Crisman Elementary PTO

March 3, 2016 3:30pm Minutes

Attendees: Principal Hufford, Tracy Wozniak, Bethany Jensen, Amanda Yokovich, Brandy Manville, Lill Falk, Jody Greer, Pam Tosch, Amanda Cole, Olivia Torres, Brittany Hanlon and Lisa Draves.

  1. Review and accept minutes from February 4thmeeting.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. $4,767.88 balance.
  4. Purchased Box Top package ($18.75).
  5. Will be speaking with Creator’s Popcorn (Rhonda) regarding new popcorn machine.
  6. Box Tops
  7. Fourth grade winners from January contest would like to do contest Tuesday, March 8th at 1:20pm in Crisman Café prior to Magic Show (firmed up post meeting).
  8. Expecting check in April for $865.00 from the January contest.
  9. Baseball contest week of April 4th (Monday – Friday). With 100 Box Tops, will roll dice for how number of bases to run. Done by grade levels. Snow cone party for winners.
  10. Game Night (March 16th)
  11. Nothing needed from PTO. Have bulletin board supplies, $500 in Title 1/Parent Involvement Dollars to provide free pizza dinner.
  12. Will have table for Spirit Wear at this and prior to Magic Show on March 8th. Nothing needed from PTO for Magic Show.
  13. Movie Night (April 22nd – Earth Day)
  14. Will renew movie licenses ($400), but will firm when it expires. Can cancel and re-setup. Used for AR and other celebrations by teachers at year end.
  15. Pancake Cook-off (May 20th)
  16. Will do separate meeting on March 31st at 3:30pm to discuss details.
  17. Kindergarten Roundup (April 13th 9:30-11am; 1-2:30pm; 6-7pm)
  18. PTO to help stuff the bags. Will do Friday, April 1stfollowing popcorn.
  19. Will have PTO information table and potentially coffee.
  20. Fifth Grade Graduation (potentially June 2nd)
  21. After School Activities
  22. Martial Arts – moving to Tuesday, following session will start after spring break, will keep grades K-2, approximately 20 students.
  23. Bricks 4 Kidz – ongoing.
  24. Chess Scholars – date may be moved to accommodate Martial Arts move.
  25. Athletics – Have everything needed to move forward. May do meeting on 30th or 1st after popcorn to discuss. Thinking 1x/week for 4-6 weeks starting April/May. May do track first and have at least 2 adults with background checks, volunteer sponsors, and see if Freshman/Sophomore track students from PHS could help after May 15th (community service hours).
  26. Additional Fundraising Opportunities
  27. Dine Night Out
  28. May do Texas Roadhouse during spring break to take advantage of meals through out the day.
  29. Brandy to look into Panera, Five Guys, Texas Corral, BW3, Panda, Cici’s Pizza, Culvers.
  30. Amazon Smile–Amanda to follow-up with Penny.
  31. Savory Foods Cookie Dough (late August).
  32. Schwan (October 1st).
  33. Crisman Water Bottles to sell or for Walk-a-Thon.
  34. March Newsletter was distributed.
  35. 2016-2017 Board
  36. New board voted in:
  37. President - Amanda Cole
  38. Vice President – Olivia Torres
  39. Secretary – Brittany Hanlon
  40. Treasurer – Amanda Yokovich
  41. Will take over after school lets out.
  42. PTEF Brewfest (April 15th)
  43. Crisman PTO to potentially purchase table with the teachers
  44. PTO will not be making a donation
  45. Next meeting date
  46. May 5th3:30pm