Instructor: Ms. Blaisdell

Room: 44

Courses: 6th grade English Language Arts and Social Studies/Geography


Dear Parent and/or Guardian,

Welcome to a new school year at Frost Middle School! I will be your child’s English and Social Studies teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. It is my goal to provide all students with an academically challenging, yet engaging, learning experience. Through hard work and dedication your child will have a very successful 6th grade year.Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns. I will typically reply to parent emails within 24 hours. I will be available to meet for a scheduled conference during 5th period or after school.

Course Description

English 6:

In the 6th grade, students will focus on active engagement with the text. They are required to analyze, define, explain, and critique rather than merely understand, describe, use, and distinguish as they were required to do in the fifth grade. However, the standards still require students to read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. The English 6 course is divided into four units: Narrative, Expository, Response to Literature, and Persuasion. Each unit includes writing and reading selections recommended by the District Design Lessons in addition to teacher selected components. The skills to be emphasized across all units at the 6thgrade level are Reading, Writing, Written and Oral English Language Conventions, and Listening/Speaking.

World History and Geography 6: Ancient Civilizations:

Students in 6th grade will expand their understanding of history by studying the people and events that ushered in the dawn of the major ancient civilizations. Geography is of special significance in the development of the human story. Continued emphasis is placed on the everyday lives, problems, and accomplishments of people; including their role in developing social, economic, and political structures, as well as their role in establishing and spreading ideas that helped transform the world forever. Students will develop higher levels of critical thinking by considering why civilizations developed where and when they did, why they became dominant, and why they declined. Students will analyze the interactions among the various cultures, emphasizing their enduring contributions and the link, despite time, between the modern and ancient worlds.


Letter Grade:

Letter grades will be determined using a standard point system. The accumulated points will be converted to percentages which determine the student’s grade.

The following scale is used: 100-90%=A, 89-80%=B, 79-70%=C, 69-60%=D, 59 or below=F.

Please visit school website for a detailed rubric.

Academic Weigh Scale:

Percentage of Letter Grade: / Evaluative Criteria: / Method of Evaluation:
50% / Tests/Quizzes / All weekly tests, final unit tests, reading quizzes etc.
25% / Projects/Writing Assignments / Classroom projects, written/oral presentations, take-home essays, and in-class writing pieces.
15% / Classwork/Participation / Classwork assignments and activities, student participation, and work effort.
10% / Homework / Students will be given either full credit, half credit, or no credit for all homework assignments.

Work Habits Grade:

Work habits grade will be determined based on student’s effort, responsibility, and attendance.

Exceptional demonstration=E, Satisfactory demonstration= S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U.

Please visit school website for a detailed rubric.

3 missing homework assignments per grading period will result in a “U” in work habits grade.

Cooperation Grade:

Cooperation grade will be determined based on student’s courtesy, conduct, improvement, and class relations.

Exceptional demonstration =E, Satisfactory demonstration=S, Unsatisfactory demonstration=U.

Please visit school website for a detailed rubric.

Make-Up Work Policy

Student will be given 1 day to make up classwork and homework for each verifiable, excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to gather all necessary make-up classwork and homework from the Absent Folder or the teacher the day the student returns to class.If a student missed a test, he/she will need to make-up the test during class or lunchtime. Students will always be given time to eat his/her lunch in the classroom.

Classroom Rules, Consequences, and Behavior Expectations

Students will adhere to the following classroom rules:

  1. Come to class prepared with all needed materials.
  2. Always ask for permission to leave your seat.
  3. Raise your hand to speak. Don’t talk when the teacher is talking.
  4. For safety reasons, always leave your backpack in your locker.
  5. Always try your best and have a positive attitude.
  6. Be safe, be respectful, and be responsible!

In addition to the above mentioned rules, our classroom will follow the rules, guidelines, and procedures for Frost Middle School.


Students will be praised and rewarded for good behavior. However, if a student is disrespectful or a classroom rule is broken there will be the following consequences:

1st offense- Warning

2nd offense- 10 minute lunch or nutrition student-teacher conference

3rd offense- Teacher assigned lunch detention and a call, email, or note sent home

(Student will be given time to eat his/her lunch in the classroom.)

4th offense- Teacher assigned 1 hour after school detention and parent/teacher/student conference

5th offense- Administrative referral

Homework and Late-Work Policy

Students are responsible for recording homework assignments in the Frost Student Agenda. Homework is due the next class meeting (unless otherwise noted). If homework is turned in late (one day only) the assignment will receive half credit. Late work, beyond one day, will not be accepted.

Supply List* (These are all the supplies needed for English and History)

One 2” 3-Ring binder

One ream of printer/copy paper (paper is used throughout the year for worksheets, maps, etc.)

One set of 5dividers for binder

Filler paper

Pencil pouch (preferably with 3 holes so it can fit in the 3-ring binder) or pencil box

Two pocket folders

Two composition notebooks

Yellow or pink highlighter

Black or blue pen

Red pen for correcting work (a pen, not a marker)

Pencils with erasers (preferably mechanical pencils with lead)

Crayola colored pencils or Crayola crayons

Two glue sticks

Student-safe scissors

*accommodations can be made

Thank you for your help and understanding in purchasing these supplies! They will be for your child’s use in class. These supplies are necessary throughout the year for student binder checks. If you’re unable to purchase some of the supplies, you can email me and we can work something out.

Any and all donations for classroom materials (copy paper, art supplies, etc) are greatly appreciated!! 

Students: Be prepared to work hard with a positive attitude!!

Parents: I have high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking your son/daughter’s work to make sure it is being completed. I want to help your child learn andsucceed! Please feel free to contact me via email at r by calling the school and leaving a messagewith any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Keep this course syllabus! Please sign and return the last page to Ms. Blaisdell.


Permission to View Educational PG-Rated Movies

There are times when we may watch an educational video about historical concepts. Most of the educational videos are rated “G”, however, there are some that are rated “PG”

Please check or initial whether or not you allow your child to watch the “PG” rated films.

______I give my child permission to watch “PG” rated educational films.

______I DO NOT give my child permission to watch “PG” rated educational films.

Wehave read and understood Ms. Blaisdell’s rules, grading policy, and classroom expectations.

______/ ______

Parent Signature Print Name(s) Date


Parent Email Phone Number(s)

______/ ______

Student Signature Print Name Date

Comments and/or Questions:

Does the student have any allergies or health concerns I should be aware of?