Liepāja Academy of Pedagogy

Second Level Professional Higher Education Professional Bachelour Study Programme

Computer Design

(Index 45 2124)

Pack of Accreditation Documentation

Programme Director

Dr.paed. Inta Klāsone

Confirmed at the Senate sitting

on 30 August 2002

Decision No.11

Chairwoman of the Senate

Associate Professor A. Samuseviča


I.  Goals and Objectives of the Study Programme...... 1

II.  Self-evaluation of the Study Programme...... 2

III.  List of the Academic Staff Involved in the Implementation of the Programme....8

IV.  Description of the Study Programme...... 10

V.Documents not Enclosed in the Accreditation Documentation...... 34

I. Goals and Objectives of the Study Programme

Goal of the study programme:

·  to provide opportunities for obtaining higher professional education with possibilities of further education

·  to train students for practical professional activity in art, design and computer design

Objectives of the study programme:

·  to assist students in acquiring the theoretical substantiation, methods of work and strategy they will need in their professional activity;

·  to promote students awareness of the need for further education;

·  to develop their artistic taste, imagination, feeling of form, colour and space;

·  to master the principles of organising the space and plane;

·  to train students for work in the spheres of artistic and economic activity;

·  to impart systemic knowledge of the development of art, principles of design, strategy and topical issues related to them;

·  to promote understanding of the possibilities of computer graphics offers through the use of modern technologies;

·  to develop students’ skills at implementing their ideas by using computer engineering and other technologies.

Strategic Planning of a Successful Implementation of the Study Programme

·  to create such a study environment that would promote optimal co-operation between the teaching staff and the students;

·  to choose such methodology that would promote purposeful and systematic course of independent study work;

·  during the study process to acquaint the students with up-to-date computer facilities.

2. Self-evaluation Report of the Study Programme

2.1. Structure of the Study Programme

The present study programme was elaborated in 2002 as a professional higher education Bachelor study programme, with the implementation period four years of study (Decision of the Senate No. 11, 30 August 2002).

The study programme has been designed with a purpose of promoting integration of art into society by using the space of visual informative advertising, an aspect which is comparatively insufficiently developed in Latvia. Development of this sphere can be advanced by specialists with good education in art, high motivation for work and the ability to adapt to the ever changing demands of labour market. By forming closer links with education in art and labour market, by ensuring introduction of modern materials and technologies in visual communication we can increase potentials of visual communication in order to develop useful co-operation with employers. This would result in improving the quality of the social environment.

Complying with the latest laws and regulations on the issue - Law on Higher Education Institutions (2000), Regulations on the state standard of the Second Level Professional Higher Education (Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.481, 20 Nov. 2001) and comparing them with similar programmes of higher education institutions in Latvia and in Europe we came to a conclusion that a study programme for acquiring the qualification of a computer designer is an urgent matter in Kurzeme region and in Latvia.

Enrolment and matriculation is planned in accordance with the Regulations for admittance and matriculation confirmed by the Senate of the LAP, i.e. on competition basis evaluating the results of the examinations.

The entrance examination consists of an examination in speciality (drawing, painting, composition) and interviews. The aim of the entrance examinations is to find out the applicants’ artistic readiness in basic subjects. The assignments: in drawing - still life with objects of geometric form, tonal drawing, material 1/2 sheet of drawing paper, a pencil; in painting - still life with, material - 1/2 sheet of paper for painting in water colours, water colours or gouache, painting in oil is accepted; composition - creating a design project to advertise an object, three themes are offered, one choice has to be made, one of the graphics techniques should be used , the technical presentation is in A3 format.

The themes planned for interviews - understanding of the field of activity of a computer designer, the duties and responsibilities of a computer designer give an opportunity to define the level of the applicant’s understanding of different fields of advertising and his/her motivation for acquiring higher education and starting his/her professional career.An integral part of the process of organising studies is acquainting the first-year students with the stocks of the library of the LAP, the structure of its catalogues. In this context defining the number of disciplines meeting the specific character of the programme and the number of options in the required option part is a topical issue. This can be achieved by involving young qualified full-time teaching staff in the work of the Department.

