Design Standards Letter

Letter Number:G-2016-13

Letter Date:08/24/2016

Effective Date:10/01/2016

Section/Plan No.:EPG 231, 401, 460, 606, 616, 643, 751

Subject:Revision to Engineering Policy Guide


TO: All Central and District Offices

FROM: Llans Taylor

SUBJECT: Engineering Policy

General Letter No. 13, 2016

Revisions to Engineering Policy Guide

Questions concerning the revisions to the Engineering Policy Guide should be directed to Keith Smith, Central Office, Engineering Policy Group, at 573-751-4659 or myself at 573-751-7412.

The Engineering Policy Guide can be viewed on the MoDOT Web Site at Page. If you would like to have an email inform you every time an EPG article of interest to you has been changed go to of Logging into the EPG.


EPG 231.8 Revised to include National Bridge Inventory rating system requirements for bridge width.

EPG 401.2.3 Revised to allowcontractors to have the flexibility in the field to make bin adjustments provided that the governing specifications continue to be satisfied.

EPG 401.2.8Revised to build upon the recent updates to Std. Spec 401 and include revision to the TSR verbiage, plant setting adjustments by the contractor without prior approval, average core results for acceptance, the approach to Plasticity Index.

EPG 460.3.13 Revised to collect a third pint can of binder as the retained sample to allow if a third party test is needed. The collection of a retained sample is more in line with the direction which is being taken in related areas of the specification.

Added information to facilitate the correct reporting of the various asphalt binders during production. Added minor changes to reflect the current practice of capturing asphalt samples which includes all of the additives and modifiers used, not just liquid anti-strip.

EPG 606.1.3.1Revised second to last paragraph to add “On existing roadways with less than 2 ft. behind the guardrail, Class III shaping slopes shall be used to widen the shoulder.”

EPG 606.1.3.2Revised last paragraph to add “On projects without earthwork pay items, Class III shaping slopes shall be used to provide the flat recovery area.”

EPG 616.8 Revised to eliminate workzone lighting as a pay item and make it incidental to the construction work. The requirements and the usage criteria does not change.

EPG 643.2 Revised to improve the logical order of the article and reflect current business practices.

EPG 751. reference to EPG 231.8 for bridge width requirements.

EPG 751.6.1Revised General Quantities to be in line with updates to the bridge hydro demolition JSP and bridge rehabilitation standard drawings.

EPG 751.13.6 Revised to include guidance for slab extensions and barrier curb reinforcement at the ends of finger plate expansion devices.

EPG 751.40.2.4Revised the names of the rehabilitation standard drawings to describe the type of bridges the drawings are applicable for.