Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015


Prime General Contractor Firm:

(Name of Firm)

If submitting as a Joint Venture:

Joint Venture Partners:

(Name of Firm)

(Name of Firm)

(insert lines as needed)

EACH Candidate – Prime; or in the case of Joint Ventures, EACH JV Partnering Firm – MUST

complete the following information.

Cover Letter, Candidate Contact Information

Release and Waiver Agreement

Part I: Organization, History,

Organizational Performance

Part II: Essential Requirements for Qualification

Certified Statement of Surety

Part III: Relevant Projects

Project #1 & Required Attachments

Project #2 & Required Attachments

Project #3 & Required Attachments

Project #4 & Required Attachments

Project #5 & Required Attachments


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015



Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015

Firm Name:

Check One: Sole Proprietor


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015

(Name as it appears on license) Partnership


Joint Venture

Contact Person:



(City, State, Zip)


E-mail Address:

If firm is a sole proprietor or partnership: Owner(s) of Firm:

Contractor’s License Number(s) and Expiration Dates:

(License Number) (Expiration Date)

Tax ID number:

General Tax Exemption Number:

Dun and Bradstreet Number (if applicable):


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015

Each prospective Contractor must have a General Building "B" California Contractor’s license which is current, active and in good standing with the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB), on the date and time the request for qualifications submittal is due and must submit this request for qualification with all portions completed, including required attachments. Each prospective Contractor must answer all of the following questions and provide all requested information, where applicable. Any prospective Contractor failing to do so may be deemed unqualified to bid. It is critical that prospective Contractors fill out all information required accurately, completely, truthfully and to the best of their knowledge. Ambiguous or incomplete information may lead to an unfavorable evaluation resulting in a determination of non-responsibility.

The undersigned hereby agrees and declares that receipt of this submittal by the City and County of San Francisco does not constitute either a direct or implied guarantee that prequalification is or will be granted.

I, the undersigned, certify and declare that I have read all the foregoing answers to this Prequalification Application Package and know their contents. The matters stated in the answers to the forms and questionnaires are true of my own knowledge and belief, except as to those matters stated on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is correct.

The undersigned is a legally authorized representative of the General Contractor for the legal name noted above.

General Contractor


(Printed Name / Title) (Date)


Subscribed and sworn to before me on day of _, 2015

(Signature and Stamp)

(Printed Name)

Notary Public in and for the State of

Residing at

Expiration Date


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015


This Release and Waiver of Liability (hereinafter the “Release”) is entered into between the City and

County of San Francisco through its Recreation and Park Department and

, a general contractor (hereinafter “Contractor”).


1. The City and County of San Francisco through its Recreation and Park Department has issued a Request for Qualifications to establish a pool of General Contractors qualified to bid on the Randall Museum Renovation Project.

2. General Contractor has submitted a response to RPD’s Request for Qualification and has submitted projects and owners as references for its qualifications.

3. The City seeks candid comments on the General Contractor’s performance on the listed projects from the owners and the owners’ representatives.


General Contractor hereby fully and forever releases, exonerates, discharges, indemnifies and covenants not to sue the City, its commissions and boards, officers and employees, and all individuals and entities furnishing comments on General Contractor’s performance from and for any and all claims, causes of action, demands, damages and any and all other liabilities of any kind or description, in law, equity, or otherwise arising out of information furnished about General Contractor’s performance on the projects.


The City, its commissions and boards, officers and employees and all individuals and entities furnishing any information relating to General Contractor’s qualifications are intended beneficiaries of

this Release and Waiver and are entitled to enforce its terms.

(Signature) (Date) (General Contractor Authorized Representative)


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015


Candidates shall complete all information requested below. In the case of Joint Ventures, the requirements apply to each Joint Venture partner individually, unless otherwise noted.

A Organizational Structure

1 For Firms That Are Sole Proprietorships:

Date of commencement of business:

Under the laws of which state Identify every construction firm that the business owner has been associated with (as owner, general partner, limited partner or officer) at any time during the last five years.

NOTE “owner” and “partner” refer to ownership of ten percent or more of the business, or ten percent or more of its stock, if the business is a corporation.

Person’s Name / Construction Firm / Dates of Person’s
Participation with Firm

2 For Firms That Are Partnerships:

Date of formation:

Under the laws of which state Provide the following information for each partner who owns ten percent or more of the firm.

Name / Position / Years with Co. / % Ownership

Identify every construction firm that any person listed above has been associated with (as owner, general partner, limited partner or officer) at any time during the last five years. NOTE: “owner” and “partner” refer to ownership of ten percent or more of the business, or ten percent or more of its stock, if the business is a corporation.

Person’s Name / Construction Firm / Dates of Person’s
Participation with Firm


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015

3 For Firms That Are Corporations:

Date incorporated:

Under the laws of which state Provide the following information for each person who is either (a) an officer of the

corporation (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer), or (b) the owner(s) of at least ten percent of the corporation’s stock.

