FALL TERM, 2016-2017
(August 29 - December 9)
Term Code: 2171
Academic Program Description: SOCWRK
15485 SOCWRK 1000A Intro.SocWk 3 CL 321 MW 4:30-5:45
18215 SOCWRK*** 1000B Intro.SocWk 3 CL 2321 TuTh 9:30-10:45 Mulvaney
15420 SOCWRK 1000C Intro.SocWk 3 CL 321 TuTh 1:00-2:15 Booth
15469 SOCWRK 1005A FndsWelfareState 3 CL 206 M W 9:30-10:45 Engel
17963 SOCWRK 1005B FndsWelfareState 3 CL 208A W 6:00-8:50pm
29715 SOCWRK* 1011A IntrGenrlstMthd:Ind/Fam 3 CL 358 Tu 1:00-3:50
29716 SOCWRK* 1011B IntrGenrlstMthd:Ind/Fam 3 CL 236 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
15422 SOCWRK* 1013A Social Work w/Groups 3 CL 249 M 9:00-11:50
16252 SOCWRK* 1013B Social Work w/Groups 3 CL 208A Tu 2:00-4:50 Mann
15478 SOCWRK* 1015A HBSE 3 CL 204 Tu 9:00-11:50 Fusco
17962 SOCWRK* 1015B HBSE 3 LANGY A214 Th 6:00-8:50pm
15465 SOCWRK* 1020A IntroSWResearch 3 BENDM G-27 Tu 8:00-10:50 Cochran
17327 SOCWRK* 1020B IntroSWResearch 3 CL 216 Tu 6:00-8:50 Greeno
SOCWRK*** 1020C IntroSWResearch 3 TBA TBA TBA Cochran
15423 SOCWRK** 1024A PractSemLab 1 3 CL 2319 M 1:00-3:50 Mann
18625 SOCWRK** 1024B PractSemLab 1 3 CL 2320 M 1:00-3:50 Caldwell
28711 SOCWRK** 1024C PractSemLab 1 3 CL 2321 M 1:00-3:50 Petracchi
15424 SOCWRK** 1025A Practicum 1 6 By Appt. Mann
23677 SOCWRK** 1025B Practicum 1 6 By Appt. Caldwell
28712 SOCWRK** 1025C Practicum 1 6 By Appt. Petracchi
15425 SOCWRK 1030 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt. Bradley-King
15442 SOCWRK 1030 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt. Caldwell
15503 SOCWRK 1030 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15504 SOCWRK 1030 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15451 SOCWRK 1059 Child&Fam Advocacy 3 LANGY A214 W 6:00-8:50pm
15487 SOCWRK 1063 Afrcn-AmerHlthIssues 3 WWPH 4165 M W 4:30-5:45 A. Fapohunda
16257 SOCWRK*** 1079 ChldWelfSvcs. 3 CL 2318 M 9:00-11:50 Bradley-King
*Restricted to Social Work Majors
**Restricted to Social Work Seniors
***Restricted to Students with at least 3.25 GPA
FALL TERM, 2016-2017 (Term Code: 2171)
(August 29 - December 17)
Foundation Courses
15466 SWGEN 2034A FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 CL 2319 Tu 8:00-10:50 Goodkind
15467 SWGEN 2034B FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 CL 2320 Tu 8:00-10:50
18148 SWGEN 2034C FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 VICT 111 Tu 8:00-10:50
17732 SWGEN 2034D FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 OldEngr 316 Tu 8:00-10:50
15468 SWGEN 2034E FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 CL 2319 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
15494 SWGEN 2034F FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 CL 218 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
15563 SWGEN 2034G FndsSWPrctDvrsPop 3 LANGY A202 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
15471 SWBEH 2063A HBSE 3 CL 237 M 2:00-4:50
15426 SWBEH 2063B HBSE 3 CL 218 M 2:00-4:50
18153 SWBEH 2063C HBSE 3 CL 204 M 2:00-4:50
15564 SWBEH 2063D HBSE 3 CL 226 M 2:00-4:50 Foster
