves, our sons, our heirs, executors, and assigns, from any liability arising from claims for damages for injury to our son and any claims for loss of or damage to his property which may arise out of his participation in this school sponsored program.

I have read the above rules, regulations, and procedures and agree to comply with them or I forfeit my opportunity to play (or my son’s opportunity to play) in this year’s games.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Grade Level: ______Team:______

Insurance Company: ______Policy #: ______

Basic Rules

Playing the Game

  • Each side can only hit the ball 3 times
  • Players can not touch the ball twice in a row
  • A ball must fall outside of the court lines to be considered out of bounds
  • Balls that land directly on the line are still considered in bounds
  • Players cannot block serves
  • The team must rotate clockwise each time they serve
  • There must be 6 players on each side
  • Each game is played to 25 points and the winning team must win by 2 points


  • The servers entire body must stay behind the boundary line while serving
  • The ball must be clearly visible to the opposing team before serving
  • The ball must be served either overhand or underhand
  • The ball may graze the top of the net during the serve, as long as it drops to the side of the opposing team
  • Serves must be returned by passing or setting, no spiking
  • The first serve of the game will be determined by a coin toss (rock-paper-scissors) each game after that will alternate serve.


  • Failure to get the ball over the net during a serve
  • Hitting the ball illegally (throwing, carrying, palming…etc)
  • Stepping on or over the boundary line while serving
  • Failure to serve in the correct team order
  • Touching the net with any part of the body during a game
  • Reaching over or under the net (except when blocking)