LEADS Executive Meeting Minutes

August 9, 2012

3:20 pm

Elk Ridge Hotel


Present: President Doug Robertson; President – Elect Randy Fox; Jan Pogorzelec; Don Rempel; Elizabeth Thunderchild; Guy Tetrault; Mike Walter; Susan Maserek ;Don Somers

Call to Order: President Doug Robertson

1.0  Preliminary Items

1.1  Adoption of the Agenda

Motion: Rempel/Walter

That the agenda be adopted as amended.


1.2  Adoption of Minutes of May 2012 Executive Meeting

Motion: Pogorzelec/Maserek

That the minutes of the May Executive Meeting be adopted as circulated.


1.3  Adoption of Minutes of June 2012 Executive Meeting

Motion: Thunderchild/Tetrault

That the minutes of the June Executive Meeting be adopted as circulated.


2.0  Additional Items

2.1  Follow Up Discussion to Special Membership Meeting

Correspondence will be drafted and sent to the Minister of Education requesting approval of the amended LEADS Bylaw 8.2.

2.2  Update on ‘Business Acumen’ Module Development

The executive director updated the executive on the business acumen modules proposal, including the potential development of a module addressing Public Policy Development and Government Decision-making.

2.3  Website Development Proposals

The submissions for the LEADS website RFP’s were reviewed by the executive.

Motion: Pogorzelec/Tetrault

That the proposal submitted by Fusion Online Business Solutions Inc be accepted.


2.4  Inter-organizational Meeting Update

The inter-organizational retreat will be held October 4 & 5, 2012 in Saskatoon on the topic of Student Engagement, facilitated by Don Lenihan.

2.5  SSBA-SASBO Request for Joint Fall Conference

The executive discussed the logistics of a joint fall conference with SSBA & SASBO and directed the executive director to follow up with the partner organizations to discuss the potential for a 2014 date.

2.6  Committee Applications

Motion: Maserek/Walter

That the appointments of LEADS representatives to the following committees be approved:

SHSAA: Kyle McIntyre

Educational Leadership: Derrick Huschi;Michael Diachuk; Bruce Baldwin


Discipline: Ben Grebinski

2nd Language Acquisition: Helen Prefontaine

Principals’ Short Course: Lori Jeschke

Student Achievement Advisory: Cindy Coffin; Guy Tetrault (alternate)

Information Management Advisory: Daryl Koroluk; Darryl Basylak

First Nations and Metis Education Advisory: Jason Young (extension)

Independent Schools: Tony Baldwin (extension)

Practical & Applied Arts: Cathy Herrick (extension)

Secondary Math: Darrell Zaba (extension)

SPDU Accreditation Seminars: Noel Roche (extension)

PM’s Selection Committee for Science & Tech Award: Sandra Barragar (extension)

Education Week: Gloria Antifaiff (extension)


2.7  Student Achievement Advisory Committee Update

Guy Tetrault provided an update on committee developments that reiterated the information provided by the Ministry in its key note session at the Summer Short Course.

2.8  Budget to Actual and Cheque Register

Motion: Walter/Fox

To receive the Budget to Actual and Cheque Register


2.9  RBC Investments Statement

Motion: Fox/Maserek

To receive the RBC Investments Statement


3.0  Correspondence

Motion: Thunderchild/Tetrault

That the information and correspondence be received.


4.0 Adjournment

Motion: Fox

That the meeting adjourns.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.

Next Meeting:

September 13 & 14, 2012

Bessborough Hotel, Saskatoon

Doug Robertson Don Hoium

President, L.E.A.D.S. Executive Director, L.E.A.D.S.