15486 SWBEH 2063E HBSE 3 CL 302 Th 6:00-8:50pm
16261 SWBEH 2063F HBSE 3 CL 218 Th 6:00-8:50pm
17731 SWBEH 2063G HBSE 3 CL 236 Th 6:00-8:50pm
19443 SWWEL 2081 Social Welfare 3 CL G-8 W 11:00-1:50 Petracchi
15444 SWGEN* 2098A GenFndSWPract+FldSem 3 CL 2320 M 8:00-11:50
15445 SWGEN* 2098B GenFndSWPract+FldSem 3 CL 2319 M 8:00-11:50
17523 SWGEN* 2098C GenFndSWPract+FldSem 3 CL 204 M 8:00-11:50
15446 SWGEN* 2098D GenFndSWPract+FldSem 3 CL 2320 M 6:00-9:50pm Simmons
15474 SWGEN* 2098E GenFndSWPract+FldSem 3 LANGY A202 M 6:00-9:50pm
20927 SWGEN* 2098F GenFndSWPract+FldSem 3 CL 2319 M 6:00-9:50pm
2nd Level Research
15476 SWRES# 2009 Organztl.Research 3 CL 204 W 2:00-4:50 Yamatani
15432 SWRES 2023 DirStudyRes 3 By Appt.
15483 SWRES 2033A EvalResSocSvcs 3 CL 2319 W 6:00-8:50pm Yamatani
19463 SWRES 2033B EvalResSocSvcs 3 LANGY A202 F 11:00-1:50 Tang
29740 SWRES 2033C EvalResSocSvcs 3 CL 2320 W 6:00-8:50pm
15490 SWRES 2045 Qualitative Research 3 CL 2320 F 11:00-1:50
17065 SWRES## 2047 CommunBasedParticRes 3 TBA M 2:00-4:50 Ohmer
2nd Level Behavior
15561 SWBEH### 2008 HumBeh:UrbanEnviron 3 CL 236 W 6:00-8:50 Rosen
15452 SWBEH 2062 HumBeh:ChldFamRisk 3 CL 2319 Tu 11:00-1:50
17964 SWBEH@ 2065A HumBeh: MH 3 CL 236 M 2:00-4:50
15480 SWBEH@ 2065B HumBeh: MH 3 LANGY A214 M 6:00-8:50pm
2nd Level Welfare
16268 SWWEL% 2056A HlthSysPubPol 3 IS 411 F 11:00-1:50 Booth
28713 SWWEL% 2056B HlthSysPubPol 3 IS 406 F 11:00-1:50
15461 SWWEL@@ 2057 MH & PubPol 3 CL 230 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
15435 SWWEL 2059 ChldFamPolicy 3 CL 2319 F 8:00-10:50
27393 SWWEL 2087 OrgsPubPolicy 3 CL 218 Tu 2:00-4:50
*Students MUST register for a section of foundation fieldwork (3 credits) when enrolling for SWGEN 2098 – Generalist
Foundations of Social Work Practice + Field Seminar
#Required 2nd Research for COSA Concentration (Adminstration specialization)
##Required 2nd Research for COSA Concentration (Community Organizing specialization)
###Required 2nd Human Behavior for COSA Concentration
####Required 2nd Social Welfare for COSA Concentration
@Required 2nd Human Behavior for Direct Practice Concentration (Mental Health Certificate)
@@Required 2nd Social Welfare for Direct Practice Concentration (Mental Health Certificate)
%Required 2nd Social Welfare for Direct Practice Concentration (Integrated Health Certificate)
Required Skill
15470 SWINT* 2031A ADP:Cog/Beh 3 CL 2319 Th 11:00-1:50
15455 SWINT* 2031B ADP:Cog/Beh 3 CL 2320 Th 6:00-8:50pm
15456 SWINT* 2032A ADP:SocSys 3 CL 2320 Th 11:00-1:50 Mulvaney
15488 SWINT* 2032B ADP:SocSys 3 CL 2319 Th 6:00-8:50pm Mulvaney
16267 SWINT* 2033 ADP:Psychodyn 3 LANGY A202 Th 6:00-8:50pm
15477 SWINT* 2082A Models Intervntn 3 CL 2320 Tu 2:00-4:50 Mulvaney
15484 SWINT* 2082B Models Intervntn 3 CL 2319 Tu 2:00-4:50
15462 SWINT* 2082C Models Intervntn 3 CRAWFD 241 Th 6:00-8:50pm
28114 SWINT* 2082D Models Intervntn 3 CL 236 Tu 2:00-4:50
15492 SWCOSA** 2084 Social Admin. 3 VICT 115 M 6:00-8:50pm Soska
15493 SWCOSA** 2088 Community Organ. 3 CL 2320 Th 2:00-4:50 Ohmer
