Top 20 Most Frequently Requested International Background Checks
LocationSpecial releaseAdditional documentationClear copy of ID
China (1) / / Full Address in China(Candidate name, city, DOB, and special release)
Clear copy of degree from China / Passport
Germany (2) /
/ German release and general release if current Germany resident
If not a current Germany resident, general release only / Passport or Driver’s License
United Kingdom (3)
Great Britain
Northern Ireland / / Candidate name, city, DOB, and special release, national insurance#
5 years of full address history – proof of address within the last 6 months (utility bill, credit card statement)
No general release required
Scotland and England need UK release / Passport or Driver’s License
India (4) / / Full address including PIN Code
(similar to zip code)
father’s full name
Special release for city of Ahmedabad / Passport or Driver’s License
Canada (5) / / Candidate name, DOB, and special release / Passport, Driver’s License, SSN, or State ID
2 copies of governmental ID’s
(signature and photo)
(HR rep completes Section I of special release)
France (6) / None / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release / Passport or Driver’s License
Location / Special release / Additional documentation / Clear copy of ID
Japan (7) / None / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release / Passport or Driver’s License
Italy (8) / None / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release / Passport or Driver’s License
Spain (9) / None / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release / Passport or Driver’s License
Republic of Korea (10) / North Korea and South Korea results are not available
Australia (11) / / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release, special release / Passport or Driver’s License
Brazil (12) / / Candidate name, city, DOB, and, special release / Passport or Driver’s License
Central America
(Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama) / / Mother’s maiden name / Passport or Driver’s License
South America
(Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela) / / For all:
Candidate name, city, DOB, and special release
Columbia only
Mother’s maiden name
Ecuador only– Cedula
(SSN for that country)
Argentina only
Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release / Passport or Driver’s License
Poland (13) / None / Passport or Driver’s License
Location / Special release / Additional documentation / Clear copy of ID
Turkey (14) / None / Passport or Driver’s License
Kenya (15) / None / Passport or Driver’s License
Taiwan, Province of China (16) / / Full Address in China
General release
China release not needed / Passport or Driver’s License
Ireland (17)
Northern Ireland is listed separately under the United Kingdom / None / Passport or Driver’s License
Netherlands (18) / None / Passport or Driver’s License
Russian Federation (19) / None / Passport or Driver’s License
South Africa (20) / / Candidate name, city, DOB, general release, special release, and national ID# / Passport or Driver’s License
Additional documentation for other countries
Location / Special release / Additional documentation / Clear copy of IDDominion Republic / / Candidate name, city, DOB, and special release
Full Address
Passport or National ID#
Mother’s maiden name / Passportor Driver’s License
Mexico / / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release, special releaseMother’s maiden name
Do not need Central America release / Passport or Driver’s License
New Zealand / / Candidate name, city, DOB, special release (leave section I blank), and general release / Passport or Driver’s License
Singapore / National ID# / Passport or Driver’s License
Sweden / / Candidate name, city, DOB, and special release / Passport or
Copy of Birth Certificate
Virgin Islands / Candidate name, city, DOB, and general release, SSN, middle name, island (e.g. Saint Thomas, etc.), place of birth / Passport or Driver’s License
*All countries now require a clear copy of ID (Passport or Driver’s License)*