Bruce E. Kaufman: Publications (6/2016)


The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations. Edward Elgar, 2014.

Voice and Involvement at Work: Experience with Nonunion Employee Representation Across Three Continents. Routledge, 2014 (co-edited with Paul Gollan, Daphne Taras, and Adrian Wilkinson).

Hired Hands or Human Resources: Case Studies of HRM Programs and Practices in Early American Industry. Cornell University Press, 2010.

Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Vols. 7-18. Elsevier (1996-2011). (Annual research volume, with David Lewin, Paul Gollan, co-eds.).

Managing the Human Factor: The Early Years of Human Resource Management in American Industry.Cornell University Press, 2008.

What Do Unions Do?: A Twenty Year Perspective.New Brunswick: Transaction Press, 2007. (With James Bennett, co-ed.).

The Economics of Labor Markets, 7th ed., Thompson-Southwest (2005) (With Julie Hotchkiss).

Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship. Champaign-Urbana: Industrial Relations Research Association (2004).

The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations. Geneva: International Labour Organization (2004).

Industrial Relations to Human Resources and Beyond: The Evolution of Employee Relations Management. M.E. Sharpe (2003). (With Richard Beaumont and Roy Helfgott, co-eds.).

The Future of Private Sector Unionism in the United States. M.E. Sharpe (2002). (With James Bennett, co-ed.).

The Internal Governance and Organizational Effectiveness of Trade Unions, Kluwer (2001). (With Samuel Estreicher and Harry Katz, eds.)

Nonunion Employee Representation: History, Contemporary Practice, and Policy, M.E. Sharpe (April, 2000). (With Daphne Taras).

Government Regulation of the Employment Relationship. Madison, WI: Industrial Relations Research Association, 1997 (ed.) (Competitively selected as 50th anniversary commemorative research volume).

Employee Representation: Alternatives and Future Directions. Madison, WI: IRRA (1993). (Co-edited with Morris Kleiner).

The Origins and Evolution of the Field of Industrial Relations in the United States. Ithaca: ILR Press (1993).

How Labor Markets Work: Reflections on Theory and Practice by John Dunlop, Clark Kerr, Richard Lester, and Lloyd Reynolds. Lexington: Lexington Books (1988). (ed.)

Critical Employment Issues Facing the Southeast. Atlanta: GSU Business Press (1986). (With William Rutherford, eds.).

Articles in Scholarly Journals/Proceedings

“Globalization and Convergence-Divergence of HRM across Nations: New Measures, Explanatory Theory, and Non-Standard Predictions from Bringing in Economics.” Human Resource Management Review (2016, Early View): 1-14.

“Langbert on Left-Leaning Industrial Relations: Bringing Balance to a Right-Leaning Account.” Econ Journal Watch (May 2016): 1-24.

“Adam Smith’s Economics and the Modern Minimum Wage Debate: The Large Distance Separating Kirkcaldy from Chicago,” Journal of Labor Research, (March, 2016): 29-52.

“Experience with Company Unions and Implications for the Wagner Act: A Four Frames of Reference Analysis,” Industrial Relations, (October 2015): 423-58.

“Divergent Fates: Company Unions and Employee Involvement Committees under the Railway Labor and National Labor Relations Acts,” Labor History (October, 2015): 1-35.

“The RBV Theory Foundation of Strategic HRM: Critical Flaws, Problems for Research and Practice, and an Alternative Economics Paradigm, Human Resource Management Journal, (November 2015): 516-40.

“Advancing Industrial Relations Theory: An Analytical Synthesis of British-American and Pluralist-Radical Ideas,” Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, (4, 2015): 402-31. (With Gregor Gall).

“Evolution of Strategic HRM as Seen Through Two Founding Books: A 30th Anniversary Perspective on Development of the Field,” Human Resource Management, 54 (June, 2015: 389-407.

“Minimum Wage Channels of Adjustment, Industrial Relations, 54 (2, 2015): 199-239. With Barry Hirsch and Tetyana Zelenska.

“Alternative Configurations of Firm-Level Employment Systems: Evidence from American Companies,” Economics and Business Review, 1 (2, 2015): 22-51. With Ben Miller.

“Market Competition, HRM, and Firm Performance: The Conventional Paradigm Critiqued and Reformulated.” Human Resource Management Review 25 (1, 2015): 107-25.