2.2. Implementation of the Study Programme and Assessment

The planned duration of the study course is four years (8 semesters). The volume of credit points to be earned is 160 (CRP). The contents of the course is organised in such a way as to provide the whole body of professional knowledge, skills and relationships that are needed for doing the work of a computer designer and that meet the requirements of the professional standard. It comprises the following interconnected constituent parts: general courses, basic theoretical courses in the field, courses in information technologies, courses of professional specialisation in the field, professional practice;

Part A (compulsory) - 56 CRP,

Part B required option for specialisation in the field / annual works 3 CRP /– 60 CRP,

Part C free choice - 6 CRP,

state examination - diploma project – 10 CRP,

practice - 26 CRP,

qualification examination – 2 CRP,

The study programme is supposed to be structured according to study plans, they are confirmed by the Council of the Humanities Faculty.

The didactic picture of the study process would be characterised by the following forms of work - lectures, seminars, research discussions-seminars, practical work, discussions, debates, group work, individual work, individual and group projects, consultations, conferences, and presentations.

Student involvement in different projects can be realised in conformity with the specific character of the programme - envisaging student involvement in projects for developing the image of the city, in different activities important for the community.

Assessment of students’ achievement is planned at the end of the course- - during sessions ( 2 times during the academic year) - in the form of credit tests and examinations, both in written and oral form and shows of works. Once a semester it is planned to organise an additional show in order to evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills during the classroom hours and through independent work.

Depending on the students’ progress during the semester differentiated testing can also be practised - the content of the examination might differ, evaluation can also be given after papers, reports, and tests have been handed in or presented.

Evaluation is made in a ten-point scale - in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Science and Education No.248, 14 April 1998; for each point precise criteria have been adopted which include the body of knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired.

2.3. Students

The quality of the study process and flexibility during its realisation to a great extent is determined by student involvement in discussions and evaluation of these issues.

There function two types of co-operation: discussions might be organised with the Faculty administration and the teaching staff of the basic Department as well as possibilities of conducting student opinion polls. In the first case the plan for the current year might be considered, the volume of the study disciplines and types of testing discussed. It is planned to organise polling and questionnaires both by the Faculty administration and the members of the teaching staff, they include issues about the teachers’ professional readiness for work, elucidation of the goals and objectives of the study course, methodological issues of teaching, discipline at work, organisation of individual work, organisation of practices, availability of literature etc.

Thus both types of the dialogue would reveal the problematic issues of the study programme, the process of student adaptation to the study environment would be evaluated as well as students’ understanding of the sense of studying and their motivation, it would also be possible to form an idea about such a significant element of controlling the study quality as evaluation of interrelations between the students and the teachers.

It is envisaged that the Department organises weekly individual consultations given by the members of the teaching staff, as well as works additionally with the students having some difficulties.

The task of the Faculty administration would be to evaluate the problem situations and to help within the limits of possibility (academic leave, extraordinary social allowance, prolongation of the session period, dealing with the problem together with the lecturers).

2.4. Academic and Administrative Staff Involved in the Study Programme

It is the members of the teaching staff of the Department of Arts and Handicraft from the Humanities Faculty and those of the Department of Mathematics and Information Science , as well as visiting lecturers from printing-houses, publishing houses, graphic design bureaux, advertising agencies, well-known people of art - painters and graphic artists, co-ordinators of projects for significant activities for wider public who are mainly involved in implementation of the programme; the main aim being seeking a link between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation in the field of computer graphics.

Members of the academic staff of the Department participate in congresses (IFHE XIXH World Congress of Home Economics in Ghana in 2000), in conferences (the Daugavpils Pedagogical University and others), in seminars.

