2015 Emerging Dietetic Leader (EDL) Award

Criteria and Procedures /


The EDLAwardrecognizesthecompetenceandactivities of dietitians regardlessoftheirage,whohavemadedistinctivecontributionsearlyintheirdietetics careersto theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

CriteriaforSelection(Affiliatesmaydevelopmoredetailed criteria to meettheirneeds.)

  1. MemberoftheAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  2. Initial practice experiencenotlessthan5yearsandnotgreaterthan10years.Interruptedcareersor time periodsnotinpractice,arenottobeconsideredorrationedintothe5-10yearsofprofessional practice experience.
  3. Activeparticipationinthenational,state, ordistrictassociationforat least 5years.
  4. Is a Registered Dietitian, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist or Dietetic Technician, Registered.
  5. Notpreviouslyselected asanRYDYorRDTY.
  6. Demonstratedconcernforthepromotionofoptimalhealthandnutritionalstatusofthepopulation.
  7. Demonstratedleadership,e.g.,inlegislation,research,education,management,etc.,intheAssociation,communityoremployment.

Selection Procedure

  1. Eachaffiliate isallowedtoselect onerecipienteachyear.Affiliatesmaychoosenottoparticipate in theawardprogram.
  2. Thecompleteresponsibilityfortheselectionoftherecipientrestswiththe affiliateassociation.The state association president or awards chair should coordinate the process. Another state officer or person may be designated to coordinate award information/applications for the state if needed.

Submission to the Academy Procedure

  1. The affiliate award chair, affiliate president, or person designated by the state must submit award winners via electronic submission between December 1, 2014 – May 1, 2015 via the following link:
  2. Required data includes:
  3. Awardee Name
  4. Awardee Credentials
  5. Awardee Academy Member ID number
  6. Certificates will be electronically generated and mailed to the affiliate awards chair, affiliate president, or person designated by the state to then be distributed to the award winner by the affiliate.
  7. All other materials, include a duplicate copy of reference letters, should be retained by the affiliate

Award Recognition

  1. Acertificate ofrecognitionwill besenttotheselecteestogetherwitha congratulatoryletter fromthe Presidentofthe Academy.
  2. Recipientsattending theFoodNutritionConference& ExpoTM(FNCE®) the following fall may pick up a ribbon for their badge at the ribbon booth near registration.
  3. Thelist ofrecipientsfortheyearwill bepublishedina fall issueoftheJournaloftheAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  4. State associations may wish to recognize awardees from their states at state meetings or in state publications.
  5. Publicityforaffiliate recipientsshouldbehandledby theaffiliate ordistrictpublicrelationschair.

Please direct any questions to Amy Biedenharn, Affiliate Sr. Manager, at .