August 3, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian:

A.H. Parker High School (9-12)has a tradition of positive education experiences for its students. This is evidenced in areas of strength and achievement which includes meeting the requirementon the Alabama High School Graduation Exam forthe participation goal in all the required subgroups (all students and free/reduced meals)in reading and mathematics for 2009-2010 and 2010 – 2011; and meeting the academic achievement requirement in all required sub groups (all students and free/reduced meals)in reading and mathematics in 2009-2010 and mathematics 2010-2011.

A. H. Parker High School students’ achievement scores are in the lower range when compared to Wenonah High School and Ramsay High School with similar grade configurations. We are required by the U.S. Department of Education to notify our parents of our school’s improvement status at least fourteen days before the first day of school for this 2011-2012 school year.

Alabama evaluated 1,383 public schools for 2011 -12 AYP status (based on 2010 -11 data): 932 are Title I schools (high poverty schools that receive Title I federal funding, the largest federal funding source for education. This year, 140 Title I schools were identified for School Improvement. These schools must offer School Choice, if a higher performing school of choice is available. Our school met goals in 9 out of 13 areas on the Alabama High School Graduation Exam, but did not achieve adequate yearly progress in the area of Additional Academic Indicator (Graduation Rate) and did not meet the academic requirement in the areas of reading and mathaccording to the state accountability plan that is aligned with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. A.H. Parker High Schoolhas been identified for school improvement – Year 1 Delay.

In light of this identification, the school will take the following steps to improve its status. The faculty and staff will work to strengthen classroom strategies related to raising student achievement and will introduce activities to involve parents in the school improvement process. These steps include tutoring before and after school as well as on Saturday, professional development for teachers, data meetings, and regularly scheduled parent meetings.Also, parents of eligible students may request supplemental educational services for their child in accordance with Birmingham City Schools’ system plan for school improvement.

We encourage you to become involved in helping your child to be successful in school. Examples of how you may be more involved include asking about homework assignments, reading with your child every day, attending back-to-school nights to meet teachers, and volunteering when possible.

This letter also serves as a notification to parents that all students at the school, because of School Improvement status, are eligible to transfer to a school that is not identified for school improvement. In this district, eligible schools to which students may transfer and their academic achievement are listed in the chart below. For additional information, please examine the attached school report cards.

(Turn over to read the backof thispage)

If your child attends: / He/She may choose to transfer to: / Record of Achievement of Choice Schools
A.H. Parker High School
Grades: 9-12 / Wenonah High School
Grades: 9-12 / Made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011
A.H. Parker High School
Grades: 9-12 / Ramsay High School
Grades: 9-12
Student must meet additional academic requirements in order to be admitted. / Made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011

If you choose the transfer option, your child will be transported to the choice school free of charge as long as the former school is designated as a School Improvement school. If the district budget is not enough to allow the district to transport every student whose parents request a transfer, federal law requires that the district give priority for transportation to the lowest achieving students from low-income families. These students also have a priority to get the first choice of receiving schools. The district determines income based on eligibility for free or reduced-price school meals and student achievement based on the Alabama High School Graduation Exam.

You can find more information about your transfer options by going to the district’s website at Please complete the enclosed form and return to A.H.Parker High Schoolby Friday, August 19, 2011. The Attendance Department of Birmingham City Schools will notify you when the choice option will take effect and when your child may start attending the choice school. Please contact the Attendance Department of Birmingham City Schools at 205 - 231-7938or the school at 205 - 231-2370.


Dr. Craig Witherspoon


Birmingham City Schools

Enclosures: 1. 2010 - 2011 Annual Accountability Results:

Parker High School

Wenonah High School

Ramsay High School

2. School Choice Request Form

August 3, 2011

Mr. Cedric Tatum



2011– 2012

Return to Mr. Cedric Tatum, Principal,A.H.Parker High School,no later thanFriday, August 19, 2011.

Student’s Name: ______

School Attending Now A.H.Parker High School

I would like to take advantage of the School Choiceoption for my son/daughter.

Select a first and second choice from schools named in the letter. If you have only one preference, list only one school.

1st Choice:______(insert name of receiving school)

2nd Choice:______(insert name of receiving school)


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

______Daytime Telephone Number


Evening Telephone Number

Remember:The Attendance Department of Birmingham City Schools will notify you when the choice option will take effect and when your child may start attending the choice school.