What's the point in wanting more when we don't appreciate what we already have? Next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will answer that question as he explains how to ask God for a blessing that’ll not only change your new year, but the rest of your life. Be sure to join us New Year’s Day at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, right here on [STATION].


Well, now that it’s 2018, how you feel about facing this new year may depend on what's facing you. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains how to deal with the issues and obstacles that may be ahead. It’s a look at how God enables us to “beat the odds” in the new year, Tuesday at [TIME] on The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


When you find yourself driving in the wrong direction, you look for a place to make a U-turn. Dr. Tony Evans says the same is true when you’re off course in life, and next time on The Alternative, he’ll kick off a new series of messages on how to reverse the spiritual consequences of sin. Be sure to join us Wednesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Even if your life is so far off course that you feel like you can never find your way back to faith again, Dr. Tony Evans says that it’s never too late to make a U-turn. Be sure to join him next time on The Alternative as he talks about the most important element in making that happen. Learn the true meaning of repentance when you join us Thursday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, right here on [STATION].


We all know that actions have consequences. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans uses a familiar story to show us how, in the spiritual arena, some of the worst of them can be reversed. Find out why it all comes down to the difference between regret and repentance when you join us Friday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Miracles aren’t for sale, but they do come at a price. Next time on The Alternative, we’ll hear about a man who had to give up something unexpected in order for God to cure the incurable in his life. It’s a look at why healing and wholeness only come on the Lord’s terms, Monday at [TIME] on The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Words like “impossible” or “incurable” don’t apply when God is part of the equation. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans says that seeing miracles happen is, in some ways, up to us. Find out why God’s power shows up when our power runs out when you join us Tuesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


God sometimes brings us face to face with the impossible to show us that when our power runs out, his is just getting warmed up. Next time on The Alternative, we’ll hear about a man who almost lost his life learning that lesson. Be sure to join us Wednesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Even when the consequences of your mistakes seem irreversible, it’s still not time to give up hope. But it may be time to give up something else, and next time on The Alternative, Dr. TonyEvans will tell us what it is. Learn why nothing in your past should hold you back from the future God has planned for you. Join us Thursday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, right here on [STATION].


You may have your father’s chin or your mother’s nose… maybe they left you property or cash. Or maybe they stuck you with a legacy they never managed to get rid of themselves. That’s the kind Dr. Tony Evans will deal with next time on The Alternative as he talks about reversing the consequences of generational sin. Don’t miss it – Friday at [TIME] on The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


The truth is, even Christians who believe we’re all equal under God can treat some people like they’re “more equal” than others. Next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about why fairness ought to begin within the family of God and why dealing with discrimination should take seconds instead of centuries. Be sure to join us for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, Monday at [TIME] on [STATION].


In a culture that’s supposed to celebrate diversity, we seem to spend a lot of time focusing on disagreements and differences, building walls instead of bridges between us. But, next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans says there’s a better blueprint in the Bible, and explains how it works. Be sure to join us Tuesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Drugs, alcohol, tobacco... these are only a few of the things people get addicted to these days. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that while people fall into all kinds of different traps, the spiritual issues that keep us stuck are often the same. Uncover the principles that can set you free when you join us Wednesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, right here on [STATION].


Many Christians live their life like POWs – unable to break free from the sins that hold them hostage. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans says there’s an escape plan in the works, and it comes straight from Scripture. Find out what it is when you join us Thursday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


“I want it, and I want it now.” It sounds like something you’d hear from a toddler having a tantrum. But, next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans says, whether we realize it or not, that’s the attitude that’s gotten US households over $12 trillion in debt. Find out how to break that bondage and experience financial freedom when you join us Friday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Even though we know that worry does nothing but eat us up inside, sometimes we can’t seem to stop. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains how easily anxiety can turn into a trap, and spells out how that stronghold can be broken. Be sure to join him Monday at [TIME] for The Alternative, right here on [STATION].


People passing the scene of an accident often can’t resist the urge to stare at it. Next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains why we often do the same thing with our problems and reveals how to shift our focus to something healthier. Don’t miss this look at overcoming anxiety, Tuesday at [TIME] on The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


The world works overtime to sell us its broken version of sexuality, but next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will confront what our culture is saying with solid, biblical truth. Find out how to keep what started as a gift from God from turning into a design of the devilwhen you join us Wednesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, right here on [STATION].


Every day, it’s harder to maintain morality in the midst of our immoral society. But Dr. Tony Evans has help for you next time on The Alternativeas he talks about healthy sexuality from the kingdom perspective. Don’t miss The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, coming up Thursday at [TIME] on [STATION].


Competition is a healthy thing in the business world. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains why it’s dangerous to let anything or anyone compete with God. You’ll discover why idols aren’t just statues when you join us Friday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Most Christians think they’ll never be tempted to worship idols. But idols come in all shapes and sizes, and they’re far more common than most of us think. So, next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will help you discover some of the surprising things that may be separating you from the Lord. Be sure to join us Monday [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].


Sometimes, your problems at work or at home don't really have anything to do with what's going on at work or at home. Next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans says they may be caused by what’s going on in the spiritual realm. Find out how to know if that’s true and what to do about it when you join us Tuesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, right here on [STATION].


Some Christians who believe everything the Bible says about God don’t necessarily believe what the Bible says about Satan or the demons that serve him. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will clear up that issue next time on The Alternativeas he talks about how to reverse the consequences of demonic influence. Be sure to join us Wednesday at [TIME] for The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, here on [STATION].

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