Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Holt Parish Council

Held 22nd January 2014 at Holt Parish Hall 7:15 pm

Item / 39 / Action By
County & District Reports
County Council Report – Cllr Peter Finney
Public Health Dorset | Update bulletin - January 2014
Welcome to the latest bulletin for Public Health Dorset. This bulletin gives an update on work taking place across Dorset improve and protect health.
Since public health moved from the NHS to councils last April, one of the main areas of focus was to increase the amount of people receiving a health check and it's pleasing to see that this has happened with the Dorset county area making the biggest gains.
The health of people in Dorset is generally better than the England average, but there's always room for improvement. This series of bulletins will highlight how plans and projects carried out by Public Health Dorset are performing to improve the health of people in Dorset.
More people taking up health checks
The number of people taking up health checks across Dorset has risen in the last year.
The Dorset county area saw the largest increase in the amount of people taking up the offer of a check in the second half of the year with Poole also seeing an increase. The amount of health checks offered to people has a gone up in all three areas. Health checks assess people’s risk of developing health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. They are aimed at adults in England between the ages of 40 and 74 who are not already known to have one of these conditions. As well as assessing a person’s risk, it gives them personalised advice about how to reduce their risk. There has also been good engagement with GPs and pharmacies across the county while members of the public have also been keen to take part. Public Health Dorset will be setting ambitious targets for the next year to have more people come forward for a health check. The key to this will be making sure people who are offered checks actually have them, especially those people who might not normally come forward.
Partners working together to improve health
Public health staff have been continuing to develop work with partners both locally and nationally.
In Poole, the team has been looking at the health needs assessment of the area and in particular data around heart and circulation diseases. They have also been influencing how some Lottery grant money can benefit residents in the Bourne Valley area of the borough.
The team has been working closely with colleagues in environmental health and are in the early stages of planning joint initiatives for the area, such as alcohol and tobacco.
In Bournemouth, a scheme to recruit community health champions from the community in Boscombe is about to start. The champions will be members of the community, initially tasked with supporting local people to quit smoking. It is thought that this type of peer-to-peer support will help with people who are reluctant to seek professional advice in the first instance. A recent workshop was held in Bournemouth as part of the Public Health Development Forum. The event brought staff from across the council to see how health and lifestyle messages could be better communicated to residents through services. In the Dorset county area, the locality team has been working to support the implementation and evaluation of the nutritional care strategy. The team is also continuing to support work around the health and wellbeing strategy. Staff from Public Health Dorset have also been working with colleagues across the Wessex area on an initiative to increase uptake of the flu vaccine next winter.
More choices for Poole and Bournemouth residents
Two schemes to help people get fit and healthy are soon to be available to residents in Poole and Bournemouth.
The Healthy Choices weight loss scheme will be available to residents from spring.
Healthy Choices aims to support obese individuals to lose five per cent of their body weight over a 12 week period. It offers eligible people the opportunity to access weight loss support at commercial slimming providers free of charge.
Active Choices will also be available to Poole residents from spring. Managed by Healthy Living Wessex, it is a programme for people who are at higher risk of developing long-term conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease. It offers specialist support from local cardiac trainers for 12 supervised activity sessions, to develop basic fitness and confidence. The programmes are currently available in parts of the Dorset county area. GPs can refer people to both schemes.
Scheme to help people in Bournemouth feel toasty this winter
Households in Bournemouth could feel a little warmer this winter thanks to a funding boost.
Public Health Dorset, Bournemouth Borough Council, and NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have teamed up to insulate and heat 500 homes in the borough.
The scheme will build on the success in Bournemouth last year when more than 200 homes were insulated.
Cold weather can have dramatic effects on everyday life, especially for those people who are already vulnerable because of their age, illness or disability. It is known to have a serious impact on health as it worsens existing conditions and increases the chances of people developing conditions such as colds, flu and pneumonia.
Grants will be available for insulation and heating measures in areas of deprivation, hard-to-treat properties and for low-income households.
GPs will be able to refer eligible people, but anyone can contact Dorset Energy Advice Centre on 0800 975 0166 or by email at to find out if they are eligible.
Peter Finney
Cabinet Member for Community and Public Health
County Councillor for West Moors and Holt
District Council Report – Cllr Spencer Flower
Possible options for Furzehill site –The Christchurch and East Dorset Partnership is exploring options for improving customer access to council services and reducing the cost of office accommodation.
They are currently looking in detail at their preferred option for future office accommodation, which is to use the Civic Offices in Christchurch as the main partnership office, to build a new facility in Wimborne Minster and to dispose of the existing offices at Furzehill.
As a result, they are now considering what the future of the Furzehill site should be if it is vacated. They are preparing a ‘Planning and Development Brief’ for the site to consider future types of use, the amount of development and how proposals should ensure that the environment and character of the area is protected.
No planning application has been submitted, and no particular course of action has yet been decided. The Brief will be adopted by the Partnership as a guidance document to inform decision-making on any future applications.