“Theorizing Determinants of Employee Voice: An Integrative Model Across Disciplines and Levels of Analysis.” Human Resource Management Journal (January, 2015): 19-40.

“Explaining Breadth and Depth of Employee Voice across Firms: A Voice Factor Demand Model.” Journal of Labor Research35 (Fall 2014): 296-319.

“IR Theory Built on the Founders Principles with Empirical Application to Australia,” ILR Review,” 67 (October 2014): 1203-34. (with Michael Barry).

“The Historical Development of American HRM Broadly Viewed,” Human Resource Management Review25 (September 2014): 196-218.

“Labor Law Reform in India: Insights from the Tangled Legacy of Sidney & Beatrice Webb.” Indian Journal of Industrial Relations50 (July 2014: 2-23.

“History of the British Industrial Relations Field Reconsidered: Getting from the Webbs to the New Employment Relations Paradigm.” British Journal of Industrial Relations52 (March 2014): 1-31.

“The Optimal Level of Market Competition: Neoclassical and New Institutional Conclusions Critiqued and Reformulated,” Journal of Economic Issues, 47 (Sept 2013): 639-72.

“Sidney and Beatrice Webb’s Institutional Model of Labor Markets and Wage Determination, Industrial Relations, 52 (July 2013): 765-90.

“Keeping the Commitment Model Up in the Air During Turbulent Times: Employee Involvement at Delta Air Lines,” Industrial Relations52 S1 (January 2013): 343-77.

“Some Coasian Problems with Posnerian Law and Economics,” Journal of Economic Issues 46 (September 2012): 745-64.

“Strategic Human Resource Management Research in the USA: A Failing Grade after 30 Years? Academy of Management Perspectives 26 (July 2012): 12-36.

“Wage Theory, New Deal Labor Policy, and the Great Depression: Were Government and Unions to Blame? Industrial and Labor Relations Review 65 (July 2012): 501-32.

“An Institutional Economic Analysis of Labor Unions,” Industrial Relations 51 (April 2012): 438-71.

“The Firms Choice of HRM Practices: Economics Meets Strategic Human Resource Management,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (April 2011): 526-57. With Ben Miller.

“The Theoretical Foundation of Industrial Relations and Its Implications for Labor Economics and Human Resource Management,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (October 2010): 74-108.

“Theorizing the Firm’s Demand for Human Resource Management Practices,” International Journal of Human Resource Management (April 2010), 615-36.

“Institutional Economics and the Minimum Wage: Broadening the Theoretical and Policy Debate,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (April 2010), pp. 427-53.

“SHRM Theory in the Post-Huselid Era: Why It is Fundamentally Mis-Specified,” Industrial Relations (April 2010), pp. 286-313.

Promoting Labor Market Efficiency and Fairness Through a Legal Minimum Wage: The Webbs and the Social Cost of Labor,” British Journal of Industrial Relations (June 2009), pp. 306-26.

“The Non-Existence of the Labor Demand/Supply Diagram, and Other Theorems of Institutional Economics,” Journal of Labor Research (Summer 2008), pp. 285-99.

“Paradigms in Industrial Relations: Original, Modern, and Versions In-between,” British Journal of Industrial Relations (June 2008), pp. 314-39.

“On the Retirement of James Bennett as the Editor of the Journal of Labor Research,” Journal of Labor Research (Winter 2008), 1-10.

“The Impossibility of a Perfectly Competitive Labor Market,” Cambridge Journal of Economics (September 2007), pp. 775-87.

“The Institutional Economics of John R. Commons: Complement and Substitute for Neoclassical Economic Theory,” Socio-Economic Review (No. 1 2007), pp. 3 -46.

“The Core Principle and Fundamental Theorem of Industrial Relations,” International Journal of Comparative Labor Law and Industrial Relations (No. 1 2007), pp. 5-34.

“Nonunion Employee Representation in North America: Diversity, Controversy and Uncertain Future,” Industrial Relations Journal (September 2006), pp. 513- 42.

“Labor Institutionalism and Industrial Relations: A Century of Boom and Bust,” Labor History (August 2006), pp. 295-318.

“What Do Unions Do? -- Commentary and Evaluation,” Journal of Labor Research (Fall 2005), pp. 555-596.

