Facebook Ninja Session 2

Seth Greene

Week Two. Taking you from zero to hero or in our case Facebook ninja in just eight weeks. So last week what we covered how to sign up for Facebook because you need a Facebook account in order for this to work. How to create a Facebook fan page for your business if you don’t have one already. How to create a Facebook advertising account if you don’t have one already. How to upload your customer list to Facebook because you want to be able to run ads in front of your existing customers to get them to buy more from you and buy more at higher prices of course. And number five, we talked about how you can use the credit card algorithm built in to Facebook for us to clone your existing customers.

Let’s talk about creating page likes using that lookalike credit card clone audience. So, if you got a list of customers and we run our credit card algorithm and we now have a list of everyone else who meets the exact same spending profile, then we want to get those people who aren’t your customers but who are just like your customers to take the first step. And the first step is liking your page. So, that is in essence a Facebook opt-in. They’re raising their hands. They’re saying, yes I’m interested in learning more on Facebook. They’re not giving you consent to snail mail them or show up at their house. Just kidding. They’re giving you consent to show up in their Facebook newsfeed which is the first step that you got to get them to take before we can start marketing to them.

So, how do you create, how do you get these people to like you? First, we’ve got to create – remember last week, we talked about the different types of ads you can run on Facebook. So in this case, it’s a page like ad. So, we want to build our audience on Facebook and then it’s going to ask you what page do you want to get likes for. Now, obviously that’s going to – we run these for hundreds of clients which is why you’re starting to see a long, long list come down my screen. But yours may just be your one page. So, you’re going to pick the page that’s correct. Now, here’s something really cool that Facebook lets you do. There’s something called split testing. So, a split test would be if I run the same ad in the same marketplace but I change one thing about that ad and I show it to half of people in group A and I split it into group B and now I’m showing the exact same ad and rotating 50% of the time.

So, person one sees ad A. Person two sees ad B. It keeps rotating. And then I can see which ad gets better results in this case which ad gets more likes at a cheaper cost. Well, Facebook will allow you to split test up to six images in an ad for free. They will automatically rotate all six ads for you without charging you anything for the privilege. And years ago when online marketing really took off, you had to pay for either the company to do this for you or you have to pay for advanced software to pull this off and now it’s free. And important thing to know is that we have a maximum of 20% text in a picture on Facebook. What that means is if I have a picture 80% has to be an image and 20% of that has to be text. So, it’s really important that you do that because otherwise if you don’t follow those rules Facebook will ban your picture.

You want your pictures to relate to your product or service because remember we’re getting these people to like you first. So, they may not know, they don’t know who you are yet. So, the pictures got to be something that captures their attention and get them to want to like you. In this case, this is a natural product called Comforte that is a client of ours. And it is a cream that women who are getting their period rub on themselves and it makes the cramps go away. So, you’ll see in this case – so these are some of the images we’re split testing. There’s a picture of a logo and some words about it. There’s a picture of the product and then there are pictures of women who are uncomfortable because they’ve got cramps and some words around it. But you’ll see the picture, for example this woman clutching her stomach, the picture of her is much bigger than the words. So, again the picture has to be bigger than the image.

Now, we’ve got to add a headline and text, an important thing that goes with that image. An important thing to know is that the landing view is very important. Where do you want them to go after they click your ad? In this case, we’re getting likes. So we want them to go to our timeline. Your timeline is your newsfeed, your posting of content every day or every week or however often you’re posting. So, in this case it’s a like ad, so we need to tell them to like the page. So, we’re going to show you some example of some really well-performing ads and talk about why they work really well when we get to that part. So, in this case we’ve got, is your period an exclamation point? Like us if you want all-natural PMS pain relief fast. That’s pretty specific. That pretty much tells us why anyone would want to like the page. So, if I’m not interested in all-natural pain relief, I’m not going to like the page and I’m not a good prospect for Comforte. Hopefully, that makes sense. Again remember, this is a like ad. All they’re doing is clicking this little button that says like. It’s non-threatening. So, we have to make this not a “hard sales text.” This is just like us if you want all-natural PMS pain relief.

I’m going to show you some from financial advisers. I’m going to show you some from information marketers. I’m going to show you some from all sorts of clients and talk about why they work. I’m going to show you inside our corporate Facebook account where we have hundreds and hundreds of clients. So, I’m going to show you stuff that works because obviously we have the results of testing millions and millions of dollars of Facebook ad budget. We can see what works, what doesn’t work and you can avoid mistakes that we’ve made and learn from our experience. So, let’s go check some stuff out.