Several members of the teaching staff participated in the co-operation project of the Education Foundation of Europe “RESHAPING THE FOCUS AND STRUCTURE ON TEACHER TRAINING IN LATVIA AND LITHUANIA “ with consultants from Finland and Denmark participating.

Several publications have been put out on possibilities of perfecting the study content, as well as concerning cultural-historical matters and within certain fields of art. The lecturers are active participants in plein-airs in Liepāja and other towns, participate in organising exhibitions (for example, plein-air of painters dedicated to the 120th anniversary of “Liepājas Metalurgs “ - September 2002).

Some of the lecturers are members of the expert committee appointed by the Theatre Association for nominations for “Spēlmaņu nakts” (Associate prof. A.Kļaviņš), as well as participate in the work of the Board of the Association of Artists of Latvia. and the Commission of Culture of the town of Liepāja (Associate prof. A.Kļaviņš). Lecturer Nora Vilmane is doing excellent work in the Board of the Latvian Foundation of Friends to Brazil.

The lecturers make use of every possibility to participate in projects to collaborate with different institutions.

In the spring of the year 2002 a co-operation was started with the teachers of Visual Art and Home Economics of the city of Liepāja and the district in a form of seminars elaborating on a certain theme.

Co-operation has started with the Liepāja town Council, Department of Culture by involving students and lecturers in development of different projects, for example “Tauriņu dienas 2002”. Projects organised by some lecturers on synthesis of colour and sound ( at Pedvāle, in the Liepāja Academy of Pedagogy, in the Rožu Art Gallery in Liepāja). A project Liepāja-Brazil connected with the history of photography has been submitted (N.Vilmane).

2.5. Equipment and Educational Facilities. Management

It is planned that elaboration, development and implementation of the study programme “Art of Visual Communication” would be co-ordinated by the Department of Arts and Handicrafts, programme Director Dr.paed. I.Klāsone. Administration of the study process would be the responsibility of the Humanities Faculty in collaboration with the Department of Studies.

The existing technical and methodological resources at the Academy are sufficient. There exists the possibility of using the following technologies in the study process:

#INTEGRAPH model ZX-1, processor PIII600Mhz; op. memory 524Mb, hard disk HDD-70Gb, video card MatroxG400, memory 32Mb, am additional card for video processing Matrox RT-2000;

#programme for video processing Adobe Premier 5.1, Corel Draw 9 U-LEAD Cool Edit (for making captions), ZX P2 600Hz, op.memory 128Mb, video card Matrox G 200, 2Mb. hard disk Hdd 20Gb, Software: Adobe illustrator 9, photoshop 9, Corel Draw 9;

#CERELON - 600 Mhz, op.memory (RAM)256Mb, hard disk (HDD) 20Mb, a video card accelerated with OPEN GL, 3D fix, op. memory 32Mb;

# Software (operating environment) Windows 98 Microsoft Office, Corel Draw 9, photoshop

In order to successfully develop the study programme it is planned to purchase a special video monitor for video processing.

Available for the students is the multimedia centre of the LAP. Facilities of the integrated information system “Alise”, connection to the Internet in the library and purpose-equipped rooms can be made use of in the study process, (altogether 158 Internet connections are available in the Academy). The students and the lecturers can use different databases: 0n-line EBSCO database, CD-ROM databases, e.g.UNESCO Key Data on Education, Encyclopedia Britannica etc., which can provide which can provide access to worldwide information.

There develops a useful co-operation with the Liepāja Town Council concerning matters of organising publicity activities, as well as with the Centre of Youth Initiative etc.; it is essential in successful implementation of the practical part of the programme.

Literature needed for studies is available in the lending department of the LAP library, in the reading room and the periodicals room with copying equipment. Both at the Department of Art and Handicrafts and the Department of Mathematics and Information Science since their very beginning a library meeting the needs of the present programme is being compiled both in Latvian and foreign languages, literature needed for studies is also available in the LAP library. The library stocks are built up by making use of the catalogues sent by the publishing houses, as well through the Internet.