Lesson 15MA 152, Section 1.4 (part 2)

In this lesson, the following application problem will be covered.

  • Uniform Motion Problems
  • Flying Object Problems
  • Business Problems
  • Work Problems

1.Susan drove 420 miles on a trip. If she had increased her speed by 10 mph, the trip would have been 1 less hour long. How long was the original trip?

distance / rate / time
original trip
imaginary trip

2.The height of an object thrown upward with an initial velocity of 32 meet per second is given by the formula , where t is time in seconds. How long will it take the object to reach a height of 16 feet?

3.The TorontoDominionCenter is 407 feet high. A ball is projected upward from the top of the Center and its position in feet (s) above the ground after t seconds is given by the equation, . How many seconds have elapsed when the ball reaches the ground?

4.A certain model of television sells ordinarily for $980 at an Elmer's Electronics and the store averages selling 4 of this model a week. Elmer found out, that for each discount of $40 off the price, he would sell an average of 1 more TV per week. How many of this model was sold, if he had the revenue of $7400 in a week from the sells?

5.A local theater company has an average attendance for its plays of 300 persons and sells tickets for $6. It estimates for each $2 increase in the ticket price, 50 fewer persons will attend. How many increases of $2 need to be made for the revenue from ticket sales to equal $2000? What is the new ticket price?

6.Kristy can mow a lawn in 1 hour less time than her brother Steve. Together (with same types of mowers), they can finish the job in 5 hours. How long would it take Kristy if she worked alone? Round to the nearest tenth of an hour.

7.Some mathematics professors would like to purchase a $150 microwave oven for the department workroom. If four of the professors don't contribute, everyone's share will increase by $10. How many professors are in the department?

8.Find the dimensions of a rectangle whose area is 240 square inches and whose perimeter is 64 inches.