15 JULY 2017

The meeting was called to order at 1040 by RADM Kinghorn. Pledge of Allegiance dispensed with due to lack of flag.

Introductions of attendees followed.

Attendees: RDML David Throop (D13), his spouse Marina, CMC Sean McPhilamy, CAPT “Stash” Romanowicz (Base CO), Co-Chairs Bert Kinghorn and Phil Johnson, Ms. Angela LeMaster (Base Transition Relocation Manager), Gary Ausman, Bob Wallace, Stan Smith, Jeff Hill, Larry Cruz, Chris Tossey, Evelyn Oliver, Paul Luppert and Charlie Craig (both on phone from Spokane)

April minutes accepted as printed.

New Business:

RADM Kinghorn gave a short history of our organization based on our Charter, what we have done and are doing for RDML Throop. He pointed out how successful our web page and various comms are, thanks primarily to Co-Chair Phil Johnson.

RDML Throop gave a short history of his family and his career noting that with his assignment as D13 he’s now served in all four corners of the U.S. He thanked the Council for the service we provide to both pending and retired retirees. He said the CG’s ship recapitalization project was on track and that we are now scheduled for a total of 10 NSC’s. Other platforms including aircraft are also on track. However, the downside is that funding for shore facilities is still lagging behind and there isn’t a lot light at the end of the tunnel.

He mentioned that the CG’s Cyber Sec unit is beginning to stand-up. He noted the British model where civilians with expertise in Cyber Sec are trained from 1-3 years by the military and then begin a one year on, one year off rotation serving the military as Cyber Sec specialists. That probably wouldn’t work here but the concept is interesting. He advocated adding people to the CG work force and briefly went over how Blended Retirement, beginning in 2018, will affect CG personnel, especially the younger ones who may not have good financial literacy, hence the need for intense training programs. Four thousand CG members currently have all their retirement funds in the stable G-Fund under TSP. Training will deal with how to diversify those funds so that the individuals get the most for their investments.

During Q & A, Stan Smith asked him to expand on the Cyber Sec build up and how this might affect the Reserve Component given that there are many individuals out there in the private sector with Cyber Sec backgrounds who might join the Reserve Component program and provide valuable Cyber Sec on drill weekends. RDML Throop agreed in principle and said he would pass this along to Headquarters. He also agreed that building the Reserve Component Cyber Sec program along with the AD would make sense. RDML Throop and his wife departed at approx. 1115.

RADM Kinghorn introduced Ms. Angela LeMaster, Base Seattle’s new Transition Relocation Manager, to the group. She gave a short brief on herself and talked about the upcoming Retiree Appreciation Day, which will take place on 20 July from 1000-1300 in the Base gym. Food will be available. Numerous topics pertaining to the care and feeding of retirees will be covered. All retirees are encouraged to attend for the information, plus it will be a great opportunity to catch up with old shipmates. She was also thanked by CAPT Romanowicz for her hard-charging work ethic.

Old Business:

  • Bert Kinghorn and CMC McPhilamy went over the details for the upcoming funeral at Tahoma for MCPO Phil Smith.
  • CAPT Romanowicz mentioned that LT Ashley Wanzer, our previous Base liaison, is now in AZ and doing well in her new pursuits. Fleet week will be the first week of August with Seafair following shortly. The CG Day picnic was moved to Friday, 11 August due to the overlapping Fleet Week activities. The Council will have a table staffed by Bob Wallace and Tricia Stolle. CGC Healy is underway to the Arctic and CGC Polar Star will be out of drydock in CA in a couple of weeks and head to the Antarctic. NSC Bertholf is currently in the yard here in Seattle for structural upgrades and will be followed by CGC Waesche when Bertholf comes out.

Area Reports:

  • Charlie Craig had nothing to report from the South except that he may be moving to the Spokane area soon and will keep us updated on the details.
  • Paul Luppert mentioned that the AF Thunderbirds will be performing at the Spokane Airshow on 29-30 July.
  • Bob Wallace, our VA rep, noted that over $ 1 billion that was promised to the VA will not be forthcoming. Bottom line is that the VA will NOT have the funds to assist the vets like it promised. Many of the current VA services will most likely be outsourced to private medical facilities, but… without adequate funding many of the private physicians may turn them down due to the lack of funds to cover the vets’ medical expenses. The lack of funding has also negatively affected the VA Choice Program. VA looking for a $ 1 billion bailout.
  • MCPO McPhilamy discussed the MilitaryCoalition and the edge the CG currently has with retired MCPOCG Vince Patton as President of the NCO Association. The Fleet Reserve Association will meet in Tacoma later this year.
  • Jeff Hill attended the National Retiree Council meeting at Headquarters in April and said it was very much the same as last year’s. Nothing really new came out of the meeting other than the updated Retiree Council Instruction.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for 14 Oct 2017 in the Coho Room on Base Seattle.

After a moment of silence, the meeting Adjourned at 1200.