Speech Proficiency


1.  You will prepare a three to five minute informational speech. Practice diligently to avoid a penalty for going over/under the allotted time

2.  The speech should inform the audience about a topic you have researched. You must show evidence of your research by submitting a “Works Cited” page (2-3 sources)

3.  You may use two 3x5 cards as an aid in giving your speech. You may use both sides of the card. Although I will check your cards before your speech, the card will be collected at the end. You may not write in complete sentences on your cards! Doing so will result in confiscation of them.

4.  You must submit a complete, typed, MLA formatted manuscript prior to speaking.

5.  Visual aids (powerpoint) are required and must be integrated into the body of the speech.

Suggestions for a Successful Speech:

Introductions: Your speech will consist of three parts- an introduction, body, and conclusion. Although you give your introduction first, you will often prepare it last. The introduction is like a bridge between your audience and your topic. You need to first establish a friendly relationship between you and your audience. You must have an interesting introduction to gain the attention of your audience. Some suggestions are:

1)  humorous anecdote

2)  quotation

3)  startling statement (either fact or opinion)

4)  audience participation

Body of Speech: Make sure you have at least three supporting details with elaboration for each point made. This portion will reflect your research

Conclusions: The conclusion of your speech is the final opportunity that you have to communicate effectively both your ideas and your attitudes. Conclusions should be as well planned as your introduction.

Your conclusion needs to be brief, simple, unified, and energetic. Give your listeners some indication that you are drawing to a close. Use some transitional material to indicate this is the final summary. If you want a sharp reaction, you must give strength and vitality to your final words. Perhaps include a quotation, an anecdote, or an appeal (call to action) as your final thought.

Abrupt endings to stay within the time frame will be penalized!