English II

Ms. Speight and Mrs. Lappe

Room 3


Welcome! We are excited to have you join our class. Our goal is to provide you with the information and tools necessary for success. So when you step through the door, commit to being THE BEST STUDENT YOU CAN BE, as we’ve committed to being the best teachers we can be, and we all should have a great year.

Contact Information:Planning Period—6th(1:24-2:12); also available before and after school.

Email: Phone: 883-4500, ext. 2137

883-4500, ext. 2151


Rationale: The purpose of this course is to prepare each student for the use of English communication in everyday life.

Course Description:English II is a yearlong course which encompasses two main areas: literature and composition. Students are introduced to a survey of world literature in the areas of short stories, poetry, drama, novels, and non-fiction.Composition is taught through the writing process while grammar rules and new vocabulary are applied to the process of composing. A research project is also written on the topic of careers.

Units of Study:Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking

Assignment Types: Daily Assignments—in-class and homework assignments; Class Participation—individual and group; Quizzes—announced and unannounced; Test/Common Assessments—over major coursework; Paragraphs/Essays—including the research paper over a career.


01. Apply effective listening and communication skills and strategies for various audiences and purposes.

02. Enhance vocabulary with a focus on context clues.

03. Use literature as a catalyst for creative writing activities and to improve critical thinking.

04. Demonstrate an understanding of narrative and expository text with an emphasis on non-fiction literature.

05. Effectively write various forms and types of writing.

06. Implement the steps of the writing process.

07. Demonstrate knowledge of mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling.

Supplies/Materials:Continually failing to have these REQUIRED supplies/materials WILL result in DISCIPLINARY ACTION (3 is the Magic Number!).

  • 1” or 1 ½” (no larger) 3-ring binder with 3 section dividers:
  • Bell Ringers—Daily Oral Language (DOL) drills and Journals
  • Notes and Handouts
  • Graded Work
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper
  • Writing utensil(s)
  • Workbook, textbook, and/or assigned novel

Grading/Extra Credit:We DO NOT give grades. You earn them.Your grade will be calculated as follows:

Assessments (Common Assessments, Tests, and Quizzes)—60%

Other (Daily Grades, Homework, Projects, etc.)—40 %

We do not allow for extra credit assignments but do offer opportunities to earn extra credit points throughout the year (example: bonus questions on various assignments).

Grading Scale

96-100 AExcellent

92-95 A-

89-91 B+

86-88 BSuperior

83-85 B-

80-82 C+

77-79 CAverage

74-76 C-

71-73 D+

68-70 D

65-67 D-

0-64 F

Absences:You are responsible for obtaining missed assignments. Before coming to one of us and asking, “Did we do something?” (We always are “doing” something.) or “What’s my assignment?”, make sure to do the following first: (1) Check the website;(2) Check the Handout Folder, and then (3) Ask a fellow student for notes.

Remember, you have one day for each day absent (gone two days, two days to complete work). If for any reason you needed extra time to complete the missed work, please discuss with us first. Otherwise, we will not accept assignmentsafter the allotted timeframe has passed. Also, we WILL NOT track you downfor your missed assignments. It is your responsibility to hand them in to us.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are absent the day a major assignment is due (for example, essays), you are still accountable for that assignment. MEANING: The assignment is still due that day; otherwise, it is considered “late,” which results in agrade reduction. In addition, students tardy to my class the day a major assignment is due will receive agrade reduction if I’ve already collected the assignment (Assignments are due at the beginning of class, which means they must be printed and in order).

Late Assignments: While turning in late assignments should NOT become a habit, we will accept late assignments, as long as a “late assignment” sheet is attached and the assignment is turned in before the end of the unit.

Rules/Procedures: As a wise friend once told me, “Life’s not that hard if you follow the directions.”

Ms. Sp8’s Eight

  1. Arrival—Be seated and on task when the bell rings.
  2. Assignments—Assignments are due at the beginning of class. With regard to late assignments, you MUST attach a “late assignment” sheet AND have a parent sign the sheet before turning in the assignment.
  3. Dismissal—Wait to be dismissed from class by the teacher. The bell does not dismiss you.
  4. Leaving the Room—Visit the restroom, water fountain, etc., on your own time. If you must leave the room, first ask permission. You must have your planner to leave. **NOTE: Returning to your locker for an assignment will result in a tardy.
  5. Preparedness—Placing heads on desks will not be tolerated. Be alert and attentive. Please raise your hand to make a relevant comment or to ask a question.
  6. Responsibility—Come to class every day with the required materials (You will not be permitted to go to your locker unless the teacher deems it absolutely necessary.). If you are absent from class, you are responsible for your make-up work. I will not hunt you down.
  7. Respect, Respect, Respect—Respect others, their property, and their right to learn. Students are expected to treat other classmates and the teacher with respect and courtesy.
  8. School Policies—Students are expected to follow school rules regarding appropriate behavior (e.g., dress code, cell phone use, etc.)

What Works: We want to highlight a few items and/or procedures that help us create an effective learning environment. STUDENTS: be sure to take notes when we discuss.


Check Class Website— Late Assignments

Label All Assignments—Name/Class Period/Date; MLA Heading on Major Assignments

Be Prepared—Binder and Book, Pen and Paper

Be On Task—Bell to Bell

Be Respectful

***This syllabus is subject to change, as deemed fit by the teachers. Students and parents will be made aware if and when changes occur.

Name: ______Period: ______

English II: World Literature



Please sign and return by: ______(due date)

STUDENTS: I have read this syllabus and understand it. I will honor it while in Room 16.

Signature: ______Date: ______

PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read and discussed this syllabus with my student. I understand it and will support it.

Signature: ______Date: ______