So for example, this is a campaign for Daven Michaels. Daven Michaels is the (0:10:15)New York Times Best-Selling author of Outsource Smart. And he is the founder of 123Employee which is I think the world’s largest outsourcing firm in the Philippines. So really, really incredible marketer, great guy, really cool company. So, let’s take a look at one of his campaigns. Now, you’ll notice – this is how to read your advertising account. So, the campaign name. It is really important how you name your campaigns. You have to keep – when you have thousands, you have – the maximum number of campaigns you can – I’m showing you 107 active campaigns on these couple of pages. We literally have – the maximum you can have on a Facebook ad accounts is 1000 before you need another one. Just so you know. But when you start running multiple campaigns, it’s really important to keep them well organized.

Notice I’ve labeled it 123 FB Miner. 123 for 123 Employee. FB miner is the free software he gives away as well. And in this case, I’ve labeled what market it’s going after. This is going after customers of, folks of Eben Pagan who’s an internet marketing guru, Perry Marshall who’s a marketing guru and Mari Smith who’s a social media guru. Now, I’m going to sort these. The best, the highest performing campaign – and this one just started recently. If you can see by the dates, it started recently. So, any click through rate above one percent in Facebook is considered good. So, zero not so good, 1.6 good, 1.9 good, 2.1 good. So let’s take a look at the best performing campaign. It got three clicks so far. Again, this just started at $1.02 per website click. Is that a good pay per click or not? It depends. You’ve got to know your numbers and you’ve got to be able to track. So we’re going to teach you how to do all of that.

274 people so far have seen his ad 1.2 times and seven people clicked on it. Click through rate of 2.13%. Total spent $3. Average cost per click 44 cents. So let’s take a look at the ad. It’s coming from 123Employee because every ad has to come through a Facebook page. This is the FB miner campaign. “Free lead software. Are you starting to get leads here? Then download this free lead getting software. Start growing your list today. Software spits out leads like water. It can help grow your list by thousands in 17 days. Get it before we reach our licenses limit. Download here.” So, that ad got 2.13%. That image, the guy pushing a percentage sign. 1.9% same text, same ad but the button is labeled, but they added a picture of a conversion button. And 1.6 was a picture of money growing out of a guy’s hand.

Let’s go look at this we ran in front of Jim Rohn fans, the late great Jim Rohn, inspirational, motivational guru. Now, remember if we look at the Eben Pagan campaign, that click through rate was 2.1% and the cost per click was $1.02. This best performing click through rate was 1.67 and the cost per click was $1.59 so lower click through rate, higher price. However, there are more clicks because it’s in front of a lot more people. Remember this campaign was in front of 274 people. This one was in front 5710. Jim Rohn has a potential audience of 1.16 million people whereas the Eben, Perry, Mari campaign has only 7600 people. I mean these are those people in LA because the event is taking place in LA.

And the best performing picture was a picture of Daven speaking. For whatever reason, that beat out the picture of a conversion button. Remember the conversion button before got 1.9 in front of Perry, Eben and Mari. Here, it got 1.6. So it didn’t work as well for whatever reason because Jim Rohn’s people are less about online marketing and more about personal development. Now, whether or not Daven is happy with the $1.59 website click depends. We’ve got to track. These links are all Infusionsoft affiliate links. So this shows me clicks on the Facebook site but I can go in to my Infusionsoft account and see how many people opted in for the free software, how many people bought something and how much money he made. So, then we can determine every day which ad works the best, which ads are getting clients, getting sales and an acceptable ROI and which ones need to go away and which ones need to be improved upon.

So, let’s go build a Facebook page for Allan and then we’ll keep going teaching you really cool stuff. So, I’m going to sign in as Allan. Now, I need to go to facebook.com/pages so that we can make Allan a Facebook fan page for his business. Now, these are some of the pages that are suggesting he like based on what he already likes, Paul Ryan and Romney, UPS apparently. I’m going to click here and create page. Now, what is Allan? Allan is not an artist. He is not an entertainer. He is not a cause. He is not a brand. He is not a product. He is a company or a local business. In this case, I’m guessing that as a financial adviser he is primarily looking for clients in his relative geographic area.

