Name:______Chapter 5

Distracted Driving Quiz

1. Driving while texting on your phone is the equivalent to consuming:

A) 2 alcoholic drinks

B) 4 alcoholic drinks

C) 6 alcoholic drinks

D) 0 alcoholic drinks

2. How many people a year die from distracted driving related accidents?

A) 2, 000

B) 4,000

C) 6,000

D) 8,000

3. True or False: Statistics show that talking on the phone or texting while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk.

4. How many people a year are involved in distracted driving related accidents?

A) 100,000

B) 300,000

C) 500,000

D) 700,000

5. True or False: Using a headset or other hands free device eliminates the effects of distracted driving.

6. True or False: Singing along to a song playing on your car radio or iPod while driving is a form of distracted driving.

7. True or False: Talking or texting on a phone while driving is a skill that you can learn to do safely.

8. Which of the following contribute to distracted driving:

A) Being alert for potential road hazards

B) Speed of the windshield wipers

C) Talking on the phone to someone who is driving

D) Focusing on the weather conditions

9. How many cell phone owning teens ages 16-17 say they have talked on a cell phone while driving?

A) 32%

B) 42%

C) 52%

D) 62%

10. True or False: A driver talking on the phone is four times more likely to get in an accident.

Distraction Activity

1. Take out your cell phone

2. Watch the following 30 sec. commercial:M & M's

3. You will text/iMessage the following message into your phone/while watching:

I will be at your house after I am finished with work tonight”

“My boss kept me late. Sorry. I’m leaving now”

  1. What did the mom find in the wash?
  1. What color was it?
  1. What were the two kids eating?
  1. What color M & M was sitting on the island?
  1. What color is the mom’s laundry basket?
  1. What color towel was the “naked” M & M wearing?