To: All Undergraduates


The Undergraduate Kitchen Fixed Charge is currently set at £160.94per term.

Undergraduates will only be served breakfast, lunch or dinner in Hall on presentation of a valid University Multipurpose Security Card.

The card should be presented to the appropriate member of College staff at the till in the Servery. The card will be swiped and the cost of the meal automatically charged to the individual’s College Account. Meals taken by Junior Members’ guests can be paid for with the card and will be subject to an additional £1.95 guest charge.

35 sign-outs for dinner are permitted per term. A meal taken in the Servery must cost at least £2.35 for it to count as a meal for the purpose of reckoning sign-outs. Excess sign-outs will be charged at £4.00. Up to ten excess sign-outs may be carried over from one term to the next, within a given academical year, to accommodate uneven dining patterns.

Undergraduates housed in Parkside and Warkworth Street are allowed to sign out from up to 52 dinners per term provided that a lunch is taken in place of any dinner for which they have signed out beyond the standard sign-out figure of 35.

Dining in Formal Hall

Following a review, Formal Hall remains available every evening during Full Term. Tickets must be presented on the given date for entry into Formal Hall: these may be purchased between 8.15 am and 1.30 pm in the Servery. Tickets required for Sunday evenings should be purchased by 1.30 pm on the previous Saturday. Names of those proposing to dine in Formal Hall should also be entered onto the Hall Sheet.

If a Junior Member wishes to bring a guest or guests to Formal Hall, would he or she please enter the words ‘+ guest’ in the consecutive numbered box(es) on the Hall Sheetat the Servery till, indicating also any necessary dietary requirements. Junior Members may bring a maximum of six guests into any single Formal Hall. Larger numbers will require the permission of the Senior Tutor in the form of a group dining permit, obtained through the Catering Manager.

It is hoped that Undergraduates will respect the 1.30 pm deadline. However, it is understood that from time to time this may not be possible, and the Kitchens can allow a certain latitude and admit Undergraduates to Hall who, exceptionally, have been unable to comply with the deadline. Refunds in respect of reserved places cannot normally be given after the 1.30 pm deadline.

Junior Members are permitted to bring wine into Formal Hall: this may be purchased from the range offered for sale in the College Bar or, subject to payment of a corkage fee of £1.25 per bottle, externally. The Bar Supervisor is responsible for collecting corkage and will issue dated receipts.

Lost Cards

Lost cards should be reported immediately to the Duty Porter and the College Office; a replacement card will then be ordered. The University Card Office levies a £10 administration charge for the replacement of lost or stolen cards.

College Bar

The College Bar is currently open daily from 7 pm to 11 pm (12 pm on Fridays and Saturdays) during term-time, commencing the Saturday before the start of Full Term. In the Michaelmas and Lent Terms, the Bar will remain open for one week after the end of Full Term. Payment for items purchased in the Bar may be made by means of the University Multipurpose Security Card, as an alternative to cash, subject to a credit limit of £200.


October 2011


Michaelmas Term 2011


Times:Self-Service Dinner6.00-7.00 pm

Formal Hall7.30 pm

Prices:Self-Service DinnerVariable, dependent on choice Formal Hall £5.65

Junior Members are reminded to bring their pre-purchased Formal Hall tickets for entry into the Hall. Junior Members must sign in and purchase tickets between 8.15 am – 1.30 pm on days when they intend to dine (and before 1.30 pm on Saturdays for dinner on Sunday evening).


Times:Luncheon is served between 12.30 and 1.30 pm on weekdays.

Brunch is served between 10.30 am and 1.30 pm on Saturdays.

Luncheon is not served on Sundays.

Prices:Variable, dependent on individual choice.


Times:Breakfast is served between 8.15 and 9.00 am on weekdays.

Brunch is served between 10.30 am and 1.30 pm on Saturdays.

Breakfast is not served on Sundays.

Prices:Variable, dependent on individual choice.


Guests: It is not necessary to give advance warning before bringing guests into luncheon or breakfast. It is necessary, however, to give advance notice of your intention to bring a guest into Formal Hall. If you wish to bring a guest into Formal Hall, sign your name followed by the words, ‘+ guest’, in the consecutive numbered box(es) on the Hall Sheet at the Servery till, indicating also any necessary dietary requirements. Junior Members may bring a maximum of six guests into any single Formal Hall. Larger numbers will require the permission of the Senior Tutor in the form of a group dining permit, obtainable through the Catering Manager.

Clearing up: Junior Members are asked to take their trays back to the trolley provided for that purpose after breakfast, luncheon and self-service dinner.

Allergies and special dietary requirements: If you are a vegetarian/vegan, kindly make this known when you sign in for Formal Hall. If you suffer from particular food allergies, you must inform the Catering Manager, your Tutor and the Nurse.


October 2011