Swardeston Parish Council
Minutes of the October 2015 Parish Council Meeting
at the village hall, Swardeston On Thursday 8th October 2015 at 7.30PM
Meeting 10/2015
Geoff Loades (in the chair)Liz BrownDerek Barber
Stephen HuntleySimon Pithers
District Councillor Nigel Legg
Carole Jowett -clerk
5 members of the public attended
1 / To consider apologies for absence
Ian Francis and David Rice had sent their apologies. Mr Loades chaiired the meeting in Mr fancis’s absence.
Cllr Foulger had also sent his apologies.
2 / To receive declaration of interests in items on agenda
No interests were declared.
3 / Resolution to adjourn the meeting for public participation and District/County Councillor reports
District Councillor Update
Councillor Legg reported that the planning inspector had approved the Joint Core Strategy (JCS that sets out where development should go. The 5-year land supply necessary to defend against developers putting in planning applications outside of these areas was expected to be in place by spring 2016
He said that Leeders had submitted a retrospective planning application.
Cllr Legg said that he and Cllr Foulger had funds for small grants to give to community groups although not for parish councils.
Safer Neighbourhood Team
PCSO Sore said that inspector Louis Provart would visit all parish councils t give a presentation but need an overhead projector and half an hour to go through expanding responsibility.
Mrs Brown said that it might be possible to borrow an overhead projector from the day care centre.
PCSO Sore said there may be times where he would be unable to attend all meetings in future but would submit statistics if he would not be able to be there.
The parish council agreed that PCSO Sore should attend when possible but accepted that this would not be as often and suggested once per quarter. PCSO Sore’s presence at groups particularly where there are vulnerable people was appreciated.
He reported that there had been no reported crimes or calls to the police about noise nuisance or anti-social behaviour since the last meeting.
4 / To confirm minutes and review matters arising from 13th August 2015 meeting and review matters arising from 9th July 2015 meeting
The minutes of the September meeting were agreed and signed.
It was reported that Rachel Flaxman had maps of the Wood Lane area where the proposed gate was planned and she would review them as soon as possible. The resident had decided not to proceed with this however it would be investigated to ensure the position was fully understood.
Mr Huntley said that the planning inspector had given the impression of being neutral on the appeal against the development at Bobbins Way. She had listened to all comments and her decision was awaited.
Mr Huntley said that after the meeting he had walked around the land and he raised questions about the type of development and suggested bungalows would be preferable at the rear of Cavell Close and potentially it could be worth engaging with the developers to discuss this.
There was a lot of disquiet about the planning department at South Norfolk Council. The original 5-year land supply calculation had been incorrect which had led to this appeal. Mr Loades expressed his concerns about the inadequacy of the planning department and it was agreed that the parish council would write to Sandra Dineen and John Fuller once the inspector’s decision is known.
It was agreed that if the planning inspector upheld the appeal the developer should be asked to come to a meeting to discuss the development plans.
The application from 32 Main Road had had approval for the bike shed but a refusal for the climbing frame.
It had not been possible to find an odd job man to repair the play equipment and it was agreed that a local tradesman should be sought.
The traffic management letter sent to highways had not been responded to; the clerk would chase this.
There was no need for a pension provider, as the clerk did not qualify for automatic enrolment.
The speed sign in Main Road was broken and the crossroads sign was damaged and would be reported.
The work to cure the flooding in Intwood Lane had not worked and needed to be reported again.
The commons steering group meeting had taken place, It was agreed to circulate the minutes and will be an agenda item for discussion at the November meeting.
The possibility of moving meetings to a venue with disabled access was suggested however the Cavell room was already used every Thursday evening. Mrs Brown said she would investigate the use of a ramp from the day care centre for access to the village hall.
The clerk was asked if there had been an outcome from the proposed naming of Busutills Loke. She said no response had been received from South Norfolk Council but agreed to chase this. / CJ
5 / To consider and agree comments on planning application C/7/2014/7030
Swardeston:Mangreen Quarry, Swardeston, Norwich, Norfolk
For a southern extension to Mangreen Quarry and ancillary works with progressive restoration to agriculture and nature conservation by the importation of inert restoration materials;
Retention of existing consented facilities at Mangreen Quarry;
(III) Establishment of crossing point over Mangreen Lane; and
(IV)Proposed variation to approved restoration scheme at Mangreen Quarry
The clerk apologised, as this was a decision not a new application.
6 / To agree action on traffic management in Intwood Lane
This was adjourned as no response had been received from highways.
7 / Finance
7.1The clerk had circulated the accounts and these were unanimously agreed.
7.2Chq no 548£116.16Norse Eastern LtdGrounds maintenance
Chq no 549£84.04C JowettClerks salary
Chq no 550£55.60HMRCPAYE
The parish council were unhappy with the quality of the work done by Norse. The weather had been wet and the grass had grown very long. The cut grass was left on the surface making it unpleasant for children to play.
The number of cuts had been increased in the spring after similar problems with a particularly wet April and May. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain quotes for the coming year to increase the number of cuts to weekly and to collect and dispose of the grass cuttings.
The payments were agreed however the cheques were not signed, as only one signatory was available.
13 / To consider correspondence received
A complaint had been received from a resident about parking on The Common. The clerk would refer this to Andy Shepherd at South Norfolk Council who was responsible for dealing with these issues.
A letter had been received form the first responders in Mulbarton about the potential provision of CPR training and defibrillators in the village. It was agreed to include this on the November agenda.
The bank forms had been completed and would be submitted to the bank for additional signatories to be added.
There were overgrown shrubs encroaching into the road in Wood Lane and also in Gowthorpe Lane near The Old Smithy, the clerk would report these to highways.
It was noted that people were speeding in wood lane and that the speed limit should be reduced from 30mph to 20 mph. It was agreed after discussion that a note in the next newsletter asking people to slow down would be the best solution.
It was reported that work had started on The Dog. / CJ
15 / To confirm and agree agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Thursday 8th October 2015 commencing 19:30 at Swardeston Village Hall
To discuss the commons steering group meeting and agree any actions
To discuss the provision of a defibrillator and CPR training for Swardeston
The date of the next meeting was agreed.
The meeting closed at 21:15
Signed: Mr G Loades
Chairman at the Meeting of Swardeston Parish Council

Swardeston Parish Council Meeting 10/2015Version 1

Author: Carole Jowett

October 2015