February 20 - 24, 2017
This site will be updated weekly. You can also join Remind 101. The Remind 101 will be texted out when there is achange of schedule or an important event coming up. I will not send out daily homework reminders. Homework for each class will be written on the board. All students need to write this down each day.
Thank you so much to every onewho helped with our Valentine's party - either by sending things or actually being there to help. The party was a lot of fun. The children really enjoyed it!
Reading - This week,we will continue ournovel, "Number the Stars". This is a historical fiction novel that takes place in Denmark during the Nazi occupation. It will go along with what we've learned about WWII and religious persecution. We will read chapters 9-12this week. Our focus skills will be main idea and fact/opinion. We will have a comprehension test on Friday, February 24th. This test will be open book.
We have started getting letters back from family and friends. Please encourage them to write to us. The children learn so much from these letters!
On Tuesday,February 21st, your child will be givennew vocabulary workshop words. We will have a G1 grade on synonyms/antonyms on Thursday, February 24th and a fill in the blank for a G1 grade on Tuesday, February 28th. We will have a G2 test on these words on Friday, March 3rd.
***We are working on MOBY MAX test prep in preparation for the state test in May. We will continue to do this. We are working on reading and English skills using Moby Max. This is a Web Based program that can also be utilized at home. Please encourage your child to practice with Moby Max at home.
On Tuesday, January 10th, your child was given his/her new AR goal. Information on this went home with each child. Please make sure your child is reading. AR grades will be recorded on Wednesday, March 8th. Your child is given time each day to read, but he/she must also read at home.
We will meet literature circle groups every Tuesday. Your child is responsible for the literature circle reading and completing his/her role sheet at home. Every Tuesday, he/she must come prepared having read whatever was assigned for the week and with his/her completed role sheet and book. This is a weekly G1 grade.
English - This week we will begin chapter 14. This chapter focuses on transitive and intransitive verbs. We will learn about indirect objects and continue to practice the four principle parts of verbs to include simple, perfect and progressive tense verbs. We will have a quiz on chapter 14, Thursday, February 23rd and a G2 test on Friday, February 24th.
We will continue to write in response to literature. We will also begin working on our research writing. Your child was given a research worksheet to use as they begin researching the person he/she chose. We are working on gathering the research this week and next. The research information for this project will be due on Friday, February 24th. I will give the children time in class to work on this, but they will need to also research at home. On Friday, I will just check to make sure they've completed the research and put the information on the worksheet. I will then explain to them how to write the research paper. The rough draft for the research paper will be due Wednesday, March 1st.
Spelling - Our words this week are: entry, limit, talent, disturb, entire, wisdom, dozen, impress, respond, fortress, neglect, patrol, kitchen, forbid, pirate, spinach, adopt, frighten, surround, challenge, adapt, refuge, distribute, industry, and somber.
Our spelling assignments this week will be Monday- 3x each, Tuesday- spelling worksheet, Wednesday- 10 sentences and study. On Thursday, February 23rd, we will have our regular spelling test. We will not have a dictation test this week due toan art lesson on Friday.
Have a wonderful weekend!!