So, I’m going to pick local business. Choose a category, bank or financial services and the business name is Outlook Wealth Advisors LLC. They want a street address which is 2002 Timberloch Place Number 120. That is the Woodlands, Texas. The code is 77380 and your phone number (281) 872-1515. I click Get Started. It’s going to ask me in About and some of this information which we’re going to fill in later. His website is outlookwealthadvisors.com and his Facebook URL is going to be facebook.com/outlookwealthadvisors. It would help if I could spell. Is Outlook a real establishment? Yes. Official authorized and official representation? Yes. Okay. Saving button. Oh, I need a category. Financial planning, look at that. And I’ll take financial services too. I’ll take estate planning. I’ll take insurance agent. I’m assuming Allan has insurance license and those are my three. Save info. And you can go back. You’re required to add a description to the page. Okay. I’ll go grab one from his page. We’re going to change this later to make it more keyword optimized for SEO purposes but this is fine. We’ll leave it for now. Web address is not available. Outlookwealthadvisors.facebook.com is already taken. Somebody already took it. How about facebook.com/theoutlookwealthadvisors?

Oh, Allan has a question. “You have obsolete website you’re looking at.” Okay. Let’s get rid of Outlook Wealth Advisors. Tada. Okay. Still the same address, much prettier. There’s a free retirement report. Dan Kennedy will be proud. There we go. Okay, all right. Then I will later give you feedback on the website. Let’s upload some images. Outlook Wealth banner. All right. We’ll change that in a minute. We’re going to add this to your Favorites. What that means is it will now show up on the left hand side of Facebook for you so you don’t have to go searching for it. And we’re going to skip the ad right now because we’re going to do that in a minute. Okay. So we can change the pictures later but just humor me in the interest of time. Let’s add a cover. Let’s go change your image because I grabbed the wrong one. We’re going to need to change this but you’ll get the idea. Now we have a professional looking banner and we theoretically have a Facebook page. You’re going to like your own page. That’s helpful. And now we theoretically have the Facebook page.

After I created this, I need to tell Facebook who I want it to run in front of. So under custom audiences, I would select my lookalike audience. And then I would take it how I wanted to subsegment out that list. The Facebook clone, my list of everybody is a list of nationwide people, everyone in the country who matches the same criteria. So I need to narrow that down. For example, if Allen only wants people in the Woodlands, Texas, his location is going to change from all United States to Woodlands, Texas. His age range, he probably doesn’t want 13 year olds. He’s a financial adviser. He probably wants affluent baby boomers. So he can pick the age. He can pick the gender. He can pick how much money they make. He can pick where they work. We’re going to show you all sorts of really cool stuff.

I’m going to show you what we have running for a financial adviser right now that’s working really well. Now, financial advisers are typically taught, one of the things the industry teaches is that you should have a, you should do physical events. You should do a local seminar and there are some companies out there that are the 800-pound gurus in that niche that are doing the marketing of that. And what they will do is we’ll pay them a bunch of money and they mail off 50,000 invitations to everyone over the age of 50 in your town with money in trying to get them to come over to a retirement planning seminar.

So we do it differently. In this case, this is a financial adviser who in his town the IBM is a major employer in his town and in his town the IBM server division is merging with Lenovo. So there are a whole lot of people who have to make a decision within like the next 11 days about of what they’re going to do with their pension and 401k’s.

Now if you went to one of the seminar companies in financial services, they would say we have no way of getting a list of the IBM employees. We just mailed everybody in your town of a certain age with money and hope they’re interested. So they would not be able to do what I’m going to show you. So we built a Facebook fan page just for this event called the IBM Transition Help just about people for the IBM transition. And we’re posting for them every day. So they have content. Some are warm and fuzzy like, what kind of chocolate are you? Take this quiz. Which has nothing to do with IBM but it’s fun and gets people engaged. And then you have stuff that’s very, very specific. Take it, leave it, move it, roll it. What to do with your 401k. Now this page has 221 likes. The cool thing about it is every single one of those people who likes the page is an IBM employee. How did we do that? How did we get in front of just IBM employees and nobody else? This is the magic of this system and this works. It doesn’t just work for financial advisors. It can work no matter what you’re doing.

So I will show you exactly how we did this so that you can do it too. Like I said we’re making you a sneaky Facebook ninja. I remember when I started in financial services I went to a country club and I said I was interested in joining. And I asked for the membership list because I only wanted to join if people I knew were members. And then I said, oh sorry I have to go to the bathroom. I took the list with me. I left. So I do not recommend doing it. And the statute of limitations on that is up 15 years later. But you don’t have to do that anymore.