The Partnership is keen to receive the views of local residents and other interested parties and there is an open invitation to informal drop-in events taking place on Thursday 16 January at the Furzehill Offices 11.00 -3.00 and the Allendale Centre 4.00 – 8.00
Severe Weather [Emergency Action] –There has been a multi agency response using emergency arrangements across the District Council area largely coordinated by staff at the District Council under a command structure headed up by one of the Strategic Directors. The level of rainfall made the task a real test for the pre-existing arrangement that had been put in place to deal with such emergencies. There have been many expressions of thanks from those most affected, What now has to happen is the clearing up operation and remedial works to drainage systems to try to mitigate from future poor weather.
Holt Garage Site Planning Application – Planning officers are currently addressing land drainage issues with the applicant.
SGF/January 2014
Public Open Session
None present.
Item / 41 / Action By
138 / Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Holt Parish Council
Held 22nd January 2014 at Holt Parish Hall 7:15 pm
Cllr Norman Willis (Chairman)
Cllr Dick Irish (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Bob Finlay
Cllr Susan Frost (Rights of Way Officer)
Cllr Peter Finney (County Councillor Holt & West Moors)
Cllr Celia Moore
Cllr Janet Wallace
Cllr Spencer Flower (County & District Councillor)
Lisa Goodwin (Clerk)
Apologies received from:
Cllr Marjorie Shaw
Cllr Jim Stone
139 / Declarations of Interests & Requests for Dispensation
140 / Confirm the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 18th December 2013
The minutes of the above meetings, having been circulated previously to all members were confirmed as correct, approved unanimously and signed by the Chairman.
141 / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held 18th December 2013.
142 / Highway Matters
·  St James School Sign – Cllr Finney confirmed that Dorset County Council Highways has agreed to consider this request.
·  PCSO Hamilton has been asked to monitor the number of cars queuing and blocking highway when waiting for St James Car Park gates to be opened.
·  Significant flooding due to recent extreme weather. Clerk to write to the full Committee of Dorset County Council requesting they enforce their power to ensure landowners clear ditches adjacent to the highway.
·  Clerk to respond to Environment Agency request for information on road closures and houses affected by recent flooding.
·  Clerk to write to Wessex Water notifying them that water was coming out of the man hole covers by Thornhill and Holt Green Farm, Holt during recent heavy rain.
·  Members resolved to purchase two tonne of salt/grit in preparation for cold weather. / Clerk
144 / Rights of Way
·  Bridleway 24 Rowe Hill Xrds - Clerk to arrange site visit with Pat Waterman from DCC Highways to resolve water flowing across road and along bridleway.
·  Squibbs Lane footpath currently flooded by pond. Work is due to be done to clear the pond but currently too wet to access with machine.
·  Footpath 8 is now a pond. Cllr Susan Frost will discuss with landowner.
·  Bridleway Gate by Clayford Saw Mill difficult to open – BHS to action. / Clerk
145 / Planning Applications
·  3/13/1157 FUL Bowers Farm, Holt Road, Holt – extension to existing lake and associated landscaping. Parish Council Comment: NO OBJECTION however we notice 2 jetty’s and would request permission is not granted for commercial activities.
146 / Holt Parish Hall Matters
·  To consider annual maintenance report when provided.
·  The Parish Hall has been included in the Waitrose Community Matters Initiative for February.
147 / Cemetery Matters
·  Deer Fence completed.
·  Clerk to place notice requesting wreaths are removed by end of January.
·  Clerk to place notice that path is slippery, due to moss. Members resolved to request Limecove Ltd spray the path. (£100)
·  Plot D80 has been dug slightly out of line which means that Plot D92 cannot be used. Funeral Directors notified to advise relatives of D80.
148 / Holt Green Lease
·  The National Trust have agreed a 25 year lease of the Village Green to tie in with expiry of Parish Hall Lease.
·  A side letter to the Lease will be provided giving permission for the Jubilee Sign. Clerk to request draft copy. / Clerk
149 / Core Strategy Modifications
·  The main modifications do not directly impact on Holt Parish.
·  The re-introduction of new residential site in Verwood is likely to increase traffic on the Heath, however, the document is much clearer that no development within 400m of the Heath and mitigation via SANG (in perpetuity) needed for development up to 5km away.
·  Changes to Green Belt boundaries removing development sites is sensible.
·  Reduction in number of Gypsy & Traveller site units from 21 to 19. Transit site 25 pitches.
150 / Annual Parish Clean Up
·  Members resolved not to carry out a Clean Up this year due to the continued work by Joanne Smith throughout the year clearing roadside letter and who should be nominated for a Community Award.
151 / Correspondence
·  Future of East Dorset District Council Offices Site at Furzehill.
·  Navitus Bay Wind Park Community Drop In Session 23rd January 2014 West Moors Library 10am-1pm.
·  Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Mineral Sites Plan/Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole Waste Plan Issues Paper consultation documents available to view until 4pm on 13 February 2014 at www.dorsetforyou.com
·  East Dorset Community Lunch, Tuesday 25th February 9:30am-1:30pm at St Leonards & St Ives Village Hall.
·  Police & Crime Commissioner Consultation over Precept Raise can be viewed at www.dorset.pcc.police.uk
·  DAPTC Courses, Conferences & Seminars 2014.
·  East Dorset Recycling Banks Review.
152 / Financial Matters & Expenditure
·  Members were provided with Bank Reconciliation.
·  Members reviewed spend against budget for 2013/2014.
·  Members approved Budget for 2014/15 and allocated reserves of £5000 for the construction of the Diamond Jubilee Sign.
·  Members approved the Precept Demand for 2014/2015.
·  Resolved to pay:
000933 Limecove Ltd Grass Cutting Village Green 2013 £1254.00
000934 DAPTC Councillors Update Training £25.00
000935 R Moore Battery for SID £25.50
000936 C G Hiscock 1st Qtr Cemetery Maintenance & Additional Work £540.00
153 / Information for Report only
·  The Great War Commemoration. Clerk to request photo’s etc in the Village Voices from relatives of local war dead who will be recognised on the Jubilee Sign Seat.

Meeting Closed 9:15pm

These minutes are to be signed by the Chairman after approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Signed;…………………………………………………………………………………………… 12th February 2014

Holt Parish Council Planning Meeting 22nd January 2014