Howlett Hill Fire Department

Monthly Meeting Minutes– February 16, 2004

Called to order 8:08 PM by President Frank Valls

Treasurer report – Glenn Peryea reported on financial status. Motion and 2nd to accept treasurer report as read – passed

Special Account – read by Dick Farrell. Motion and 2nd to accept as read – passed (see attached)

Dick also handed out a sheet for everyone to verify their years of service

Frank V passed around minutes from January 2004 Monthly Business Meeeting.

Chief’s Report – Fred Isgar gave in absence of Chief Harris.

Physicals – if you did not get a physical you can’t participate. See Fred to go to Dr. Tyndall’s office.

We now have mail slots in the Resource Room for every member

Whoever wants hepatitis B shots, let Fred know tonight – there is also a form to fill out – see Frank for it. You have to sign the refusal form if you do not get shot.

Next Monday – drill is elevator rescue

RIT packs are in – to be placed – members should familiarize themselves with where the new packs are located

During the basement fire on Saturday, Feb 14th – everyone did fabulous job

Truck reports are completed – finding a lot of trash on trucks. Additionally, Engine 94 team, please pick up after yourself

Thank you Dan Legnetto for the Rope Training class

Lieutenant reports- none

Training Center - Scott B reported there will be a 1403 class at the Training Center - April 13, 2004 at 7 AM. Sentinel Heights tentative – also Saturday the 17th (8 or 9am) walk thru etc.

If there is any work you think needs to be done at the Training Tower, let Scott know – he’ll take it back to the Town Training Committee. Currently, the Town Training Committee is working on an issue with the water line to the Tower location.

Fred Isgar has loaded all 2003 alarms into the computer. If you want to know your numbers for 2003, contact Fred.

Committee Reports

By-law Committee – Frank published initial by-laws to review – will meet to work out the re-write process. More next month.

AED Committee – no money now – no changes since last month

Sports Committee – Barry Peryea reported that for the County Bowling Tournament HHFD needs 2 more people to send 3 teams. See Barry if you are interested. HHFD might need stand-by during the Tournament. Barry will talk to the Chief. If you want to bowl doubles, the $20 is out of your pocket

Resignations and Expulsions

Received request from Brian Bealer indicating his intention to be on a leave of absence through June.

Proposals for membership

An 18 year old male and his father came to the fire house to inquire about becoming a member. They were told our membership age requirement is 19 or be an HHFD Explorer. The prospect indicated that he has been a Taunton Explorer for 4 years. He was given an application and told to return it. He lives in Camillus. Maybe we should contact Taunton for references. He said he would get letter from Taunton.

Ask John Harris about out of district members?

“We need to find out his status at Taunton” Action item


Thank you note received from Valerie Kraus for the flowers sent to her while recovering from surgery.

Received a card from Carol Sharpe for flowers we sent to her during her recent stay in the hospital.

OCVFA Meeting – We have been requested to provide a list of members that have passed away this year by April 30th

Action item

Mercy Flight looking for donations, see new business

Old Business –

Dress uniform replacement list was passed around during the meeting for members to update. We will place an order after the meeting. Action Item

A Draft SOG for HHFD mail pick-up and delivery was reviewed and approved by the HHFD Board of Directors (see attached)

The Chief, Board Chairman, President and Vice President are the only HHFD members who are authorized to retrieve mail from the HHFD mailbox on Beef Street. The rule for those four individuals is: if you don’t have the time to sort the once you pick it up, then don’t pick it up. A copy of this SOG was posted copy in the Resource Room.

New Business –

Mercy Flight donation – Kurt motion, 2nd Fred discussion followed – Jeb thought we said we weren’t spending money. After discussion a vote was taken, 2 in favor of giving; the majority voted no. It was decided we will not give Mercy Flight a donation this year. (see attached)

Dick Farrell reported that the doorstop for closet door in the main, lower entrance is missing. He asks if anyone finds it to replace it, or see him.

Tomorrow, February 17, the County Ladies Auxiliary will be having a monthly meeting here at HHFD for the first time in years. The parking lot will be full, therefore, if we get a call be extra careful of the additional cars in the parking lot.

Fred Isgar discussed the Board’s recent ruling about the alarm ratio pertaining to Engine 94 alarms and service awards.

Every member has a chance to work Engine 94, Fred made a motion - we should overrule the board decision excluding Engine 94 calls out of district, 2nd – discussion followed.

We should investigate service award program to see if it is even legal to exclude alarms from the service awards defined contribution. Action item Glenn P to investigate

A vote was taken – majority ruled to overrule board directive – we will count all calls from Engine 94 in the total number of runs for service.

