Acronym Guide

DLLR Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation

GWIB Governor’s Workforce Investment Board

ABAWD Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependent Children

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADVET Assistant Director Veterans Employment and Training

AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

ASP Application Service Provider

BLN Business Leadership Program

BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing

BSU Business Services Unit

CBO Community-Based Organization

CDBG Community Development Block Grant

CLEO Chief Local Elected Official

COMAR Code of Maryland Regulations

CSBG Community Services Block Grant

CTE Career and Technology Education

DBED Department of Business and Economic Development

DHCD Department of Housing and Community Development

DHR Department of Human Resources

DJS Department of Juvenile Services

DOD Department of Defense

DORS Division of Rehabilitation Services

DPSCS Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

DSU Dislocation Services Unit

DVET Director Veterans Employment and Training

DVHI Disabled Veterans Hiring Initiative

DVOP Disable Veterans Outreach Program

DWD Division of Workforce Development

EEO Equal Employment Opportunity

EI Early Intervention

EOC Employment Opportunity Credit

ESL English as a Second Language

ETA Employment and Training Administration

FSET Food Stamp Employment and Training

FY Fiscal Year

GOC Governor’s Office for Children

GOBA Governor’s Office of Business Advocacy

GACOEC Governor’s Advisory Council on Offender Employment and Coordination

GED General Educational Development

HR Human Resources

IDP Individual Development Plan

IFB Invitations for Bids

ITA Individual Training Accounts

Acronym Guide

JARC Job Access/Reverse Commute

JTPA Job Training Partnership Act

LED Longitudinal Employment Dynamics

LEP Limited English Proficiency

LMI Labor Market Information

LPN Licensed Practical Nurse

LVER Local Veterans Employment Representative

LWIA Local Workforce Investment Area

LWIB Local Workforce Investment Board

MABS Maryland Automated Benefit System

MBW Maryland Business Works

MCVET Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training

MDoA Maryland Department of Aging

MEDC Maryland Economic Development Commission

MHEC Maryland Higher Education Commission

MIWE Maryland Institute for Workforce Excellence

MIS Management Information Systems

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MSDE Maryland State Department of Education

MWDA Maryland Workforce Development Association

MWE Maryland Workforce Exchange

NEG National Emergency Grant

NIC National Institute of Corrections’

OJT On-the-Job Training

O*NET Occupational Information Network

OWDS Offender Workforce Development Specialist

POAC Professional Outplacement Assistance Center

PROVET Promoting Reemployment Opportunities for Veterans

PY Program Year

ReC Baltimore’s Re-entry Center

RES Remployment Services

RESTART Re-entry Enforcement Services Targeting Addiction, Rehabilitation & Treatment

RFP Request for Proposals

SBA Small Business Administration

SBDC Small Business Development Centers

SCORE Service Corps of Retired Executives

SEA Self-Employment Assistance

STEP Skills-Based Training Employment Promotion

TAA Trade Adjustment Assistance

TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

TAP Transition Assistance Program

TCA Temporary Cash Assistance

TEGL Training and Employment Guidance Letter

Acronym Guide

UI Unemployment Insurance

USDOL United States Department of Labor

USPS United States Postal Service

VA Veterans Affairs

VETS Veterans’ Employment and Training Service

VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars

VPL Veterans Program Letter

WARN Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act

WEB Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore

WIA Workforce Investment Act

WIB Workforce Investment Board

WIFI Workforce Investment Field Instruction

WRIS Wage Record Interchange System