Academy of READING & MATH Management System Reports for

Administrators and Classroom Teachers

Effective intervention is dependent upon data. The purpose of the EPS Management System is to monitor and measure students as they train on the Academy of READING and MATH to make informed educational decisions responsive to the needs of your students. Academy report data will identify skill gaps and weaknesses, information beneficial to interventionists, classroom teachers and administrators, to better understand the specific skill deficiencies that have an impact upon a student’s ability to understand grade level curriculum. The Academy can make significant progress towards closing the proficiency gap if implemented with fidelity, and data is critical to that process.


  1. Your school technology coordinator can provide access to the EPS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and create users. Administrators should be assigned the role of “School Coordinator” and Teachers the role of “Teacher”. Open the EPS Management System and enter your Username______and Password ______.
  2. Bookmark or mark as Favorite the link for future access.

CLASS/STUDENT TEST RESULTS. An assessment is given three times a year to all Academy students to determine; 1) a student’s instructional level, 2) a baseline score (pre-test) to measure progress and growth towards proficiency (post-tests administered mid-year and end-of-year), and 3) to assign each student an Individualized Training Program (ITP). To view test results:

  1. Select the REPORTS tab at the top of the page and CLASS (OR STUDENT) TEST RESULTS on the left-hand side.
  2. The PERFORMANCE LEVEL SUMMARY reports scores by Below Basic (1+ year below proficient), Basic (within 1 year of grade-level), Proficient (performing at grade level), Advanced (1+ year ahead) and Graduate (score of 10.0 in the Academy of READING, 9.0 Academy of MATH). Following RTI guidelines, Below Basic is Tier III, Basic is Tier II, and Proficient (and above) is Tier I.
  3. Scores are reported as grade level equivalent; a score of 5.0 is equivalent to 5th grade.
  4. The STUDENT INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE information provides individual Performance and Level (grade-level equivalent) data.
  5. Click on a student’s name to the access the STUDENT GAINS REPORT.
  6. Click on the PRE-TEST or POST-TEST link to see the level-by-level results for each level of the assessment that identifies where the student scored Independent, Instructional or Frustration.

CLASS SNAPSHOT REPORT. We suggest this report be viewed weekly as a tool to monitor skill mastery, which directly correlates to student gains. The greater the number of skills mastered, the greater the student gains:

  1. Select the REPORTS tab at the top of the page and CLASS SNAPSHOT on the left-hand side.
  2. The goal is for each student to complete 100% of their Individualized Training Program to become Proficient. % of PROGRAM COMPLETE is the strongest indicator of gains as skill mastery indicates progress towards closing the achievement gap.
  3. Sort the report from low to high by clicking on the title-heading % OF PROGRAM COMPLETE, or high to low by clicking on the title heading again. Students who are not on pace to completing 100% of their ITP’s are a concern, as they are not making progress. These students require additional support until they are on pace to completing their ITP’s.
  4. Refer to the following chart for weekly % of Program Complete benchmarks:

1 / 4% / 11 / 44% / 21 / 72%
2 / 8% / 12 / 48% / 22 / 76%
3 / 12% / 13 / 52% / 23 / 80%
4 / 16% / 14 / Flex Week / 24 / 84%
5 / 20% / 15 / Flex Week / 25 / 88%
6 / 24% / 16 / Flex Week / 26 / 92%
7 / 28% / 17 / 56% / 27 / 96%
8 / 32% / 18 / 60% / 28 / 100%
9 / 36% / 19 / 64% / 29 / Flex Week
10 / 40% / 20 / 68% / 30 / Flex Week

CLASS TRAINING MONITOR. This report is used to identify students who are struggling and on what skill. A student with any symbol other than an upward green triangle is having difficulty with that skill (identified in the column labeled “Current Skill”) and requires additional support.

  1. Select the CLASSES tab at the top of the page, and TRAINING MONITOR on the left-hand side.
  2. Use the CLASS dropdown menu to change classes (if applicable)
  3. Use the PROGRAMmenu to selectdesired program, i.e. Academy of READING, Academy of MATH
  4. Identify student(s) who need teacher support, identified by a high trial number and a Progress Monitor Indicator that is not a green triangle. Students with a symbol other than a green triangle should be working with teachers by reviewing errors (see below) to identify the skill deficiency, and remediate the skill until it is mastered.
  5. A Class Training Monitor report showing more than 20% of students struggling is an indication that more proactive and frequent teacher intervention is required.

REVIEW CURRENT ERRORS. Identify and remediate skill gaps by reviewing errors with students. To review the most current errors, from the Class Training Monitor:

  1. Click on a student name. This will take you from the Class Training Monitor report to the Student Training Monitor report.
  2. Click SHOW TRIAL DETAILS. Note number of Trials, Start Date, Time on Trial, Correct Answers, and Errors.

