TEACHER’S NAME: RHolder / DATE: April 19 to 23, 2010 / SUBJECT: Biology I / GRADE: 9,10
4. Analyze and explain the structures and function of the levels of biological organization.
a. Differentiate among plant and animal cells and eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.(DOK 2)
• Functions of all major cell organelles and structures (e.g., nucleus,
mitochondrion, rough ER, smooth ER, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, vesicles,
lysosomes, vacuoles, microtubules, microfiliaments, chloroplast,
cytoskeleton, centrioles, nucleolus, chromosomes, nuclear membrane,
cell wall, cell membrane [active and passive transport], cytosol)
b. Differentiate between types of cellular reproduction. (DOK 1)
• Main events in the cell cycle and cell mitosis (including differences in
plant and animal cell divisions
• Binary fission (e.g., budding, vegetative propagation, etc.)
• Significance of meiosis in sexual reproduction
• Significance of crossing over
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the molecular basis of heredity.
a. Analyze and explain the molecular basis of heredity and the inheritance of traits to successive generations by using the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology.(DOK 3)
• Structures of DNA and RNA
• Processes of replication, transcription, and translation
• Messenger RNA codon charts
b. Utilize Mendel’s laws to evaluate the results of monohybrid Punnett squares
involving complete dominance, incomplete dominance, codominance, sex
linked, and multiple alleles (including outcome percentage of both genotypes and phenotypes.
c. Examine inheritance patterns using current technology (e.g., pedigrees,
karyotypes, gel electrophoresis). (DOK 2)
d. Discuss the characteristics and implications of both chromosomal and genemutations. (DOK 2)
• Significance of nondisjunction, deletion, substitutions, translocation,
frame shift mutation in animals
• Occurrence and significance of genetic disorders such as sickle cell
anemia, Tay-Sachs disorder, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Downs
Syndrome, color blindness / WEBB’S DOK LEVEL: 1,2,3
DAILY OBJECTIVE / TLW: review mitosis and meiosis; analyze results obtained by Mendel in his experiments with peas; predict the possible offspring of a genetic cross by using a Punnett square / TLW: analyze results obtained by Mendel in his experiments with peas; predict the possible offspring of a genetic cross by using a Punnett square / TLW: complete Punnett square problems on monohybrid crosses / TLW: complete practice problems using incomplete dominance, co-dominance, and sex-linked traits / TLW: complete assessment on Genetics and Inheritance – test today.
BELLRINGER / USA test prep question from competency 4 & 5 / USA test prep question from competency 4 & 5 / USA test prep question from competency 4 & 5 / USA test prep question from competency 4 & 5 / USA test prep question from competency 4 & 5
  1. Establish objective
  2. Restate objective
3. Involve learner / Describe Mendel's contributions to the study of genetics. / Why do you not look exactly like your mother or your father? / If your mother has type A blood and your father has type B blood, how can you have type o blood and be from the same parents? / Use picture of checkered chicken to ask why is the chicken checkered and not a mixture of black and white? / Picture of red and white and pink snapdragons
Responding / Teacher lecture with student notes on terminology used in basic genetics. Define non-disjunction and relate to difference in chromosome #; / Teacher lecture using OHP and board to do practice problems; students practice ID’ing Heter and Homo genotypes / Explanation of Punnett square problems using blood typing. TLW determine the parents of 4 mixed up babies at birth. Explanation of incomplete dominance; co-dominance; and sex-linked traits; guided and independent practice problems / Explanation of incomplete dominance; co-dominance; and sex-linked traits; guided and independent practice problems. Test Review for test on Genetics tomorrow. / Written test on Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance.
Involve learner
Check for understanding / Double bubble map of mitosis and meiosis / Have students determine which characteristics they exhibit and if they are recessive or dominant. (using list) / Review news article on genetics (to be read upon completion of test) / So who determines which sex of the child, the father or mother? / Monday, we will look at a 7 karyotypes
The students will show evidence of learning the competency and objective by: / Problem Solving page 218 #1-4; page 224 #5-8; 10; page 225 #1-4 SK&S; page 283 # 2,6,7,24,27,29 / Complete unfinished punnett squares / Practice problems to be completed for homework; / Practice problems to be completed for homework / Unit Test
Level 1 / Individual practice / Interactive practice on board / Peer partners
Level 2
Level 3