Name / Position / Years with Co. / % Ownership

Identify every construction firm that any person listed above has been associated with (as owner, general partner, limited partner or officer) at any time during the last five years. NOTE: “owner” and “partner” refer to ownership of ten per cent or more of the business, or 10 per cent or more of its stock, if the business is a corporation.

Person’s Name / Construction Firm / Dates of Person’s
Participation with Firm

4 For Firms That Intend to Bid as a Joint Venture:

In the case of Joint Ventures, each Joint Venture partner must provide the following information:

Provide the following information for each firm that is a member of the joint venture that expects to bid on the project. Specify which firm will lead the Joint Venture and how the work and responsibilities will be divided among the Joint Venture. Attach additional sheets as necessary. A Joint Venture License is not necessary for this RFQ, but must be submitted to the City prior to any award of a construction contract.

Name of Firms / Proposed % Ownership of Joint

(a) If the Joint Venture is formed at Stage 1, all Partnering Firms must provide and meet the requirements described in this RFQ;

(b) If a Joint Venture is formed after Stage 1, all Partnering Firm must be Pre-Qualified.


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015

B History of the Business, Organizational Performance and Financial Information

1 How many years has your organization been in business in California, as a Contractor, under your present business name and license number?

2 Is the firm a subsidiary, parent, holding firm or affiliate of another construction firm?

NOTE: Include information about other firms if one firm owns 50 percent or more of another, or if an owner, partner, or officer of your firm holds a similar position in another firm.

Yes No

If “yes” and a firm seeks to prequalify on the basis of the financial status or the experience of an affiliate or parent firm, then that affiliate or parent firm will be required to provide an affidavit guaranteeing the contract performance of the prequalifying firm in every respect

including indemnity.

3 Are any corporate officers, partners or owners connected to any other construction firm(s)?

NOTE: Include information about other firms if an owner, partner or officer of your firm holds a similar position in another firm.

Yes No

If “yes,” explain on a separate signed page.

4 State your firm’s gross revenues for each of the last three years

Year 1 / $
Year 2 / $
Year 3 / $

C Licenses

1. List all license numbers, classifications and expiration dates of any California Contractor licenses held by the candidate firm(s):

Firm Name / License # / Classification / Expiration

2. If any of your firm’s license(s) are held in the name of a corporation or partnership, list below the names of the qualifying individual(s) listed on the CSLB records who meet(s) the experience and examination requirements for each license:

Name / License # / Classification / Expiration


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015

3. Has your firm changed names or license numbers in the past eight (8) years?

Yes No

If “yes,” explain on a separate signed page, including the reason for the change. List all names and all licenses used.

4. Has any owner, partner or (for corporations) officer of your firm operated a construction firm under any other name in the last five years?

Yes No

If “yes,” explain on a separate signed page, including the reason for the change.


Request for Qualifications

General Contracting for

Randall Museum Renovation February 24, 2015


Prospective candidates shall complete all questions below. Criteria for passing are listed for each question. In the case of Joint Ventures, the requirements apply to each Joint Venture partner individually. If additional sheets are necessary, candidates shall attach them in order, and reference the question being answered. Criteria for passing Part II Essential Requirements for Qualification is as follows:

· Contractor will be immediately disqualified if the answer to any of questions 1 through 4 is “no.”

· Contractor will be immediately disqualified if the answer to any of questions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 is


· Contractor will be disqualified if the answers to questions 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 do not total at least 20 points.

1. Does your firm possess a current General Building "B" California Contractor’s license?

Yes No

If “no,” Candidate is not qualified to bid.

2. Does your firm possess a liability insurance policy with a policy limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate?

Yes No

If “no,” Candidate is not qualified to bid.

3. Does your firm have current workers’ compensation insurance policy as required by the

Labor Code or is legally self-insured pursuant to Labor Code section 3700 et. seq.?

Yes No Exempt

If “no,” Candidate is not qualified to bid.

4. Have you attached a notarized statement from an admitted surety insurer (approved by the California Department of Insurance) and authorized to issue bonds in the State of California, which states that your current bonding capacity is sufficient for the project for which you seek pre-qualification (at least $5 million)? Please note that statements from agents or brokers will not be accepted. In the case of a Joint Venture, at least one of the Partnering Firms must provide the surety statement. Statement shall contain all information shown on the Sample Certification of Surety at the end of Part II.

Yes No

If “no,” Candidate is not qualified to bid.

5. Has your Contractor’s license been revoked in the last eight (8) years?

Yes No Suspended

If “yes,” Candidate is not qualified to bid. If your Contractor’s license has been suspended in the last five (5) years, you may not be eligible to bid. Please explain the details on a separate sheet as to why you believe you should be eligible to bid.

6. Within the last eight (8) years, has a surety or the owner of a project completed or paid for the completion of a project on your behalf because your firm was terminated for cause by the owner?

Yes No