Academy of READING:

  1. Click on the Errors link. Tell the student that by examining the errors together you will be able to help the student understand the skill and what is required to master it.
  2. Review the errors with the student. Do not tell the student what they are doing wrong. Rather, ask a series of questions so that you can discern the skill deficiency, help the student understand why their match was incorrect, and how to do the skill correctly to “fill the gap”. Ask, “What is the target letter(s)?” “What did you choose as the match?” “How are the two different?”“What letter is that?” or “What sound does the letter(s) make?” “What sound does the letter(s) you chose make?” By asking rather than telling, you will learn why the student has made an error and how you can help them! Remember…ASK, don’t tell!
  3. Explain why it is important to be accurate by saying “the target sound/letter(s)/word is <target>, and you are reading it as <error>. Not reading the word correctly will change the meaning of what you are reading.” For example, “the target word was “worm” but you selected “worn” as the match, which means you miss-read the word and would affect the accuracy (and understanding) of what you are reading.”

Academy of MATH:

  1. Click on the Errors link. Tell the student that by examining the errors, together you will be able to help the student understand the skill and what is required to master it.
  2. Place a check mark in the box on the title bar to select all the missed questions, and then click on Show Question Details. On the following screen, immediately select Hide Answers.
  3. Review errors with the student. Ask the student to read you the math question – don’t read it for them. In this way, you will learn if the difficulty is reading, vocabulary, or not understanding the math process that should be used. Ask questions to learn where the student is having difficulty, i.e, “What’s the first step to solve the problem?” Then, “what’s the next step?” until the correct answer is found. Math is a process. Provide assistance as necessary to help the student learn the correct process to answer the questions on their own – don’t just solve the problem for them.

TRAINING PROGRESS REPORT. This report is the Scope & Sequence of the students Individualized Training Program. It is used to identify skill proficiency (upward green arrow) or deficiency (orange triangles or Teacher Time). With this information you can identify skill gaps, weaknesses or pattern of errors.

  1. Select the REPORTS tab at the top of the page
  2. On the left-hand side under STUDENT select TRAINING PROGRESS
  3. Use the CLASS dropdown menu to change classes (if applicable)
  4. Use the STUDENT dropdown menu to find a student
  5. There are two views of this report. Under REPORT DETAILS, the default view is:
  • PROGRESS OVER TIME; this report shows Progress on the skill (green or orange triangles), the Skill Name, when the student Started the skill, Completed the skill, and if the skill was mastered (a gold star). Data from this report can help identify skills strengths (green triangles), skill weaknesses (orange triangles or Teacher Time), and patterns of weakness.
  • EASE OF PROGRESS; note Time on Task, Trials, Interventions and Teacher Times. High Time on Task and Trials indicate that the software has identified a skill gap, and the student is struggling with skill mastery.

REVIEW ERRORS HISTORICALLY. When the software finds a skill gap, as identified by viewing the Training Progress Report, it can be beneficial to look at the history of errors to understand why a student is having difficulty with a particular reading/math skill. From the STUDENT TRAINING PROGRESS report:

  1. Click on any skill in the SKILL AREA: SKILL column (blue hyper-link) to view errors and identify skill deficiencies as reported in “Review Current Errors” above. The Skill Area relates to reading/math specific skills development in the Academy of READING or MATH. For example, Sound Match develops phonemic skills, Auditory-Visual Match develops fluency and decoding, Division develops division skills, etc.

ACADEMY OF READING COMPREHENSION REPORT. Once a student has begun Comprehension training, this report measures and monitors accuracy of questions following a short passage. The comprehension skills being measured are; Main Idea/Theme, Detail, Inference, Vocabulary, Sequence, Relationship, Author’s Purpose. This report is extremely beneficial as it provides data on WHY the student is having difficulty with comprehension, and specifically which skill/strategy the students needs help with.

  1. Select the REPORTS tab at the top of the page, and COMPREHENSION on the left-hand side
  2. Use the CLASS and STUDENT drop-down boxes to find a student
  3. Select the Group Level from the STORIES column. GROUP 5 means stories at a 5th grade level.
  4. QUESTIONS: Review Question Type and % Answered Correctly columns to identify which comprehension skill/strategy the student understands or has difficulty with.
  5. STORIES: Note the Average Time Spent Reading (mm:ss) to see how much time the student is spending reading the story before selecting “I’m Done” to see the questions. If a student is spending just seconds reading the story, explain the difference between reading for comprehension and a test-taking strategy. Instruct students to take their time to read the story for understanding and meaning so they can answer the questions correctly from memory, rather than reading the questions and returning to the text to answer them.

ACADEMY OF MATH “MATH” REPORT. This report can be viewed by LEVEL, QUESTION TYPE, or SKILL AREA. This report clearly identifies the specific math skill or concept that is the cause of lack of proficiency. The data provided by this report clearly identifies the skill areas where the student is proficient and deficient, and the particular concept within the skill where the student is proficient or deficient.

  1. Select a Skill Area to see the accuracy (% Answered Correctly) of each Learning Objective. The skills are ranked by those most frequently missed at the top, to those with the highest accuracy at the bottom.
  2. The skill deficiencies listed at the top of each skill area clearly identify math concepts that are weak and require teacher support and remediation to close the proficiency gap. This information is especially important for interventionists, classroom teachers, students and parents to be aware of, as it should become part of a remediation or corrective instructional plan.


  1. Pre-Test Level report – shows instructional level and baseline score for post-testing
  2. Training Progress report – identifies skill gaps
  3. Comprehension and/or Math Report – identifies specific skill strengths and deficiencies
  4. Post-Test Level report(s) – comparison of levels show gains and progress toward closing achievement gap
  5. Student Gains report

blj 10-15-12