Skill Electives
15429 SWINT*** 2004 Grief & Loss 3 CL 2320 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
26396 SWINT 2007 IntPsypharmSWPract 3 CRWFD 241 W 6:00-8:50pm
19665 SWINT 2009 FamConfrnc&Team 3 CL 2318 Th 2:00-4:50
15460 SWINT### 2018 ClinSklsPsychpth 3 CL 2319 Th 8:00-10:50
15475 SWINT%% 2025A SWPractIntgrtdHlth 3 CL 2318 Th 8:00-10:50
27768 SWINT%% 2025B SWPractIntgrtdHlth 3 CL 2320 Th 8:00-10:50 Copeland
15436 SWINT 2030 DirPractw/Eld 3 CL 2320 F 8:00-10:50
15437 SWINT 2035 IntimtePrtnrViol 3 CL 2318 F 11:00-1:50 Fusco
15454 SWCOSA** 2038 HumServMngtSuperv 3 IS 406 Th 6:00-8:50pm
24921 SWINT 2042A SWDrgAlcAbuse 3 WWPH 5401 Th 11:00-1:50
15457 SWINT 2042B SWDrgAlcAbuse 3 CL 218 Th 2:00-4:50
15438 SWINT 2046 ShortTermTrtmt 3 CL 242 Tu 6:00-8:50pm
15489 SWINT 2049 DirPract w/Children 3 CL 2319 F 11:00-1:50 Cahalane
28917 SWCOSA 2054 Leadership&Teams 3 WWPH 5405 W 6:00-9:00 J. Ferketish
15430 SWINT 2063 IssuesChldMaltrtmnt 3 CL 2319 Th 2:00-4:50 Winter
26413 SWINT 2072 SWPract&TraumStrs 3 IS 411 F 8:00-10:50 Betru
24828 SWINT 2076 Human Sexuality 3 EBERLY 228 Th 11:00-1:50
29733 SWCOSA 2087 SpecTop:SoclEntrepr 3 VICT 115 Th 8:00-10:50 Wallace
26394 SWCOSA 2090 Wrkw/Grp&Intergrp 3 CL 2321 Th 11:00-1:50 Soska
15447 SWCOSA 2097 COSA DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15505 SWCOSA 2097 COSA DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15506 SWCOSA 2097 COSA DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15507 SWCOSA 2097 COSA DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15508 SWCOSA 2097 COSA DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15427 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15443 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15509 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15510 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15511 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15512 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
19543 SWGEN 2097 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15448 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15513 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15514 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15515 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15516 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15517 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
15518 SWINT 2097 DP DirStudy 1-3 By Appt.
General Electives
25674 SWGEN 2007 SW & the Law 3 CL 2320 W 2:00-4:50 Shook
15434 SWWEL 2020 ChildFamAdvoc 3 LANGY A214 W 6:00-8:50pm
17033 SWGEN 2058 FeministSocialWork 3 CL 204 Th 8:00-10:50 Goodkind
24827 SWGEN 2062 Advocacy/Lobbying 3 CL 236 Th 2:00-4:50
25628 SWGEN 2080 Race&SocialProblms 3 FKART 203 Th 6:00-8:50 Huguley
*Priority to Direct Practice concentration students
**Priority to COSA concentration students
***Priority to Gerontology Certificate students
###Must have completed HumBeh:Mental Health (SWBEH 2065) prior to enrollment in this course.
