SAMRC Research Internship Scholarship Programme

Masters and PhD Scholarships

For candidates whose project supervisors are within SAMRC intra /extra mural research units

2015 call

Call for Application Form

The SAMRC post-graduate research training internship programme has been restructured to be in line with all other post graduate scholarship programmes at the SAMRC. The objective of the SAMRC Research Internship Scholarship Programme remains primarily to transform the composition of the country’s health / clinical research human capital to be more representative of the face and demographics of the nation. The Division of Research Capacity Development has been awarded a specific budget to ensure that this objective is met.

Within the context of the SAMRC,the SAMRC Research Internship Scholarship Programme is specifically designed to open up an opportunity to develop Generic Black scientists through Masters’ and PhD studies as a way of correcting the imbalances of the past. It is envisaged that apart from other scholarship programmes at the SAMRC, otherfunding collaborations will emerge, such as that with the Public Health Enhancement Fund which funds the National Health Scholars Programme.

Applications are invited from eligible South African health professionals for sixteen scholarships. The Scholarships will be awarded to health professionals for research to be conducted for a period ranging from one to three years as a tax free scholarship for full-time study in a chosen field, to either commence or complete a Masters or PhD degree. The candidates must have a Research supervisor who is based either in an intra or extra mural SAMRC Research Unit.

The level of funding will be R160000.00 pa for PhD and R100000.00 for Masters. The scholarship value excludes tuition to the maximum value of R20000.00 pa and a mobility budget of up to R20000.00pa. The closing date for applications is 14 August 2015, and announcement of scholarship holders will be made by December 2015. Scholarships become effective on April 01st 2016, in- line with the treasury.

The SAMRC Research Internship Scholarship Programme aims to contribute positively towards efforts to strengthen and accelerate progress towards equity in researchcapacity development of all young scientists across South Africa. Where appropriate priority will be given to hitherto underrepresented designated groups, universities and SAMRC research agendas

Please submit applications to Ms Philistia Joshua @

For enquiries contact: Dr Thabi Maitin on .

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Personal details:

Title (Ms, Mrs, Mr, Dr, Prof): / First Name:
Surname: / Gender:
Population group:: / Black / Coloured / Indian / Asian / White / Date of Birth:
ID number:
(attach certified copy of South African identity document)
Postal Address: / Physical address:
Work telephone no: / Mobile no:
E-mail address:

Academic Information:

Highest Qualification(s):
Current post /occupation:
Employer ( where this applies) :
Income per annum (pre-tax) [where this applies - for internal stats only]:
Proposed field of study:
University where degree will be attained:
Host SAMRC Research Unit / Director of SAMRC Research Unit
Name of Research Supervisor (s):
Level of study that scholarship is being applied for / Masters / PhD
Masters /PhD research title:
Mark the correct one: / Not registered / Registered / 1st yr / 2nd yr / 3rd yr

Documents that must be submitted with the application (not more than 7 pages) and selection criteria: It is important that you check (√) the right column to confirm completeness of application before submitting.

Selection Criteria / Attached
  1. Suitability of the candidate:
  2. A 1-page only: motivation that is accompanied by a complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae containing a full list of publications and other meritorious achievements. A paragraph describing how success in the SAMRC Internship Scholarship Programme application will impact your career and advance the mandate of SAMRC

  1. Quality of the science:
  2. A 1-2 pages only: abstract of the Masters/PhD research (proposal) outlining the rationalé, design, feasibility, plans for research translation and information dissemination as well as potential impact of the proposed research project.

  1. Track record of Research Supervisor
  2. 1-3 pages only: (1) A statement from the supervisor/Mentor indicating commitment to educate, train or mentor the applicant, (ii) an abridged outline of publications, grants and experience of supervising Masters/PhD candidates.

  1. Research environment:
  2. A letter from the host SAMRC research unit stating adequacy of the level of support, facilities and infrastructure for the research project, and plan for the career of the applicant upon completion of the Masters/PhD

  1. Signed application form: please sign below and submit this form with your application.

All documents must be submitted in Microsoft Word format only


•Scholarship holders are expected to spend at least 90% of their time conducting research. Teaching and clinical activities may not take up more than 10% of the time of the scholar.Scholarship holders may not receive, concurrently with this scholarship, other bursaries, grants or remuneration which binds them to enter the service of any organization without prior approval from the SA Medical Research Council (MRC)

•Candidates may not hold a bursary from more than one statutory science council at any given time

•Scholarship holders may not receive, concurrently with this scholarship, other non-binding remuneration/fellowships and grants without prior approval from the SAMRC

•Scholarship holders may not, without obtaining the MRC’s prior approval, register at a university other than that communicated in the application.

•Once the award has been made the scholarship holder may not change his/her supervisor /host research unit without informing the Division of Research Capacity Development

•Scholarship holder, in conjunction with Research supervisors will be expected to submit 6-monthly progress reports. The renewal of funding will be considered on an annual basis subject to satisfactory progress being made.

•Successful applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the SAMRC to complete their studies within the specified time period

I, ______(full names), hereby submit my application for a full-time Masters / PhD Scholarship and am cognisant of the conditions under which this scholarship is awarded.

Signature: / Date:

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