Please complete this form and send it to Hallam Law either by fax to: 0114 225 2504, by email to or in person at Hallam Law, Sheffield Hallam University, Heart of the Campus, Collegiate Campus, Sheffield, S10 2BQ.
1Your full name:
2How did you hear about us?
StaffStaff ID:
StudentStudent ID:
OtherPlease specify:
3Have you previously instructed Hallam Law (formerly Law Clinic)?
YesIf yes, what was your ref no:
(a) Postal
(b) E-mail
5Contact Telephone number
Daytime: Mobile:
6Can messages be left?
YesIf yes, with whom? Please specify name or whether voicemails can be left:
7Briefly set out the nature of your enquiry:
Continue on a separate sheet if necessary
8Are you aware of any court deadlines or other urgent issues that apply to your case? If so, please give details:
Continue on a separate sheet if necessary
9What is the full name of any opponent or related party?
10Have you already sought legal advice on this matter?
YesIf yes, please provide details of who provided that advice:
11Are any other solicitors currently acting on your behalf in relation to this or anyothermatter?
YesIf yes, please provide details of who is providing the advice:
Please note that you will be contacted within 3 working days of receipt of this form to confirm whether we are able to assist you, and to arrnge an appointment if we are able to assist.
Please also note that initial interviews usually take place Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, and last for 30 minutes. It is likely that the Legal Support Officer will contact you by telephone to arrange a convenient time for you to attend. Therefore, if you have any specific requirements please notify the officer at the time of arranging the appointment.