“Historical Insights: The Early Institutionalists on Trade Unionism and Labor Policy,” Journal of Labor Research (Winter 2005), pp. 1-32.

“What Unions Do: Insights from Economic Theory,” Journal of Labor Research (Summer 2004), pp. 351-82.

“John R.Commons and the WisconsinSchool on Industrial Relations Strategy and Policy,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (October, 2003), pp. 3-30.

“High-Level Employee Involvement at Delta Air Lines,” Human Resource Management (Summer, 2003), pp. 175-90.

“Sumner Slichter on Personnel Management and Employee Representation in the Pre-New Deal Era.” In Kaufman and Lewin, eds., Advances in Industrial and LaborRelations, Vol. 12 (2003), pp. 223-69.

“The Organization of Economic Activity: Insights from the Institutional Theory of John R. Commons,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (No. 1, 2003), pp. 71-96.

“The Contribution of Economics and Industrial Relations to the Field of Personnel/HRM,” Management Decision Vol. 40 (No. 10 2002), pp. 962-79.

“On Emotions and Bounded Rationality: Reply to Hanoch,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2002), pp. 137-41.

“Models of Union Wage Determination: What Have We Learned Since Dunlop and Ross?” Industrial Relations (Winter, 2002), pp. 110-58.

“Reflections on Six Decades in Industrial Relations: An Interview with John Dunlop,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review (January, 2002), pp. 324-48.

“The Theory and Practice of Strategic HRM and Participative Management: Antecedents in Early Industrial Relations,” Human Resource Management Review (No. 4, 2001), pp. 505-33.

“The Future of U.S. Private Sector Unionism: Did George Barnett Get It Right After All?” Journal of Labor Research, 22 (3, 2001), pp. 433-58.

“The Employee Participation and Representation Gap: An Assessment and Proposed Solution,” University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law(No.3, 2001), pp. 491- 550.

“HR and IR: Commonalities and Differences,” Human Resource Management Review (No. 4, 2001), pp. 339-74.

“HR Management in the 20th Century: Milestones and Lessons Learned,” Perspectives on Work (No. 1, 2001), 53-56.

“Interview with Steelworkers’ President Lynn Williams,” Journal of Labor Research (Winter 2001), pp. 145-71.

“The Case for the Company Union,” Labor History (3, 2000), pp. 321-350.

“The Early Institutionalists on Industrial Democracy and Union Democracy,” Journal of Labor Research (Spring 2000), pp. 189-210.

“The Future of Collective Bargaining and Its Implications forDispute Resolution,” In Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Arbitrators (2000), pp. 11-29.

“Industrial Relations,” in Oxford Companion to American History (2000), pp. 385-6.

"Expanding the Behavioral Foundations of Labor Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (April, 1999), pp. 361-92.

"Does the NLRA Constrain Employee Involvement Programs in Nonunion Companies,?" Yale Law and Policy Review (Spring, 1999), pp. 729-811.

“Emotional Arousal as a Source of Bounded Rationality,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (Spring, 1999), pp. 135-44.

"The Evolution and Current Status of University HR Programs," Human Resource Management, (Summer, 1999), pp. 103-10.

"Implications for HR Education of the Innovative HR/IR Teaching Conference," Human Resource Management, (Summer, 1999) (with David Lewin), pp. 165-70.

"Is the NLRA Still Relevant to Today's Economy and Workplace?," Labor Law Journal (September, 1998), 1113-26. (With David Lewin).

"John R. Commons: His Role in the Founding and Early Development of the Field of Personnel/HRM," Proceedings, Industrial Relations Research Association (1998), pp. 328-41.

"Government Regulation of the Employment Relationship: The Perspective of the Old Institutionalists," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (Fall 1998), pp. 349-85.

"Oral History Interview with Herbert R. Northrup," Journal of Labor Research (Fall 1998), pp. 69-93.

"The Future of the Labor Movement: A Look at the Fundamentals," Labor Law Journal (August 1997), pp. 474-84.

"Company Unions: Sham Organizations or Victims of the New Deal?, Proceedings, Industrial Relations Research Association, 1997.

"Interfirm Wage Differentials in a Local Labor Market: The Case of the Fast-food Industry," Journal of Labor Research (Summer 1997), pp. 463-80.