%%Required Skill Elective for Direct Practice Concentration (Integrated Health Certificate/Cannon Fellows)
Foundation Fieldwork*
15459 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 J. Dalessandro
15535 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 Y. Betru
15528 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 H. Cahalane
15531 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 M. Cherry
15536 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 C. Randolph Davis
15530 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 A. Ambuske DeGurian
15529 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 M. Perry
15533 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 D. Robinson
15534 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3 L. Winter
15532 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3
15527 SWGEN 2099 Foundation FldWrk 1-3
COSA Concentration Fieldwork*
15521 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 J. Dalessandro
15458 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 S. Goodkind
15526 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 E. Mulvaney
15520 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 M. Ohmer
15524 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 D. Rosen
15525 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 J. Shook
15450 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 B. Simmons
15522 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 T. Soska
15523 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 J. Wallace
15519 SWCOSA 2099 COSA Field Work 1-6 H. Yamatani
Direct Practice Concentration Fieldwork*
15552 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 J. Dalessandro
15431 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 R. Abdullah
15560 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 Y. Betru
15557 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 P. Blackwood
15558 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 J. Booth
15453 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 H. Cahalane
15463 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 G. Cochran
15537 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 L. Coghill
15538 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 V. Copeland
15541 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 R. Engel
15559 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 L. Jackson Foster
15555 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 R. Fusco
15542 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 S. Goodkind
15553 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 K. Greeno
15539 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 P. Kowatch
15546 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 K. McDonough
15556 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 E. Mulvaney
15548 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 P. Murphy
15540 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 M. Perry
15551 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 D. Robinson
15544 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 D. Rosen
15549 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 R. Santhouse
15550 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 J. Shellaby
15545 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 J. Shook
15543 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 B. Simmons
15547 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 F. Tang
15554 SWINT 2099 DP Field Work 1-6 L. Winter
*Students must choose the number of credits (units) from the pull-down box during enrollment for fieldwork. The system will default to 1 credit if this step is skipped.
FALL TERM, 2016-2017
(August 29 - December 17)
Term Code: 2171
Academic Program Description: SOCWRK
15440 SWRES 3020 Research Mthds 1 3 CL 2304 M 9:00-11:50 Eack
15441 SWRES 3022 Capstone Seminar 1 1 CL 2318 F 9:30-10:20 Fusco
15472 SWRES 3024 DirStdy-ResPract 3 By Appt.
15428 SWGEN 3025 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15495 SWGEN 3025 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15496 SWGEN 3025 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15497 SWGEN 3025 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15498 SWGEN 3025 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15499 SWGEN 3025 Directed Study 1-6 By Appt.
15562 SWRES 3029 InferentialStats 3 CL 2304 Tu 1:00-3:50 Tang
17305 SWWEL 3030 EvalAmerSocialWelf 3 CL 2321 W 2:00-4:50 Engel
15479 SWGEN 3039 Comprehensive Study 1-9 By Appt.
15433 SWRES 3040 Diss Research 1-9 By Appt.
15500 SWRES 3040 Diss Research 1-9 By Appt.
15501 SWRES 3040 Diss Research 1-9 By Appt.
15502 SWRES 3040 Diss Research 1-9 By Appt.
15491 SWGEN 3044 Theory I 3 CL 2309 Th 1:00-3:50 Newhill
24246 SWGEN 3066 Seminar SW Educatn 3 CL 2304 Th 1:00-3:50 Petracchi
15449 FTDL 0000 FT Diss Study 0
Doctoral Seminar 0 CL 2309 M 12:00-12:50