ICTU Biennial Conference

Workshop 2, Tuesday July 5th 2011 - Full Time Officials


1.  The extent to which you feel you equipped to fulfill your role.

·  Officials have a lot of practice experience that they can draw upon but there is a need for employment law training and networking opportunities

·  SIPTU offer a high level of training but again there needs to be a focus on legal training

·  ASTI – Training can be random. Need to focus on galvanizing committees and people management

·  MANDATE – More legal training required. Unions do chair own 3rd party cases. Application of legal knowledge to specific cases taken by unions and how they are applied as part of IR machinery

·  There needs to be more interaction between trade union officials. Congress used to brief affiliates on updates in the legislation but now there is no formal structure for this. There is a need for trade unions to share resources.

·  More communication skills and media training required. There needs to be a shared database of 3rd party submissions done by officials, cases are presented with the union perspective which would save time for other unions taking the same cases.

·  Training required on new forms of media – facebook / twitter. Also need to have an understanding of the impacts of using Social media such as online bullying, inappropriate uses etc. Protocols needed for usage.

·  Media training required when dealing with reporters, what to do if caught off guard when they contact you, sound bites, being misquoted etc.

·  Impact offers a modular training programme. There is a communications gap when reaching members. Again more legal seminars for unions

·  AHCPS – Smaller unions do not have the same recourses for proving unions and need to have access to courses through ICTU. Requirements include presentations to EAT, equality tribunal especially when being faced down by barristers or solicitors which is becoming more common. Unions need to know how to use the legislation to build cases and to present them

·  Inter Union communications. All unions should be developed to some level of competence. 2-3 days training is a must

Summary from question 1:

More legal training required, particularly from a union perspective on how to apply the legislation when using IR machinery. Should have a database of cases taken by unions that would be a central resource for unions. Would need a search engine. More legal seminars and briefings from congress

Media training required for officials and also using social media to connect to members.

Smaller unions need access to course and this could be centralized through congress.
2. Your awareness of current training

·  Accredited training is very important such as CPD, HETAC etc with the opportunity to build up accreditation from minor to major awards.

·  Mandate have an intranet site that advertises courses.

·  CWU publishes their annual calendar via union website and by general circular.

·  Smaller unions depend on someone outside coming in to offer training. This may take the form of random flyers coming in from providers. These would be commercial programmes.

·  SIPTU – regular programme but can actually cost for courses outside that offerings

·  Unions have to get smart and share information

·  Experience of officials is crucial

·  Construction sector – training must be practical by its nature. Such as practical problems on site, ands on direct training. Literacy skills also an issue. State pass is a mandatory course.

·  Different models for different sectors. Workshops on site must come from the ground up

3. Your view of the appropriateness of current training provision

·  In construction industry it is up to yourself to avail of training. Call to Action – communicating to people on the ground and also to the unemployed. There is a need to train and protect activist in the workplace. A positive focus required.

·  Bigger Unions could sponsor smaller unions who don’t have resources. This could become a potential source of income. Lack of policy – can’t have a policy when resources are lacking

·  Getting time to do the training is a problem

·  Congress needs to take the lead when amalgamating programmes and creating resources.

·  Congress cannot run in-house courses but could present course on generic transferable union skills. Certain courses must be adopted to each union

·  Not all union officials have formal qualifications – have to become professional in their own industry without the relevant training.

·  Time off for training is impossible.

·  Half day course on legislation and practical exercise on case study

·  Not all Dublin based – travel included – mixture of online training

·  European dimension also important. Develop networks with other countries.

·  Must examine EU funding opportunities

·  Case studies to keep interest. Training plan needed at beginning of your well planned and with plenty of notice

·  Training needs analysis by ICTU to be issued to various officials. Can also be done by survey monkey.

·  Pre planned training important.

4.  Training provision in the future – how might its content be improved & mechanisms for delivery?


·  Protection of yourself with regard to the legislation. ICTU should develop the generic modules.

·  How we organize ourselves – empowering our own people to communicate for themselves.

·  Take advantage of experience of officials.

·  LRC can provide some training – Might be possible to bring in IBEC to see their perspectives

·  Unions have great contacts in LRC / Labour Court

·  Collection cases – collective training v individual courses Individual cases to EAT – how to do deals?

·  3rd Level – IR is disappearing from 3rd level courses. More focus on HRM

Mechanisms for delivery

·  How training is structured? Online learning could be helpful. Should make use of technology

·  Online has a role but networking is vital – more in favour at a blended learning approach. Have the basics online but networking and interactions need to be face to face.

·  Skype is also an option

·  Mandate use Sharepoint where their officials can view their own submissions

·  For full time officials by full time officials

·  Learn one / see one / do one

·  Mentoring / Coaching

·  Mechanisms – those who have worked in the field to develop delivering courses. We cannot lose the common sense built over the years

·  Institutes at technology – link in from different hubs.