"Cracking a Solid Front: The Growth and Development of the Nonunion Sector in the Southern Paper Industry, " Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Winter Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association (1997).

"A New Paradigm: Deregulation of Labor Relations--Comment on Reynolds," Journal of Labor Research (Fall, 1996), pp. 129-134.

"The Role of Management Attorneys in Union Organizing Campaigns," Journal of Labor Research, Fall 1995, pp. 439-454. (With Paula Stephan).

"What Companies are Looking for in Graduates of University HR Programs," Labor Law Journal (August, 1994): 503-510.

"Employee Representation: Alternatives and Future Directions," in Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting,Industrial Relations Research Association (1993), pp. 311-320.

"Strategic Choices Facing IR and the IRRA, in Proceedings, Forty-Fourth Annual Winter Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association (1992), pp. 263 -274.

"Research Expectations in IR/HR Units: The View from the Beebe Institute." In Proceedings, Forty-Second Annual Winter Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, 1990, pp. 502-509.

"Labor's Inequality of Bargaining Power: Myth or Reality?" Journal of Labor Research, Spring 1991, pp. 151-166.

"Monopoly, Efficient Contract and Median Voter Models of Union Wage Determination: A Critical Comparison." Journal of Labor Research, Fall 1990, pp 401-23. (With Jorge Martinez).

"A New Theory of Satisficing," Journal of Behavioral Economics, Spring 1990, pp. 35-51.

"Labor's Inequality of Bargaining Power: Changes Over Time and Implications for Public Policy," Journal of Labor Research, Summer 1989, pp. 185-99.

"Models of Man in Industrial Relations Research," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October 1989, pp. 72-88.

"Voting for Wage Concessions: The Case of the 1982 GM-UAW Negotiations." Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 1988, pp. 183-94. (With Jorge Martinez.

" The Ross-Dunlop Debate and Union Wage Concessions: A Median Voter Analysis," Journal of Labor Research, Summer 1987, pp. 291-306. Co-authored with Jorge Martinez.

"Determinants of Interindustry Wage Growth in the Seventies," Industrial Relations, Spring 1987, pp. 186-94. (With Paula Stephan).

"Union Organizing Success in Three Southern States," Labor Law Journal, August 1986, pp. 487-493. (With Robert Eisenstadt and Madelyn Young).

"Factors Leading to a Decline in Union Win Rates, 1973-1981," in Proceedings, Annual Winter Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, 1986, pp. 296-305.

"The Determinants of Strikes over Time and Across Industries," Journal of Labor Research, Spring 1983, pp. 159-176.

"Interindustry Trends in Strike Activity," Industrial Relations, Winter 1983, pp. 45- 57.

"The Determinants of Strikes in the United States 1900-1977," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 1982, pp. 473-90.

"Bargaining Theory, Inflation and Cyclical Strike Activity in Manufacturing," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1981, pp. 333-355.

"Scale of Plant Relative to Market Size in U.S. Manufacturing," Southern Economic Journal, October 1979, pp. 635-639.

"Wage-Price Expectations and Cyclical Strike Activity," in Proceedings, Industrial Relations Research Association, 30th Annual Winter Meeting, 1977, pp. 327-329.

"The Propensity to Strike in American Manufacturing," in Proceedings, The Industrial Relations Research Association, 30th Annual Winter Meeting, 1977, pp. 419-426.

Chapters in Books

“An Employment Relations Model of Employee Voice.” In P. Ackers and S. Johnstone, eds. Finding a Voice? Employee Representation in the New Workplace. Oxford University Press, 2015, 278-99.

“Employee Involvement and Representation at Delta Air Lines: Challenges and Progress.” In Paul Gollan, Bruce Kaufman, Daphne Taras, and Adrian Wilkinson, eds., Voice and Involvement at Work: Experience with Nonunion Employee Representation Across Three Continents. Routledge, 2014, 295-340.

“Employee Voice before Hirschman: Its Early History, Conceptualization and Practice.” In Adrian Wilkinson, Jimmy Donaghey, Tony Dundon, and Richard Freeman (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Employee Voice, Elgar, 2014: 17-35.

“The Historical Development of HRM in the USA.” In Bruce Kaufman, ed., The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations.Elgar, 2014: 461-92.