Fred Isgar inquired for Paul Doner – What is the status of the utility box for Squad 4? The Chief noted that we have not made a final decision on it yet, depending on what we will be doing with vehicle. This is still an open item. Discussion followed, and an action generated.

Kurt, Brian Gale, Chris Isgar will put together a recommendation for Squad 4 lay-out. Action item

Frank stated that we have implemented as part of the Monthly Meeting Minutes, an Action Item Task List. The list will be used to track the status of Action Items from month to month. It will give us a method to see if progress is being made or not, and if not, determine how we all can help those responsible.

Read the current Action Item List and status (see attached). This will be updated monthly.

Good & Welfare – Thanks to all who gave blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Sat. Feb, 14th.

50/50 raffle - none tonight

Motion by Jeb to accept minutes from January Business Meeting, 2nd Scott

All in favor, minutes were approved.

Scott mentioned a reminder to all: If a member of the print or television media calls the FD; you should not talk to the media. Refer them to the Chief, President or Chairman of the Board.

John Harris Jr. reported that Key Bank was threatening the motion of foreclosing on the current mortgage/loan with the fire department. The timeframe could be as early as March 2004.

We should look at getting all money out of Key Bank. The Special Account at Key Bank should move to Solvay Bank, motion John, 2nd Scott, all in favor – opposed none.

These comments and discussion are to remain within the department.

Motion to adjourn – Scott, 2nd all in favor – 9:10pm

Respectfully submitted – Laureen Legnetto March 1, 2004

Howlett Hill Fire Department

Monthly Business Meeting

Year-to-Date 2004 Action Item Tracking

Month / Action / Who owns / When Needed / Comments
Dec ‘03 / Hold Org. Mtg. With Lt’s / Fred Isgar / Jan 04 / Completed, meeting held.
Dec ‘03 / Can we hold off paying Mitson Group in advance of 2004 training / Glenn Peryea / Jan ‘04 / Completed. Payments held, OK with Mitson
Dec ‘03 / By Laws Committee org. mtg. / Frank Valls & Jim Harris / TBD Jan or Feb. / In process
Dec ‘03 / Rent PO Box / Frank Valls / Jan ‘04 / In Process, see below Mail delivery SOP. Present at B.O.D. mtg 2/5 and Feb Bus. Mtg
Completed with adoption of Mail SOG 2/04
Jan ‘04 / There are a lot of truck & equipment problems that need addressing. Truck foremen are responsible for the checkout of the trucks / Fred Isgar / On-going Feb ‘04 / Truck reports getting done,
Still an issue Feb ‘04
Jan ‘04 / SCBA’s need to be checked out on all runs, used or not. / Fred Isgar / On-going Feb ‘04
Jan ‘04 / Capt. Isgar will create a book for all truck & equipment problems so they can be addressed sooner. / Fred Isgar / In Process Feb ‘04
Jan ‘04 / Committees need to establish goals / Frank Valls and Committee Chairpersons / Feb – Dec ‘04 / No Action Feb ‘04
Jan ‘04 / Publish a DRAFT SOP for HHFD mail delivery within the station / Frank Valls / Feb Bus. Mtg. / Completed Feb ’04
Jan ‘04 / Gather member badging and uniform needs / Frank Valls & Dick Farrell / Feb. Bus. Mtg / Completed Feb ‘04
Jan ‘04 / Ladies Aux. Will be inventorying the kitchen for re-stocking of pans, etc. / Aux. Pres. Farrell / Feb. Bus. Mtg. / In Process Feb ‘04
Jan ‘04 / Need 2003 Member alarm, drill, training numbers to calculate Service Award reports / Glenn Peryea / March 15th / In Process Feb ’04 99%
Feb ‘04 / Investigate Service Award requirements for counting runs, esp. Engine 94 / Glenn Peryea / ASAP April ‘04
Feb ‘04 / Investigate Out of District member status / John Harris Jr / ASAP April ‘04
Feb ‘04 / List of members that passed away this year for county / Laureen Legnetto / April 30th to County
Feb ‘04 / Place order for uniform “parts” replacements / John Harris Jr / March ‘04
Feb ‘04 / Publish a recommendation for the use & configuration of Squad 4 / Kurt Kraus
Brian Gale
Chris Isgar / TBD
Feb ‘04 / Move department Special Acct. funds from Key Bank to Solvay Bank / Dick Farrell / March ‘03


Monthly Meeting 2-16-04