Missouri State
Medical Association / 113 Madison Street, P. O. Box 1028
Jefferson City, MO 65102
T: 573-636-5151 F: 573-636-8552

TO: Medical Specialties

In June, your Specialty was invited to sponsor a scientific program at the Missouri State Medical Association’s 160th Annual Convention, which is scheduled for March 23-25, 2018, at the Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri. MSMA has reserved meeting space for your program.

Please complete and return the forms below to MSMA by the following dates. To access the forms, please go to http://www.msma.org/scientific-meeting-forms.html.

Deadline / Form
November 10, 2017 / ·  Function Information
·  Scientific Program Information Sheet
·  Program Objectives/Needs Assessment
·  Audio/Visual Needs
·  Disclosure Form
·  Direct Bill/Credit Card Authorization
March 2, 2018 / ·  Names of and Contract Information for Commercial Support
May 30, 2018 / ·  Financial Report from Specialties that Received Commercial Support

Attachment 1 Specialty Scientific Program Calendar

Attachment 2 Function Information (Required Forms)

*Scientific programs should conclude by 3:00 pm on Saturday, March 24, 2018. If the specialty would like to host business meetings beyond 3:00 pm, please inform MSMA staff. All meetings must conclude by 5:00 pm so as not to conflict with the MSMA Presidential Inauguration and Reception.

*The exhibit hall will be open Friday, 7:00 am-4:00 pm, and Saturday, 7:00 am-10:30 am. A continental breakfast will be available for attendees both days. Please encourage your members to visit the exhibit hall to interact with the exhibitors and enjoy a light breakfast. As a result of hosting a two-day exhibit hall, specialties may not have access to a separate room for meal functions. Room set-up options will be limited to classroom or theater in an effort to accommodate all specialty programs.

*Please click on the hotel website below for menus to complete forms.


Attachments 3A/B/C Standards of Practice in Continuing Medical Education/Scientific Program

Information Sheet/How to Write CME Objectives/Activity Development

Worksheet and Supporting Documentation – To be completed by program chair

(Required Forms)

*Important: After the Commission on CME has approved the convention scientific program for credit, NO program changes will be allowed.

Attachment 4 Credit Card Authorization/ Direct Bill Application (Required Form)

* The specialties have the option of being directly billed for all charges incurred, or the group can authorize the hotel to bill the charges to a credit card. Based on the group’s preference, please complete the appropriate form and return to MSMA.

Attachment 5 Audio/Visual Needs

*All audio/visual fees will be paid by the sponsoring specialty. Please see the

attached price list.

Attachments 6A/B Disclosure Form/Peer Review for Resolution of Conflict

*Each speaker and program chair/planning committee must sign a disclosure form, and resolve all conflicts of interest prior to the presentation. Program chairs/specialty staff are responsible for distributing the forms to speakers.

*All speakers and planners must resolve all conflicts prior to the program. The MSMA’s mechanisms for resolving conflicts include peer review of presentations and recusal. The program chair will be responsible for reviewing the content, and completing and submitting the Peer Review for Resolution of Conflict. If a different individual reviews content, he/she must complete a disclosure form.

Attachments 7A/B/C Honorarium Policy/MSMA Standards for Commercial Support/Written

Agreement for Commercial Support

*Specialties may secure funding for programming. The MSMA’s Commercial Support Standards and Honorarium Policy must be followed.

Attachment 8 MSMA Preliminary Program Posting and Open Attendance Policy, Registration,

and Leadership Visitation

*If your members preregister with your specialty, please share a list of registrants

with MSMA staff prior to the convention.

Note: MSMA will prepare signage for specialty functions.

I look forward to working with you and receiving all requested information in a timely manner. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at 573-636-5151 or email .


Benita Stennis

Director of Scientific Affairs