“The Development of Human Resource Management across Nations: History and Its Lessons for International and Comparative HRM.” In Bruce Kaufman, ed., The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations.Elgar, 2014: 1-20.

“The Economic Organization of Employment: Systems in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations.” In Anna Grandori, ed., Handbook of Economic Organization, Elgar, 2013, pp. 289-311.

“Economic Analysis of Labor Markets and Labor Law: An Institutional/Industrial Relations Perspective.” In Michael Wachter and Cynthia Estlund, eds., Law and Economics of Labor and Employment Law, Elgar, 2012, pp. 84-121.

“The Future of Employment Relations: Insights from Theory.” In Keith Townsend and Adrian Wilkinson, eds., Research Handbook on the Future of Work and Employment Relations, Elgar, 2011, pp. 13-44.

“Comparative Employment Relations: Institutional and Neo-Institutional Theories.” In Michael Barry and Adrian Wilkinson, eds., Handbook of Comparative Employment Relations. Elgar, 2011, 25-55.

“Chicago and the Development of Twentieth Century Labor Economics.” In Ross Emmett, ed., The Elgar Companion to the Chicago School of Economics. Elgar, 2010, 128-51.

“Employee Participation Through Non-Union Forms of Representation,” In Adrian Wilkinson, Paul Gollan, Mick Marchington, and David Lewin, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Participation in Organizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 258-85. With Daphne Taras.

“Labor Law and Employment Regulation: Institutional and Neoclassical Perspectives,” in K. Dau-Schmidt, S. Harris, and O. Lobel, eds., Labor and Employment Law and Economics. Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2009, 3-58.

“Fundamental Principles of Industrial Relations: Foundation for Revitalizing the Field,” in C. Whalen, ed. New Directions in the Study of Work and Employment. Elgar, 2008, pp. 31-48.

“Work Motivation: Insights from Economics.” In R. Kanfer, ed., Work Motivation: Past, Present and Future. New York: Routledge, 2008, pp. 588-600.

“The Development of the Human Resource Management Field in Historical and International Perspective.” In P. Boxall, J. Purcell and P. Wright, eds., International Handbook of Human Resource Management (2007), pp. 19-47. London” OxfordUniversity Press.

“Integrating Emotions into Economic Theory.” In Morris Altman, ed., Handbook of Behavioral Economics (2006), pp. 78-98. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

“The Social Welfare Objectives and Ethical Principles of Industrial Relations.” In John Budd and James Scoville, eds., The Ethics of Human Resources and Industrial Relations (2005), pp. 23-60. Ithaca: CornellUniversity Press.

“The Institutional and Neoclassical Schools in Labor Economics.” In Dell Champlin and Janet Knoedler, eds., The Institutional Tradition in Labor Economics (2004), pp. 13-38. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

“Toward an Integrative Theory of Human Resource Management.” In B. Kaufman, ed., Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship (2004), pp. 321-66. Champaign: IRRA.

“Employment Relations and the Employment Relations System: A Guide to Theorizing.” In B. Kaufman, ed., Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship (2004), pp. 41-76. Champaign: IRRA.

“The Two Faces of Unionism: Implications for Union Growth.” In Phanindra Wunnava, ed., The Changing Role of Unions (2004), pp. 61-91. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe

“Prospects for Union Growth in the United States in the Early Twenty-First Century.” In Anil Verma and Thomas Kochan, eds., Unions in the 21st Century (2004), pp. 44-60.. London: Palgrave.

“Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.: Its History and Significance.” In Kaufman, Beaumont, and Helfgott, eds., Industrial Relations to Human Resources and Beyond (2003), pp. 31-114. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

“The Quest for Cooperation and Unity of Interest in Industry.” In Kaufman, Beaumont, and Helfgott, eds., FromIndustrial Relations to Human Resources and Beyond (2003), pp. 115-46. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

“The Evolution and Current Status of North American Industrial Relations,” in Peter Acker and Adrian Wilkinson, eds., Reworking Industrial Relations: New Perspectives on Employment and Society (forthcoming, 2002). London: OxfordUniversity Press.

“The Future of Private Sector Unionism in the U.S. – Assessment and Forecast.” In Bruce Kaufman and James Bennett, eds., The Future of Private Sector Unionism in the United States (2002), pp. 359-86. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.