2011 Garden Plan
Dig In! YanceyCommunityGarden, Burnsville, NC
Starting in March:
- Collected items to begin rebuilding mulched beds.
- Began sowingin greenhouse:
- Early lettuce
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Chard
- Prepared box beds for planting.
Throughout the garden we are usingsustainable and as much as possible organic growing methods.
- Set up bed rotations for succession plantings.
- Plowing and shaping of soil beds.
- Began work on mulched beds.
- Purchased and planted potatoes.
- Expanded fenced area of garden to size as shown in attachment.
- Continued greenhouse sowing:
- Tomatoes,
- Peppers,
- Celery
- Successions for:
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Set out early transplants.
- Direct sowed
- Carrots
- Beets.
- Planted Buckwheat cover crop in future Sweet potato row.
- Continued rebuilding mulched beds.
- Created area for permanent Raspberry bed.
- Continued setting out transplants:
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Cabbage
- Chard.
- Direct sowed:
- Beets
- Carrots
- Radish
- Started in greenhouse:
- Cucumbers
- Squash
- Tomatoes
- Built a new compost pile in the outside bins.
- After May 15th (frost date) will set out:
- Tomatoes,
- Peppers
- Eggplant
- Other tender plants.
- After harvesting the fall planted lettuces, we will prepare row for beans.
- The mulched beds will be completed by months end.
- Plant our Sweet Potatoes.
- Harvest:
- Spring lettuces
- Beets
- carrots
- kale
- chard
- Transplant:
- Squash
- Cucumbers
- Candy roaster squashes
- Sow:
- Butternut squashes
- Sunflowers
- Any additionaltransplants will be set out:
- Peppers
- Tomato
- Succession bean sowing, as well as more chard.
- Turn and relocate compost bins.
- Create plant supports for tomatoes, cucumbers.
- This month the beans will begin to be harvested
- We may also beharvesting some early salad tomatoes.
- Continue harvest of:
- Beets
- Carrots
- Radishes
- Lettuce
- Kale
- Chard
- Harvesting mid to late July
- Squash
- Cucumbers
- Eggplants
- Succession squash sowing
- Towards month end begin setting out
- Fall cabbage
- Collards
- Kale.
- Build worm bin in barn for winter composting
- Acquire worms for binand begin using.
- Continue through months ahead to use compost.
- Continue harvest of:
- Beans
- Beets
- Carrots
- Radishes
- Cucumbers
- Squashes
- Eggplants
- Peppers
- Tomatoes.
- Fall sowing of radishes.
- Continue harvest as in August.
- Fall sowing of:
- Spinach
- Lettuces
- Kale.
- Final harvest on any tomatoes left in small greenhouse.
- Prepare beds for sowing fall greens:
- Lettuce.
- Plant cover crops in anyvacant rows for fall and winter soil protection.
- Refill compost bins.
- Prepare a garlic bed.
- Continue to set out the last transplants of fall lettuce and prepare row covers.
- Expect a light frost at beginning of month and a killing frost mid month.
- Continue sowing cover crops where needed.
- Plant garlic.
- Rebuild any mulch beds for next spring.
- Bring in supply of manure and leaves.
- Determine from produce weights and recordswhich varieties had best results based on weather variables and choose selections for 2012.
- Create garden map for rotations and succession planting for 2012.
- Continue to bring vegetable scraps to worm bin through the winter months as required.
- Collect and store compost for spring.
Some variation on the above schedule is possible because of weather changes.
Through out the growing season, watering, weeding and feeding with compost tea will be done as required.
All harvests will be weighed and logged for our records.